Paris burning!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Anybody know the tax on wine and baguettes?

Seems like the government is keen on using cameras to stop the demonstrators.
...meanwhile a Navy hospital ship is aiding Venezuelans who can't get health care in their own country.
Top story on DRUDGE right now!!

Paris clean-up begins: Graffiti is removed from Arc de Triomphe after protests | Daily Mail Online

Check this shit out! Getting out of control....some say civil unrest may lead to civil war!

We have a few goofballs in this forum that want a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren in 2020. Socialist assholes....this is where socialism will invariably end: mega-taxation of the middle class and revolution. Cities on fire. Doy
My wife wants to know why the major lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, media isnt reporting on this? I told her, "You think the liberal media will show the TRUTH about socialism?"

Socialism Sounds Great — Until You Look at the Facts - Black Community News

But but but they have free healthcare!!! They should be happy!

We have a friend in France. It took her eight weeks to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist for her disabled sister even with what was essentially a STAT referral from the doctor.
Top story on DRUDGE right now!!

Paris clean-up begins: Graffiti is removed from Arc de Triomphe after protests | Daily Mail Online

Check this shit out! Getting out of control....some say civil unrest may lead to civil war!

We have a few goofballs in this forum that want a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren in 2020. Socialist assholes....this is where socialism will invariably end: mega-taxation of the middle class and revolution. Cities on fire. Doy
My wife wants to know why the major lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, media isnt reporting on this? I told her, "You think the liberal media will show the TRUTH about socialism?"

Socialism Sounds Great — Until You Look at the Facts - Black Community News



And why the MSM is not reporting the riots happening as we speak, in Belgium, Germany and other EU countries???? Main Stream Media is Deep State! MSM is FAKE NEWS!

The world is FED UP with Globalism!!!!!!

The world is waking up thanks GOD! :2up::clap2:
Top story on DRUDGE right now!!

Paris clean-up begins: Graffiti is removed from Arc de Triomphe after protests | Daily Mail Online

Check this shit out! Getting out of control....some say civil unrest may lead to civil war!

We have a few goofballs in this forum that want a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren in 2020. Socialist assholes....this is where socialism will invariably end: mega-taxation of the middle class and revolution. Cities on fire. Doy
My wife wants to know why the major lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, media isnt reporting on this? I told her, "You think the liberal media will show the TRUTH about socialism?"

Socialism Sounds Great — Until You Look at the Facts - Black Community News


Yep....virtually no reports in the msm. They dont eant to be exposing what a joke Europe is becomming.
Nationalism YES!

Globalism NO!

Vive La France!

Are the French the st00pidest mofu's we've ever seen? Lol....its like they seek to be God. Again, it's too late for this culture....we are seeing the demise of a once great country, although to be sure that was a long, long time ago now!!
Are the French the st00pidest mofu's we've ever seen? Lol....its like they seek to be God. Again, it's too late for this culture....we are seeing the demise of a once great country, although to be sure that was a long, long time ago now!!

They are like us. Divided, and rightfully so.

After all, we just gave the House back to the Democrats. How stupid is that?

Hopefully, a temporary setback. Vive la liberté.
In The Hague too! :clap::clap::clap:

GOD Bless them and Protect patriots worldwide!!!!! :2up:

Ah, they finally ran out of other peoples' money.

With Macron getting 66% of the votes when he was elected and up to 85% percent of French people supporting the protests, there has to be some serious overlap. They got what they voted for.
GOD BLESS President Trump! GOD BLESS Q!

and at this time ......GOD BLESS all Patriots in the EU who are fighting with all their might the Globalists there!

Wishing you the best brothers and sisters in Europe!!!:2up: :huddle:

You will win!!!!!:clap2:
Ah, they finally ran out of other peoples' money.

With Macron getting 66% of the votes when he was elected and up to 85% percent of French people supporting the protests, there has to be some serious overlap. They got what they voted for.

The problem with all socialism, is that it universally relies on mythology. People want to have fiscal responsibility. People want to have a balanced budget.

But all belief is based on the idea that 'someone else will pay for it'. All support for fiscal responsibility, is based on the idea "they'll cut *other* things, not what I want".

They all want him to get the budget back in order.... but you can't cut education!.... yes get the budget in line.... but you can't cut health care! .... yes only spend what we can afford..... but don't raise taxes on me!

Once you understand the situation the public placed itself... you can see why they get mad.

Petrol in Paris, is up to $6.50/gal. I just filled up for $2.05. And he just raised taxes on fuel higher. It's no wonder the French drive all those crappy tiny cars. They can't hardly afford anything larger than a moped.

You can't cut anything that is a significant portion of the budget.... but you also can't raise taxes on my gasoline to pay for it.... but we want a balanced budget. We don't want to end up like Greece.

This is why it is so much hard to get off the road to serfdom, than to avoid getting on it to begin with.
GOD BLESS President Trump! GOD BLESS Q!

and at this time ......GOD BLESS all Patriots in the EU who are fighting with all their might the Globalists there!

Wishing you the best brothers and sisters in Europe!!!:2up: :huddle:

You will win!!!!!:clap2:

I don't think they are fighting the globalists. I think they are fighting capitalism.

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