Palestinians: 10,000 years ago, since Abraham or since the Mandate for Palestine?

( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

From your link.

YES YES YES they are one of many ancient Arabs tribes . They are also known Phoenicians who migrated from south east Arabia Dilmun ( modern day Bahrain ) ,Circum-Arabian Nomadic Pastoral Complex , which means they moved due to climate crises around 6,200 BC of the hot desert ( Jarius Zarins )The are Arab people families till this day with the surnames Canaan , not found in Israel or Europe .
It is understandable that some posters may confuse or deny the use of the word Palestinians, for a people, with the word Palestine, for a region in Ancient Canaan.

Which is it? Has a Palestinian identity and culture existed since a mass migration to Canaan 10,000 years ago, (was there such a mass migration?) or were they there since the time of Abraham, or are they a more modern creation after the Balfour Declaration, Mandate for PALESTINE, and Israel's Independence in 1948?

Was the identity created by Nasser in 1964 in Moscow with the help of the Soviet KGB? For what reason?

This is the thread to show Palestinian History before the Mandate for Palestine. The Palestinian Museum is rather silent about it.

Palestine, the region:

The word Palestine derives from the Greek word, Philistia, which dates to Ancient Greek writers' descriptions of the region in the 12th century B.C. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I to 1948, Palestine typically referred to the geographic region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Arab people who call this territory home have been known as Palestinians since the early 20th century. Much of this land is now considered present-day Israel.

Scholars believe the name “Palestine” originally comes from the word “Philistia,” which refers to the Philistines who occupied part of the region in the 12th century B.C.

Throughout history, Palestine has been ruled by numerous groups, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians and Mamelukes.

From about 1517 to 1917, the Ottoman Empire ruled much of the region.

Palestinians, the People:

I cannot find one invader or visitor to the area who identified any of the population present as Palestinian. Any Arabs, Bedouin or Druze who might have called themselves or would be identified by that national identity by any of those invaders, visitors or inhabitants.

The Ottoman Census of 1831 to 1917 divides the population of the region as such:

Thanks to all who join this conversation
6000 years ago all Jews and Palestinians alive today had the same mother, so genetically they are equal.
Just who was that mother?

It's derived from DNA telomeres I believe
Stop with these posts. This thread is not about DNA.

This thread looks for the reference, existence of a People called Palestinians, as opposed to the region called Palestine, before 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine.

Let us stick to that, please.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab

The term "Arab", as well as the presence of Arabians in the Syrian Desert and the Fertile Crescent, is first seen in the Assyrian sources from the 9th century BCE (Eph'al 1984).[92] Southern Palestine had a large Edomite and Arab population by the 4th century BCE.[93] Inscriptional evidence over a millennium from the peripheral areas of Palestine, such as the Golan and the Negev, show a prevalence of Arab names over Aramaic names from the Achaemenid period,550 -330 BCE onwards.

[94][95] Bedouins have drifted in waves into Palestine since at least the 7th century, after the Muslim conquest. Some of them, like the Arab al-Sakhr south of Lake Kinneret trace their origins to the Hejaz or Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, while the Ghazawiyya's ancestry is said to go back to the Hauran's Misl al-Jizel tribes.[96] They speak distinct dialects of Arabic in the Galilee and the Negev.[97]

It refers to Arabs. Not one of those tribes, or cultures, was called Palestinian.

Arab presence is one thing. Palestinian presence is another.

Even the minority of Jewish Arabs or Arab speaking Jews were called Palestinians .. so were the Palestinian Christians.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab
There are no Jewish Arabs, unless Arabs from Arabia converted to Judaism.

Muslims started saying that the Jews from the Arab conquered areas were "Arabs" to confuse people, and hope that the Jews would consider themselves Arabs.

In that case, Jews from Iraq would be Babylonian Jews (as they are known for having been taken to Babylon), and then the next conqueror, and the next conqueror and the next. But that is not the case.

Jews from other parts would be changing identity as well with every invading group.

That never happened because Jews are Jews.
The Arabs are Arabs from various tribes from Arabia which migrated, but kept their identity and culture through the ages.

It seems like only the Palestinians cannot find their ancestral identity and culture and have borrowed heavily from Egyptian or Saudi culture since 1920.

Jewish isn't a race. Its a religion. Arab isn't a race either. If they share the same DNA with all the Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and speak Arabic they are Arab Jews.

Their DNA has more in common markers with Jews than with Saudis. That's the whole GD point.

You have never lived in the ME, have you? I mean you don't know anything about KSA or Libya or Kuwait or Lebanon..

