Palestinians: Israel demands 15-year lull, Morsi guarantee


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
According to reports in Cairo, these are the conditions for a ceasefire set forth by Israel:

1. A lull for a period of more than 15 years.

2. An immediate cessation of arms smuggling and the transfer of weapons to Gaza.

3. Cessation of rocket fire on the part of all armed Palestinian factions and an end to attacks on soldiers near the Gaza border.

4. Israel has the right to hunt down terrorists in the event of an attack or if it obtains information on an imminent attack.

5. The Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt will remain open, but the crossings on the Gaza-Israel border will remain closed.

6. Egypt's politicians, headed by President Mohammed Morsi, will be the guarantors of any ceasefire agreement. Meaning, the agreement will be backed by Egypt's political echelon rather than by its security establishment.

The Palestinian sources said Israel has threatened that if there is no response to its demands within the next 48 to 72 hours, it will launch a ground offensive accompanied by continued attacks on Gaza from the air and sea until the Hamas regime is overthrown.

The IDF has completed its preparations for a possible invasion of Gaza.

Palestinians: Israel demands 15-year lull, Morsi guarantee - Israel News, Ynetnews
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.
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I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.

Israel is still doing damage control from its meat head approach in cast lead.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.

Israel is still doing damage control from its meat head approach in cast lead.

What damage? The only thing that changed because of Cast Lead was the noise level of Israel's enemies. The failure of Cast Lead resulted from Olmert's refusal to pursue the operation until the terrrorist leadership either capitulated or were destroyed. Pillars of Defense is Israel's effort to do damage control for the failure of Cast Lead.
These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.

Israel is still doing damage control from its meat head approach in cast lead.

What damage? The only thing that changed because of Cast Lead was the noise level of Israel's enemies. The failure of Cast Lead resulted from Olmert's refusal to pursue the operation until the terrrorist leadership either capitulated or were destroyed. Pillars of Defense is Israel's effort to do damage control for the failure of Cast Lead.

Some examples are that BDS saw a big jump after cast lead. Iam is growing.
Israel is still doing damage control from its meat head approach in cast lead.

What damage? The only thing that changed because of Cast Lead was the noise level of Israel's enemies. The failure of Cast Lead resulted from Olmert's refusal to pursue the operation until the terrrorist leadership either capitulated or were destroyed. Pillars of Defense is Israel's effort to do damage control for the failure of Cast Lead.

Some examples are that BDS saw a big jump after cast lead. Iam is growing.

Only the noise about it is growing.
Those demands just show that Israel doesn't really want peace. :cool:

It shows Israel intends to establish peace either by Hamas accepting these terms, essentially capitulating as the PLO has done, or by going into Gaza and this time destroying the Hamas regime by capturing or killing the entire leaderships of Hamas and the other terrorist gangs.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

then they'll keep bombing the bejeezus out of hamas.

fine with me.

fine with israel.

fine with everyone except useless terrorists and their apologists.

makes me no nevermind if israel pounds hamas into dust.
Those demands just show that Israel doesn't really want peace. :cool:

It shows Israel intends to establish peace either by Hamas accepting these terms, essentially capitulating as the PLO has done, or by going into Gaza and this time destroying the Hamas regime by capturing or killing the entire leaderships of Hamas and the other terrorist gangs.

You cannot defeat a popular movement. Israel has been pounding on the Palestinians for a hundred years and has not won anything yet.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.

Netanyahu will have no choice but to stand firm. Hezbollah is watching.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

These are essentially the conditions Sharon imposed on the West Bank. Notice that if Hamas does not accept these demands, the goal of the operation changes from ending the rocket fire to destroying the Hamas regime. No doubt this change in objectives will cause the deaths of many more Gaza Arabs, but we know from their actions that the Hamas leadership is indifferent to the number of Arabs who die because of their actions as long as they survive.

If the Hamas leadership does refuse these terms, let's hope Netanyahu stays strong enough to follow through on this program and let's hope the next generation of Gaza leaders who will come to power as the present leaders are captured or killed in the course of Pillar of Defense will be able to temper their hatred of Israel with some compassion for the people of Gaza so that this sort of operation will not be again necessary in the future.

Netanyahu will have no choice but to stand firm. Hezbollah is watching.

Hezbollah is watching, but what do they see? After each engagement, the Arabs look around, see piles of dead Arabs and smoking debris and yell, "We won!"

Polls of Israelis show there is overwhelming support for the current operation, but there is only weak support for a ground operation. Elections are coming up in about two months, and the polls show the center right bloc Netanyahu leads is expected to win a clear majority in the Knesset, but if he orders a ground operation without strong popular support for it, that outcome might be in doubt, so what will he decide to do?

I hope Netanyahu stays strong.
Those demands just show that Israel doesn't really want peace. :cool:

It shows Israel intends to establish peace either by Hamas accepting these terms, essentially capitulating as the PLO has done, or by going into Gaza and this time destroying the Hamas regime by capturing or killing the entire leaderships of Hamas and the other terrorist gangs.

You cannot defeat a popular movement. Israel has been pounding on the Palestinians for a hundred years and has not won anything yet.

You can't be serious. Whatever you imagine this "popular movement" is, it has been defeated. People like you just don't realize it yet.

The Arabs have been trying to pound Israel for a hundred years, and from those conflicts, Israel has won a state and a much larger state than it would have had if the Arabs had chosen to live in peace with the Jews, and Israel has won the respect, if not the love, of the other nations in the region and most nations around the world.
I can't see that load of crap being accepted.

Israel knows this and will use it as an excuse to kill a lot of civilians.

You must know by now that Hamas is the criminal aggressor and Israel has been forced to retaliate against its wishes.

The charter of Hamas, as you should know, calls for the destruction of Israel, as does the charter of the main supplier of armaments to Hamas, Iran. Do you really think Hamas and Iran want peace with Israel? Rubbish!

So obviously as Hamas has declared war Israel is forced to respond!

What the OP quoted is an unconfirmed statement which certainly would help to maintain peace in the area, but probably the statement is not accurate.
No matter what "peace" is secured out of this exchange Hamas considers itself at war with Israel. This is an exercise in futility, Israel should continue it's operation until Hamas is done away with.

"Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, revealed publicly that Hamas is officially at war with Israel. All foreign governments busy trying to broker a ceasefire understand that Meshaal publicly admits Hamas continues its war of annihilation with IsraelNo matter what Hamas’ justifications for rocket attacks on Israel, including the long and complicated history going back to Israel’s 1948 statehood, the militant group founded in 1987 by Sheik Ahmed Yassin, for the expressed purpose of destroying Israel, remains at war with Israel. Meshaal makes clear that any ceasefire is only temporary and, unlike the West Bank-controlled Palestinian Authority, the war of liberating Palestine goes on."
Hamas makes demands for ceasefire with Israel

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