Pander to me!


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

Obama really got to you all, didn't he.. Good.
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

The republicans also had 3 years and 7 months to pass the Dream act which would have settled at least a large part of the immigration problem. Getting pissy because Obama recognised the political value of picking this sweet low hanging fruit is just "sour grapes".

Innaction does have consequences after all. Go figure.
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

All politics is ultimately "What's in it for me".

Sorry, guy, that's the trap of democracy.

Few people walk into a voting booth and say, "Dammit, I'm voting for BOb because he's going to totally screw me over, even if he's going to be good for the rest of the country."

The caveat is, a lot of people who vote for Republicans vote against their own interests because they are usually too stupid to recognize them.

Which is why you've been voting for Plutocrat stooges for 30 years, and oddly, abortion is still legal... but your job is going to China.
That was a good example of a dog that can be expected to drool at the dinner bell...
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

Yeah weren't the crazies screaming about how tough Obama is with all the deportations? Hmmmm mixed messages from Obama, no way lmao
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

The republicans also had 3 years and 7 months to pass the Dream act which would have settled at least a large part of the immigration problem. Getting pissy because Obama recognised the political value of picking this sweet low hanging fruit is just "sour grapes".

Innaction does have consequences after all. Go figure.

Exactly. The dream act was passed by the house and senate, then the GOP did what it does best, abused the filibuster.
Now that Obama has stopped deporting a small fraction of these individuals, it has been wildly popular with the american people and the GOP can't stand it.
Pandering to only the far right fringe is not going win them any kind of major support.
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Sometimes you have no choice.
You don't really trust either side so what do you do?
Vote for what's in front of for the side that you think will generally steer the country in the direction that you agree with, or vote for the policies that you agree with (regardless of whether you believe that they will be delivered or not).
Or don't vote I suppose.
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

The republicans also had 3 years and 7 months to pass the Dream act which would have settled at least a large part of the immigration problem. Getting pissy because Obama recognised the political value of picking this sweet low hanging fruit is just "sour grapes".

Innaction does have consequences after all. Go figure.

Exactly. The dream act was passed by the house and senate, then the GOP did what it does best, abused the filibuster.
Now that Obama has stopped deporting a small fraction of these individuals, it has been wildly popular with the american people and the GOP can't stand it.
Pandering to only the far right fringe is not going win them any kind of major support.

Wildly popular with the American people? :lol: OK think you meant wildly popular with illegals who may not want to assimilate. Obama isn't wildly popular for any issue
The republicans also had 3 years and 7 months to pass the Dream act which would have settled at least a large part of the immigration problem. Getting pissy because Obama recognised the political value of picking this sweet low hanging fruit is just "sour grapes".

Innaction does have consequences after all. Go figure.

Exactly. The dream act was passed by the house and senate, then the GOP did what it does best, abused the filibuster.
Now that Obama has stopped deporting a small fraction of these individuals, it has been wildly popular with the american people and the GOP can't stand it.
Pandering to only the far right fringe is not going win them any kind of major support.

Wildly popular with the American people? :lol: OK think you meant wildly popular with illegals who may not want to assimilate. Obama isn't wildly popular for any issue

You keep right on believing those lies the right wing propaganda machine tells you. That doesn't make it true :up:

"Almost two-thirds of likely voters approve of President Obama’s order that allows more than 800,000 young illegal immigrants to remain in the United States without fear of deportation, according to a Bloomberg poll published Tuesday.

The survey showed 64-percent overall support for the directive and 66-percent backing by independents."

Voters approve of President Obama’s immigration order, 2 to 1, poll shows - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

So you are saying that romney will be favorable to immigrants?Nothing is still better than woring against. Why is it that all these muslim immigrants can come over here when we have hispanics who are ready to come over? You never hear about the sweet deals arabs get from the republicans to come over here. The arabs don't have to cross the border, they fly over it in first class.
The fact you think these "illegals" are the source of misery in your life is telling.

Show me the post where I said that, you dishonest douche (as a douche you don't prevent pregnancy, you know).
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

It bothers me that the Latino population don't get that Obama doesn't care about them he just wants their vote. All the amesty will go down the drain later, he knows it won't pass in its current form.
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

Obama is on the NY Yankees of Politics.
His team always seems to make the big play when it's needed.
First it was the birth control,contraception battle with the Catholic Church.
That had the propaganda division of the Communications crew from the WH busy.
I'm talking about MSNBC and the like spend weeks covering this.
That meant Weeks where the spotlight was taken off Obama.

Then we had the gay marriage thing.
Again Obama looks like the good guy and the GOP scumbags and again no negative coverage on Obama and the economy.

Move forward to this Hispanic ass kissing to wrap up the Latino voters...

The Democrat playbook is working just fine.
They have the moves and they have the media to help them.

So far they are ahead of a bumbling and at times incoherent Romney.
This Romney guy has been in Politics long enough to understand what to do.
He just doesn't seem to be doing it.
Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent?

Speaking of transparency, what's Romney's position on that action? Is he going to reverse it (on "Day One" perhaps)? Or he does he support and plan to maintain Obama's policy?
Everyone bitches about how phoney and dishonest politicians are, but would they behave the way they do if it weren't effective? Just months before the election obama suddenly cares about Latino-Americans? Could this shit be more transparent? Instead of being offended that some BS pol takes them for such fools, people eat it up like they can't get enough.

We get the clowns we deserve.

Why don't you tell us why Rubio was going to come out with a GOP version of the Dream Act between now and the election, that Romney was going to support?

Is that somehow different? Other than it's different because it's the GOP?

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