
Because there was sufficient light ON the boat to use helmet cams in visible color mode.
ALL the LONG shots are taken from other boats with IR night cameras.. Can't help you with the lie witnesses... :badgrin:
You weren't there, yet you call them the liars?

You weren't there, but you call them liars......

And your desperate to change the subject and refuse to address the topic. Pallywood. There's no way you can look at that fake funeral procession, see them dropping the corpse, who then gets up and climbs back onto the bier, and say its not being faked for the cameras. Its equally as impossible to see the site in that attack scene and say it isn't being staged for the camera's either.

In the end Pallywood is not protected under freedom of the press laws and anyone involved is subject to incitement charges.

But I did like how you now admit Pallywood productions can't be a state organization since there isn't a state. Well done.

You weren't there, but you call them liars......
I didn't call anyone a liar.

And your desperate to change the subject and refuse to address the topic. Pallywood. There's no way you can look at that fake funeral procession, see them dropping the corpse, who then gets up and climbs back onto the bier, and say its not being faked for the cameras. Its equally as impossible to see the site in that attack scene and say it isn't being staged for the camera's either.
More conjecture.

In the end Pallywood is not protected under freedom of the press laws and anyone involved is subject to incitement charges.
There's no such thing as Pallywood, just Hasbara Films.

But I did like how you now admit Pallywood productions can't be a state organization since there isn't a state. Well done.
There's no such thing as Pallywood productions.
Because there was sufficient light ON the boat to use helmet cams in visible color mode.
ALL the LONG shots are taken from other boats with IR night cameras.. Can't help you with the lie witnesses... :badgrin:
You weren't there, yet you call them the liars?

You weren't there, but you call them liars......

And your desperate to change the subject and refuse to address the topic. Pallywood. There's no way you can look at that fake funeral procession, see them dropping the corpse, who then gets up and climbs back onto the bier, and say its not being faked for the cameras. Its equally as impossible to see the site in that attack scene and say it isn't being staged for the camera's either.

In the end Pallywood is not protected under freedom of the press laws and anyone involved is subject to incitement charges.

But I did like how you now admit Pallywood productions can't be a state organization since there isn't a state. Well done.


creating a fiction is not the same as reality or fact
So you have no evidence with which to refute the claims made in the documentary and instead wish to make some baseless claims.

Brilliant argument.
The claims made in the video are nothing but conjecture.

Way to be as vague as you possibly can and still pretend you've made an answer.

Which video, I presented multiple videos of numerous staged events ?

Which segment of the video if the video showed more than one event ?

Which claims ?

Lets get real, you don't have the courage to watch the videos and examine for yourself the countless incidences where Pallywood has been caught red handed faking news stories.

Which is why Pallywood personnel are not protected by freedom of the press laws.
Pallywood productions STAGED THE BEACH DISASTER.

NO evidence of Israeli involvement

Warning graphic content

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Because there was sufficient light ON the boat to use helmet cams in visible color mode.
ALL the LONG shots are taken from other boats with IR night cameras.. Can't help you with the lie witnesses... :badgrin:
You weren't there, yet you call them the liars?

You weren't there, but you call them liars......

And your desperate to change the subject and refuse to address the topic. Pallywood. There's no way you can look at that fake funeral procession, see them dropping the corpse, who then gets up and climbs back onto the bier, and say its not being faked for the cameras. Its equally as impossible to see the site in that attack scene and say it isn't being staged for the camera's either.

In the end Pallywood is not protected under freedom of the press laws and anyone involved is subject to incitement charges.

But I did like how you now admit Pallywood productions can't be a state organization since there isn't a state. Well done.


Don't think "incitement" is gonna fly as a legal justification to shut down a media organization.

So in Canada/UK/Germany/elsewhere they criminalize certain hate speech.
But in the Arab world --- Pallywood is neither incitement nor hate speech. It's MAINSTREAM. Who would prosecute them for incitement? The ISRAELIS? Not gonna happen.

There's no upside to ACTUALLY abusing the Palis dignity and freedom for a propaganda operation. The world outrage (and probably mine) would make the Israelis look super-bad.

Be easier just to order a drone strike if you're THAT concerned about it. And then claim you were trying to break up a real shoot-out.
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The Israeli's have outlawed it and thats what counts. If a Pallywood producer is in Israel, they ( the Israeli's ) have a right to detain them. Although you raise an interesting point in what would be international law assuming the pali's have a nation. Which is a whole other topic. IMHO Israel has a right to make its own laws. Particularly concerning the detainment of combatants, those who assist combatants or those suspected of aiding or being a combatant in what is obviously an ongoing conflict.

Also Pallywood is a fairly large organization, so one simple strike just won't get it.

No exposing them for the fraud they perpetrate is the best policy for now.

Discredit and delegitimize them by exposing the fraud. They are not newsmen and woman, they are not protected under freedom of the press, and they are not acting within the ethical confines of accuracy in news reporting.
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The Israeli's have outlawed it and thats what counts. If a Pallywood producer is in Israel, they ( the Israeli's ) have a right to detain them.

Also Pallywood is a fairly large organization, so one simple strike just won't get it.

No exposing them for the fraud they perpetrate is the best policy for now.

Discredit and delegitimize them by exposing the fraud. They are not newsmen and woman, they are not protected under freedom of the press, and they are not acting within the ethical confines of accuracy in news reporting.

Well that gets my dander up.. If Israel truly has "outlawed" it. You got a reference to that? Because normally Israel isn't that stupid about confirming the rumors that they are abusive to Palestinians.

And deciding what media is "inciting" is a slope I'd rather NOT see Israel try to travel.
Moderation Message:

I take responsibility for letting that Mavi Marmara thread distraction go on way too long.
So I've done a snip job to put all that into it's own thread.

