Palin: See it really was that Neo-Marxists Feared her candidacy


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
There are only 2 people on the R ticket who know how truly fucked we are as a nation and would definitely do something, short of revolution, to guide us back to founding principles of Freedom and liberty: Ron Paul and Sarah Palin.

For months we were treated to non-ending fear-filled Progressive/Socialist threads and posts about Palin. When pressed the Useful Idiots would say, "Oh I don't fear her, I'm posting this because it's so funny, as funny as Carrottop"

Now that Palin's out, the number of Neo-Marxists Threads on her have dropped to zero.

So she's not funny any more?

See how full of crap they are?

I will never fear them!
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There are only 2 people on the R ticket who know how truly fucked we are as a nation and would definitely do something, short of revolution, to guide us back to founding principles of Freedom and liberty: Ron Paul and Sarah Palin.

For months we were treated to non-ending fear0filled Progressive/Socialist threads and posts about Palin. When pressed the Useful Idiots would say, "Oh I don't fear her, I'm posting this because it's so funny, as funny as Carrottop"

Now that Palin's out, the number of Neo-Marxists Threads on her have dropped to zero.

So she's not funny any more?

See how full of crap they are?

I will never fear them!

Oh, she’s still funny. It’s just that other “R ticket” comedians have taken top billing. :eusa_whistle:
There is nothing but revolution to restore us to a Constitutional republic.
After Palin announced that she was not running for president, the media stopped covering her.

Why should they?

She's just the ex half governor from Alaska now...with bad poll numbers even among Republicans.

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