PASS ME A TISSUE: New York Times Extremely Butthurt About Laws Suddenly Being Enforced


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A great essay that clearly reflects the entire Left’s reactions to Attorney General Session’s stance on enforcing the laws. They simply cannot tolerate the face that this entire administration is based upon considering the U.S. Constitution the law of this land.

When it was Attorney General Eric Holder running guns to Mexican crime syndicates, the Times was silent.

When Holder was using the power of the state to investigate reporters, the Times was silent. When he tried to cover up the Fort Hood Islamist shooting, the Times was silent.

When he started a war on legal gun ownership, which is firmly embedded in the Constitution, the Times cheered. When Holder attempted to crack down on states that dared require identification to safeguard voting, the Times cheered.

When he was protecting rogue IRS agents and going after whistleblowers, the Times was silent.

And when he went after Arizona for getting tough on illegal aliens, the Times cheered. So that little history lesson makes the Editorial Board's issues with AG Jeff Sessions understandable.

Much more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: PASS ME A TISSUE: New York Times Extremely Butthurt About Laws Suddenly Being Enforced
Much of the MSM is the Fifth Column...fortunately, more and more Americans are finally realizing it.

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