Papadopolous...the new distraction for the democrat press, is not going to work....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.

They didn't have a lead...that is the problem. They had a document from the hilary campaign they used to get a FISA warrant and didn't tell the judge the document wasn't real....that is the problem..they lied to a federal judge to get the FISA warrant against American Citizens.....this could lead to Flynn getting off too....
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.


Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that

(a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and

(b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.

Read more at: As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.

LOL 2aguy will never allow himself to be distracted from his mission to defend Trump.
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.

LOL 2aguy will never allow himself to be distracted from his mission to defend Trump.

You lie about Russia, you hide hilary and her ties to are so fucking predictable...
The Democratic Party went to court to defend its right to defraud their own voters.
George Papadopoulos must have some information to give....otherwise he would not have been given a plea deal

Conservatives are going to have to make a lot more smear threads
George Papadopoulos must have some information to give....otherwise he would not have been given a plea deal

Conservatives are going to have to make a lot more smear threads

As Andrew MCarthy already pointed out in another piece, that isn't how you do this.
You don't have the lesser conspirator plea to a crime that has no connection to the actual conspiracy......especially if it is taking a deal where they say they Lied.

You get them to plea to the actual crime......and then you give them a break on sentencing at the end...after they help out...but they plea to the actual this case it would be something to do with actual Russians and Trump.... guys are going to be filling my mug with left wing tears.....
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.

They didn't have a lead...that is the problem. They had a document from the hilary campaign they used to get a FISA warrant and didn't tell the judge the document wasn't real....that is the problem..they lied to a federal judge to get the FISA warrant against American Citizens.....this could lead to Flynn getting off too....
Link to what they told the judge?
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.


Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that

(a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and

(b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.

Read more at: As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale
Wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse to expect them to "verify" claims before investigating them? Isn't that what investigations are for? Just asking.
They had a document from the hilary campaign they used to get a FISA warrant and didn't tell the judge the document wasn't real..

Do you have any evidence to back up that bizarre claim?

No? None at all? You're just parroting something your cult told you? Imagine that.

The rational and moral people who don't belong to your cult will require actual evidence before they believe something. That's where your stories run into a problem.
This is an article by Andrew McCarthy....he details the false stories that are now coming out by the democrats as they try to hide the truth about the Steele Dossier being used to get FISA warrants...

As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

But the trigger for the investigation — the “catalyst” — was Page. Somehow, despite all that journalistic leg-work and all those insider sources, the name George Papadopoulos does not appear in the Times’ story. Now, however, we’re supposed to forget about Page. According to the new bombshell dropped on New Year’s Eve by six Times reporters, it was “the hacking” coupled with “the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign” — Papadopoulos — “may have had inside information about it” that were “driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.”


Page and the Dossier Problem Again, until this weekend, Page was the eye of the collusion storm. And as I outlined in a column last weekend, a significant part of what got the FBI and the Obama Justice Department stirred up about Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow was the Steele dossier — the anti-Trump reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. Alas, six months after the Times’ planted its feet on Page as the linchpin of the Trump-Russia investigation, we learned that the dossier was actually an opposition-research project paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. We further learned that at Fusion GPS, the research firm that retained Steele for the project, Steele collaborated on it with Nellie Ohr, the wife of top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — and that Bruce Ohr had personally been briefed on the project by Steele and a Fusion GPS executive.

It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

Politically, it suggests that the collusion narrative peddled by Democrats and the media since Trump’s victory in the November election was substantially driven by partisan propaganda.

Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that (a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and (b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.
It is an explosive problem, this use of the dossier by the Obama Justice Department and the FBI in an application to the FISA court for authority to spy on Trump’s associates.

I don't see why it's a problem. If the FBI had a "lead" that someone in the Trump campaign was working with Russia to work against their opposition, that would be a perfectly reasonable issue to pursue. The FBI investigates domestic bad actors.
I don't get why it's a problem.


Legally, it raises the distinct possibilities that

(a) the FBI did not adequately verify the claims in the dossier before using them in an application to the secret federal court; and

(b) the Justice Department of the then-incumbent Democratic administration did not disclose to the court that the dossier was produced by the Democratic presidential campaign for use against the rival Republican candidate.

Read more at: As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale
Wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse to expect them to "verify" claims before investigating them? Isn't that what investigations are for? Just asking.

No....what you don't get, they used false information to get warrants...they can't do that, that makes anything obtained by those warrants inaddmissable in court.
They had a document from the hilary campaign they used to get a FISA warrant and didn't tell the judge the document wasn't real..

Do you have any evidence to back up that bizarre claim?

No? None at all? You're just parroting something your cult told you? Imagine that.

The rational and moral people who don't belong to your cult will require actual evidence before they believe something. That's where your stories run into a problem.

Andrew McCarthy details the article.....
Andrew McCarthy details the article.....

So, nothing but NR/FOX conspiracy theories, unsupported by any actual evidence.

We know how this ends. Same way it always ends. Your conspiracy theory goes nowhere, so you declare how that's further proof of the conspiracy.
They had a document from the hilary campaign they used to get a FISA warrant and didn't tell the judge the document wasn't real..

Do you have any evidence to back up that bizarre claim?

No? None at all? You're just parroting something your cult told you? Imagine that.

The rational and moral people who don't belong to your cult will require actual evidence before they believe something. That's where your stories run into a problem.

Andrew McCarthy details the article.....
I did read it. It is all carefully worded speculation disguised as "fact." Really, I'd think you were smarter than that.
Andrew McCarthy details the article.....

So, nothing but NR/FOX conspiracy theories, unsupported by any actual evidence.

We know how this ends. Same way it always ends. Your conspiracy theory goes nowhere, so you declare how that's further proof of the conspiracy.
Yeah--it's all COVERED UP by the Deep State. LOL
Andrew McCarthy details the article.....

So, nothing but NR/FOX conspiracy theories, unsupported by any actual evidence.

We know how this ends. Same way it always ends. Your conspiracy theory goes nowhere, so you declare how that's further proof of the conspiracy.

Andrew MCarthy is a former federal prosecutor who convicted the Blind Sheik, the guy who first attacked the World Trade center, he knows what he is talking about.
What we've just learned is that the FBI began investigating P. in July 2016, after the Australians reported P. bragging about colluding with Russians in May 2016.

That's months before work on the Steele Dossier began.

That shows the Republicans have all been lying their asses off when they claimed the investigation started with and was solely based on the Steele Dossier.

And that's why 2aguy is so shrill. He and his corrupt cult were just busted again for lying outright, and they know it, so they're trying to deflect by getting hysterical.
Last edited:
P wasn't bragging about colluding with the Russians. He was drunkenly claiming that the Russians told him they had emails with dirt on Hillary.

First, there's nothing wrong with that, or illegal, unless Trump helped them get such information.

Second, the Russians never had anything. The emails they had were on John Podesta and he has already gone through the grinder and lost.

So this latest vapor from democrats is vapid vapor.

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