The surgery isn't perfect -- but it gets that particular "side-discussion" out of the way.
Apologies to Boston for not realizing how tiresome that would get.

It's all in a thread with Billo's name on it as the OP. :banana: If anything goes wrong. It will be his fault from now on.
Let's continue that there..,d.amc

The Israeli's detained him under administrative detention.



Administrative detention is a procedure that allows the Israeli military to hold prisoners indefinitely on secret information without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. Although administrative detention is used almost exclusively to detain Palestinians from the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), which includes the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, Israeli citizens and foreign nationals can also be held as administrative detainees by Israel (over the years, only 9 Israeli settlers have been held in administrative detention). Israel uses three separate laws to hold individuals without trial:

  • Article 285 of Military Order 1651, which is part of the military legislation applying in the West Bank;
  • Internment of Unlawful Combatants Law (Unlawful Combatants Law), which has been used against residents of the Gaza Strip since 2005;
  • Emergency Powers (Detentions) Law, which applies to Israeli citizens.

End Quote

So his detention was completely legal. I don't think freedom of the press laws cover pallywood productions or its personnel as they are inciting by presenting fake atrocities to enrage the Arab Muslim population
You weren't there, but you call them liars......
I didn't call anyone a liar.

And your desperate to change the subject and refuse to address the topic. Pallywood. There's no way you can look at that fake funeral procession, see them dropping the corpse, who then gets up and climbs back onto the bier, and say its not being faked for the cameras. Its equally as impossible to see the site in that attack scene and say it isn't being staged for the camera's either.
More conjecture.

In the end Pallywood is not protected under freedom of the press laws and anyone involved is subject to incitement charges.
There's no such thing as Pallywood, just Hasbara Films.

But I did like how you now admit Pallywood productions can't be a state organization since there isn't a state. Well done.
There's no such thing as Pallywood productions.

You call everyone that proves you wrong a liar

So now video evidence is conjecture, is this because your video evidence is just conjecture based.

Yet the worlds media refers to pallywood when a new video is released. How about one of hasbara films video's then ?

Says who, as you are not authorised to make that claim.
Hey now, he's an electrical engineer, you can't speak to him like that LMAO.

Its more than obvious that the two pictures are of the same boat.


Any fool can see that the boat has both angled and vertical stanchions
Yeah, but propaganda wasn't really the subject. Although I can see where your coming from. I was thinking more of the question about if Pallywood and its actors, camera men, directors, grips, set designers, the works is protected under freedom of the press laws.
Who in their right mind, would think the Israeli's would allow an entire production crew to make a video (documenting Israeli war crimes), right in front of their face.
Pallywood productions STAGED THE BEACH DISASTER.

NO evidence of Israeli involvement

Warning graphic content

This is nothing but a hasbara bullshit film.

The IDF has already admitted to the air strike.

The IDF Spokesperson unit had difficulty coming up with an explanation for the explosions which killed the four children and wounded others and it took a few hours for them to begin to respond. Toward 8 P.M they began briefing reporters that the first explosion was most likely caused by an attack on a "legitimate" Hamas target and the second the result of misidentification of the fleeing children as Hamas fighters.
I love how you try to prove a Pallywood production, with fake Israeli videos.
Pallywood productions STAGED THE BEACH DISASTER.

NO evidence of Israeli involvement

Warning graphic content

This is nothing but a hasbara bullshit film.

The IDF has already admitted to the air strike.

The IDF Spokesperson unit had difficulty coming up with an explanation for the explosions which killed the four children and wounded others and it took a few hours for them to begin to respond. Toward 8 P.M they began briefing reporters that the first explosion was most likely caused by an attack on a "legitimate" Hamas target and the second the result of misidentification of the fleeing children as Hamas fighters.
I love how you try to prove a Pallywood production, with fake Israeli videos.

No, Israeli officials without conducting an investigation at first apologized for the incident, but then after further examination, IE a detailed analysis of the shrapnel taken from the bodies and a detailed analysis of the films of the site concluded that A wounds were not consistent with an Israeli naval shell explosion and B shrapnel was not consistent with Israeli munitions.

Ergo it was far more likely an accidental detonation by Hamas munitions than Israelis


Another Pallywood production bites the dust
No, Israeli officials without conducting an investigation at first apologized for the incident, but then after further examination, IE a detailed analysis of the shrapnel taken from the bodies and a detailed analysis of the films of the site concluded that A wounds were not consistent with an Israeli naval shell explosion and B shrapnel was not consistent with Israeli munitions.

Ergo it was far more likely an accidental detonation by Hamas munitions than Israelis


Another Pallywood production bites the dust
Where's the shrapnel taken from the kids bodies? Where's the shrapnel taken from the kids bodies laying next to shrapnel from a Hamas rocket? Laying next to shrapnel from an Israeli missile? Where's the analysis from an independent international organization? Why does Israel refuse access to the bodies for groups like ICRC, AI and Physician's for Human Rights?

It's because you, your video and its lame ass story, are all bullshit.

And what about the testimony from Peter Beaumont, who was an eye-witness to the incident? He stated there were two missile strikes, the first one hitting a wall, which might explain the false narrative regarding no crater?

I literally was looking in that direction when I hear an almighty bang and saw an explosion on the pier wall," he told Haaretz.

He also said it wasn't the first attack in that area from the IDF.

"...that area of the harbor has been hit by the IDF "at least three times."

When you consider all this with the history of the most immoral army in the world not giving a shit about who is a combantant, or who is innocent, in addition to not one single post from all you Israeli kiss-asses showing any compassion for Palestinian's, its easy to conclude all you fuckers and your little hasbara video, are full of shit.

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