The Palestinians are also related to Greeks, Turks, Romans and Crusaders... Their culture is quite unique.
Jews are a Ethnicity besides a religion.

Being Arab is also a Ethnicity.

Different Ethnicities.

The Jews were never referred to as Arab Jews until recently.

Iraqi Jews
Syrian Jews
Iranian Jews
Lebanese Jews
Moroccan Jews
Egyptian Jews
Lybian Jews

Iraqi Christians
Syrian Christians
Iranian Christians
Lebanese Christians

LOLOL. Did you know that Arab Christians and Arab Jews call God Allah?

Have you been anywhere in the Middle East?
Jews of Arab conquered lands call the G-D of Abraham "Allah"?

I would like a link, from the Hebrew Scriptures to that.

I AM from the Middle East. :)

So you're Jewish. You can easily look up the word Allah and see how it is used by Arabic speaking Christians and Jews. Just choose a source you like. They use another word in Farsi and I don't know about Amharic.

Hebrew scripture would be in Hebrew, right?
I do not know which Jews would call the G-D of Abraham Allah. I have only heard Jews, from many places and languages call him by the Hebrew Heloim.
Or the word from each country where they live, be it Deus, Dio, Dios, God, or whichever language.

But, this is not part of this thread.

And you continue to not answer my questions.

Like Deus, Dio, Dios or Gott, Allah is God for Arabic speaking people.
I know a lot of Arab speaking Jews. None of them says Allah referring to the G-D of Abraham.

Maybe someday I will. But so far....
Again all Jews and Palestinians had the same mother 6000 years ago which is before either of the fake Jew or Arab gods got their fake names.
This thread looks for the reference, existence of a People called Palestinians, as opposed to the region called Palestine, before 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine.

Let us stick to that, please.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab

The term "Arab", as well as the presence of Arabians in the Syrian Desert and the Fertile Crescent, is first seen in the Assyrian sources from the 9th century BCE (Eph'al 1984).[92] Southern Palestine had a large Edomite and Arab population by the 4th century BCE.[93] Inscriptional evidence over a millennium from the peripheral areas of Palestine, such as the Golan and the Negev, show a prevalence of Arab names over Aramaic names from the Achaemenid period,550 -330 BCE onwards.

[94][95] Bedouins have drifted in waves into Palestine since at least the 7th century, after the Muslim conquest. Some of them, like the Arab al-Sakhr south of Lake Kinneret trace their origins to the Hejaz or Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, while the Ghazawiyya's ancestry is said to go back to the Hauran's Misl al-Jizel tribes.[96] They speak distinct dialects of Arabic in the Galilee and the Negev.[97]

It refers to Arabs. Not one of those tribes, or cultures, was called Palestinian.

Arab presence is one thing. Palestinian presence is another.

Even the minority of Jewish Arabs or Arab speaking Jews were called Palestinians .. so were the Palestinian Christians.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab
There are no Jewish Arabs, unless Arabs from Arabia converted to Judaism.

Muslims started saying that the Jews from the Arab conquered areas were "Arabs" to confuse people, and hope that the Jews would consider themselves Arabs.

In that case, Jews from Iraq would be Babylonian Jews (as they are known for having been taken to Babylon), and then the next conqueror, and the next conqueror and the next. But that is not the case.

Jews from other parts would be changing identity as well with every invading group.

That never happened because Jews are Jews.
The Arabs are Arabs from various tribes from Arabia which migrated, but kept their identity and culture through the ages.

It seems like only the Palestinians cannot find their ancestral identity and culture and have borrowed heavily from Egyptian or Saudi culture since 1920.

Jewish isn't a race. Its a religion. Arab isn't a race either. If they share the same DNA with all the Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and speak Arabic they are Arab Jews.

Their DNA has more in common markers with Jews than with Saudis. That's the whole GD point.

You have never lived in the ME, have you? I mean you don't know anything about KSA or Libya or Kuwait or Lebanon..

The Palestinians are also related to Greeks, Turks, Romans and Crusaders... Their culture is quite unique.
Jews are a Ethnicity besides a religion.

Being Arab is also a Ethnicity.

Different Ethnicities.

The Jews were never referred to as Arab Jews until recently.

Iraqi Jews
Syrian Jews
Iranian Jews
Lebanese Jews
Moroccan Jews
Egyptian Jews
Lybian Jews

Iraqi Christians
Syrian Christians
Iranian Christians
Lebanese Christians

LOLOL. Did you know that Arab Christians and Arab Jews call God Allah?

Have you been anywhere in the Middle East?
An Arab Jew is probably assimilated because my son-in-laws grandparents are from Turkey and never called Hashem Allah.
On the other hand, we know you get your bullshit from Arab sites.

