Palin: "We Are A Exceptional Country And That Is Nothing To Apoligize For"


May 29, 2010
And she is so right. Palin knows that America is the greatest country on earth. She invokes proud American patriotism and she embodies the American spirit. She is taking America by storm slowly but surely as she is using political strategy in this early part of the game. The American people are realizing that this woman is the real deal and no phoney like Obama is. He has shown utter disdain for the nation. He is un American as Mao Tse Tung and Castro. He is a coward who BOWS to other leaders of inferior nations. He is not proud of our country nor does he invoke patriotism in his speeches. Palin is right on the money when she said that quote last night in a riveting speech last night in California.

More in video:
RealClearPolitics - Video - Palin: "We Are An Exceptional Country And That Is Nothing To Apologize For"

Other quotes she said:

"We asked for leaders who will recognize our foundation that America is -- the idea of America is being the most generous country on earth, the most prosperous, the safest county. That we are united under God, we are an exceptional country and that is nothing to apology for.

PALIN to OBAMA: "All those shovel ready jobs, remember? Actually, just apologize for the stimulus itself and make a joint apology because you don't want to leave out Harry, Nancy and Barbara and all of the others who were part of that lemon of a spending boondoggle. The biggest boondoggle in spending history. Really folks, what did taxpayers get with that trillion bucks besides more debt?"

PALIN on shovel-ready jobs: "Now we know all along, what they really were shoveling was not asphalt," she quipped.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Palin: "We Are An Exceptional Country And That Is Nothing To Apologize For"
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And I'm an Exceptional poster with nothing to apologize for
Exceptional people never have to apologize..

If they did, they wouldn't be exceptional would they?
does this op writer masturbate to pictures of her? does he have a shrine of her in his closet? what a fag. he has the most uninteresting posts on this board. why dont we all just go to a palin propaganda site and save ourselves the trouble of even clicking on his posts.
Dick Cheney was an exceptional Vice President...thats why he never apologized for:

- Shooting that guy in the face
- Authorizing torture
- Claiming Iraq was involved in 9-11
- Claiming they knew where WMDs were
You'd think a professed Christian like Palin would know something about repentance and contrition, or that we are all imperfect, or that pride goeth before the fall.

She wants America to be a symbol of unapologetic arrogance and hubris? No wonder rightwing nuts love her.
Dick Cheney was an exceptional Vice President...thats why he never apologized for:

- Shooting that guy in the face
- Authorizing torture
- Claiming Iraq was involved in 9-11
- Claiming they knew where WMDs were


Sidenote: every post from this guy says "Palin said *blank* and she's right!!"

you'd a thought it was trig posting this malarky the way he sucks her tit
And she is so right. Palin knows that America is the greatest country on earth. She invokes proud American patriotism and she embodies the American spirit. She is taking America by storm slowly but surely as she is using political strategy in this early part of the game. The American people are realizing that this woman is the real deal and no phoney like Obama is. He has shown utter disdain for the nation. He is un American as Mao Tse Tung and Castro. He is a coward who BOWS to other leaders of inferior nations. He is not proud of our country nor does he invoke patriotism in his speeches. Palin is right on the money when she said that quote last night in a riveting speech last night in California.

Been vacationing at the Unicorn Ranch, huh? LMAO!
She's sweet, but she always manages to beat the crap out of Progressives like it was something out of "Goodfellas"

That's why Progressives fear and loathe her
She's sweet, but she always manages to beat the crap out of Progressives like it was something out of "Goodfellas"

That's why Progressives fear and loathe her

Actually, I would think it's because she manages to beat off the conservatives like it was something out of "American Pie." Statements like the ones in the OP about being overly patriotic and not apologizing for anything is nationalistic masturbation at its finest.

It takes more than just nice-sounding phrases to be a decent candidate. You would think UsArmyRetired would be critical of something like this coming from Palin, since those critical of the President want more than just words from him.
Dick Cheney was an exceptional Vice President...thats why he never apologized for:

- Shooting that guy in the face
- Authorizing torture
- Claiming Iraq was involved in 9-11
- Claiming they knew where WMDs were

Your ignorance is loud and clear !

How dare you claim Dick Cheney is not exceptional!

Un American bastard!
You'd think a professed Christian like Palin would know something about repentance and contrition, or that we are all imperfect, or that pride goeth before the fall.

She wants America to be a symbol of unapologetic arrogance and hubris? No wonder rightwing nuts love her.

She would ask Michele "didn't you ever see an American in uniform before 2008?" As for arrogance, a few examples would be good.. I seem to recall that when Milosevich was doing his thing the EU and the world were wring their hands. Who had to get involved in europe to stop Milosevich's thugs? Palin calls a spade a spade, thats why the libs hate her. Note: UHC failed in the EU, socialism never works.

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