Parkland shooting survivor takes on gun control...and finds the proposals lacking...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the one Parkland shooting survivor who is making sense and who isn't using fascism to push their anti gun agenda...

KASHUV: 'Common Sense Gun Control' Lacks Common Sense

1) Kristof: "Require universal background checks to see if a purchaser is a felon or a threat to others.”

My response: The real problem with universal background checks (UBCs) is that they won't make any difference in firearm crimes because most guns used in crimes are not obtained legally. In other words, UBCs don’t impact straw purchasers, people who traffic firearms and ignore the law generally, and kids who take them from parents. And its main value is not preventive, but punitive -- punishing people after the crime has been committed. On top of this, UBCs place a tremendous burden on private transfers/purchases because only Federal Firearms Licensees have access to the background check system. In states with these laws, you have/ to effectively use the FFL as a middle man and it can cost an extra hundred or more dollars, thereby disproportionately impacting the poor.

The studies that Kristof cites are uncompelling. Polling about universal background check support is suspect because most people don't understand what the law already does or the impact those laws have on the ability to gift/bequest guns, and popularity doesn't equal effectiveness. As for the study on the percentage of people who got guns without background checks, it doesn't say how many received them as gifts or bequests. Mr. Kristof also doesn't mention that about only 1/5 of the invited set of respondents completed both surveys, meaning that at some point along the way, 4/5 dropped out. There is a good chance self-selection played a part as well.

Also, Mr. Kristof likes to point out that surveys show 90% of people support these checks, but he ignores that when these laws were put on the ballots in Nevada and Maine in 2016, they had a hard time breaking 50%, despite Michael Bloomberg massively outspending his opponents by at least 3-to-1.

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