I know nothing about the Turkish language and rarely use any Arab sites. Allah is God in Arabic like French ,Spanish, Italian and German have a word for God.

Don't you feel stupid?
We know that the word for god in Arabic is Allah. Most people know that.

What we are saying is that no Jews we know, from anywhere , including those who came from the Arab countries, have called their G_D, Allah.
surada has dementia.
The Muslims and Christians have been re writing history since 1948. Since 1973 they have been going about it this way:

That is two generations of people who are being influenced by Jew haters who are achieving positions of power, and all the literature and social media they can handle.

All she posts comes from this endless re writing of history designed to delegitimize Israel, through delegitimizing the Jews, and making the Arabs be part of ancient Canaan, where Arabs cannot and never will decide when Oh, WHEN, did any Arab ever migrate to that area.

The proof of Palestinian history in Palestine is all the Palestinian Museum, for anyone to see.

Jews have been rewriting history since Genesis.

Arabs left the Arabian peninsula in waves more than 10,000 years ago..Have you studied the Akkadians or the Marsh Arabs?
You might want to read Samuel Noah Kramer or Gertrude Bell orWilfred Theisinger.
Yes, it does look like you may be confusing Sumeria with Samaria:

The Akkadian Empire (/əˈkeɪdiən/)[4] was the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia after the long-lived civilization of Sumer. It was centered in the city of Akkad /ˈækæd/[5] and its surrounding region. The empire united Akkadian(Assyrian and Babylonian) and Sumerian speakers under one rule. The Akkadian Empire exercised influence across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Anatolia, sending military expeditions as far south as Dilmun and Magan(modern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman) in the Arabian Peninsula.[6]

During the 3rd millennium BC, there developed a cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included widespread bilingualism.[7]Akkadian, an East Semitic language,[8] gradually replaced Sumerian as a spoken language sometime between the end of the 3rd and the early 2nd millennia BC (the exact dating being a matter of debate).[9]

The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad.[10] Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.[11][12]

After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the people of Mesopotamia eventually coalesced into two major Akkadian-speaking nations: Assyria in the north, and, a few centuries later, Babylonia in the south.

Nope. I know the difference between Sumer and Samaria.

The Akkadians came from the Arabian peninsula.
What study says that the Akkadians came from the Arabian Peninsula?

Exile, Assyrian |
In place of the Israelite deportees, Sargon settled residents of other defeated nations in the Assyrian province of Samaria. In this connection the Bible mentions exiles from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (ii Kings 17:24), while an inscription of Sargon ii specifies members of four Arab tribes who were settled in "Omriland" (Bīt Ḫumri) in 716/5 b.c.e.
Who is Chris Pearce?
This thread looks for the reference, existence of a People called Palestinians, as opposed to the region called Palestine, before 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine.

Let us stick to that, please.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab

The term "Arab", as well as the presence of Arabians in the Syrian Desert and the Fertile Crescent, is first seen in the Assyrian sources from the 9th century BCE (Eph'al 1984).[92] Southern Palestine had a large Edomite and Arab population by the 4th century BCE.[93] Inscriptional evidence over a millennium from the peripheral areas of Palestine, such as the Golan and the Negev, show a prevalence of Arab names over Aramaic names from the Achaemenid period,550 -330 BCE onwards.

[94][95] Bedouins have drifted in waves into Palestine since at least the 7th century, after the Muslim conquest. Some of them, like the Arab al-Sakhr south of Lake Kinneret trace their origins to the Hejaz or Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, while the Ghazawiyya's ancestry is said to go back to the Hauran's Misl al-Jizel tribes.[96] They speak distinct dialects of Arabic in the Galilee and the Negev.[97]

It refers to Arabs. Not one of those tribes, or cultures, was called Palestinian.

Arab presence is one thing. Palestinian presence is another.

Even the minority of Jewish Arabs or Arab speaking Jews were called Palestinians .. so were the Palestinian Christians.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab
There are no Jewish Arabs, unless Arabs from Arabia converted to Judaism.

Muslims started saying that the Jews from the Arab conquered areas were "Arabs" to confuse people, and hope that the Jews would consider themselves Arabs.

In that case, Jews from Iraq would be Babylonian Jews (as they are known for having been taken to Babylon), and then the next conqueror, and the next conqueror and the next. But that is not the case.

Jews from other parts would be changing identity as well with every invading group.

That never happened because Jews are Jews.
The Arabs are Arabs from various tribes from Arabia which migrated, but kept their identity and culture through the ages.

It seems like only the Palestinians cannot find their ancestral identity and culture and have borrowed heavily from Egyptian or Saudi culture since 1920.

Jewish isn't a race. Its a religion. Arab isn't a race either. If they share the same DNA with all the Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and speak Arabic they are Arab Jews.

Their DNA has more in common markers with Jews than with Saudis. That's the whole GD point.

You have never lived in the ME, have you? I mean you don't know anything about KSA or Libya or Kuwait or Lebanon..

The Palestinians are also related to Greeks, Turks, Romans and Crusaders... Their culture is quite unique.
Jews are a Ethnicity besides a religion.

Being Arab is also a Ethnicity.

Different Ethnicities.

The Jews were never referred to as Arab Jews until recently.

Iraqi Jews
Syrian Jews
Iranian Jews
Lebanese Jews
Moroccan Jews
Egyptian Jews
Lybian Jews

Iraqi Christians
Syrian Christians
Iranian Christians
Lebanese Christians

LOLOL. Did you know that Arab Christians and Arab Jews call God Allah?

Have you been anywhere in the Middle East?
An Arab Jew is probably assimilated because my son-in-laws grandparents are from Turkey and never called Hashem Allah.
On the other hand, we know you get your bullshit from Arab sites.

I know nothing about the Turkish language and rarely use any Arab sites. Allah is God in Arabic like French ,Spanish, Italian and German have a word for God.

Don't you feel stupid?
We know that the word for god in Arabic is Allah. Most people know that.

What we are saying is that no Jews we know, from anywhere , including those who came from the Arab countries, have called their G_D, Allah.
surada has dementia.
The Muslims and Christians have been re writing history since 1948. Since 1973 they have been going about it this way:

That is two generations of people who are being influenced by Jew haters who are achieving positions of power, and all the literature and social media they can handle.

All she posts comes from this endless re writing of history designed to delegitimize Israel, through delegitimizing the Jews, and making the Arabs be part of ancient Canaan, where Arabs cannot and never will decide when Oh, WHEN, did any Arab ever migrate to that area.

The proof of Palestinian history in Palestine is all the Palestinian Museum, for anyone to see.

Jews have been rewriting history since Genesis.

Arabs left the Arabian peninsula in waves more than 10,000 years ago..Have you studied the Akkadians or the Marsh Arabs?
You might want to read Samuel Noah Kramer or Gertrude Bell orWilfred Theisinger.
(An Expert on Sumer, in Mesopotamia)

(Nothing about history of a Palestinian People )

( Not an Archeologist, or historian. Lived amongst modern Arabs. H)

Amazon product ASIN 15902016391910-2003

Not one of them seem to mention Palestinians as a People known at the time before the Mandate for Palestine

Arabs arrived in waves 10,000 years ago. But one cannot find one archeological evidence of any of each wave. Nor Historically.

Who do you think the Akkadians were, The 4 Arab tribes of Sargon2, the wives of Moses and Abraham. Herod and Pharaoh used Frankensense from Yemen.

Archaeologists have studied the tools of the Arabs, East Africans and the Levant. They have also studied the domestication of the horse. The Jews were not living in a vaccum. They were surounded by other cultures and other people. Read the Torah.. The Canaanites are around throughout the stories.

What 4 Arab tribes of Sargon II? Explain.

I am still not seeing a Palestinian People and culture being distinguishable from the tribes of Canaan at any time in that period of history which has survived to this day.

Exile, Assyrian |
In place of the Israelite deportees, Sargon settled residents of other defeated nations in the Assyrian province of Samaria. In this connection the Bible mentions exiles from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (ii Kings 17:24), while an inscription of Sargon ii specifies members of four Arab tribes who were settled in "Omriland" (Bīt Ḫumri) in 716/5 b.c.e.
Where are the Palestinians?
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

From your link.

YES YES YES they are one of many ancient Arabs tribes . They are also known Phoenicians who migrated from south east Arabia Dilmun ( modern day Bahrain ) ,Circum-Arabian Nomadic Pastoral Complex , which means they moved due to climate crises around 6,200 BC of the hot desert ( Jarius Zarins )The are Arab people families till this day with the surnames Canaan , not found in Israel or Europe .
It is understandable that some posters may confuse or deny the use of the word Palestinians, for a people, with the word Palestine, for a region in Ancient Canaan.

Which is it? Has a Palestinian identity and culture existed since a mass migration to Canaan 10,000 years ago, (was there such a mass migration?) or were they there since the time of Abraham, or are they a more modern creation after the Balfour Declaration, Mandate for PALESTINE, and Israel's Independence in 1948?

Was the identity created by Nasser in 1964 in Moscow with the help of the Soviet KGB? For what reason?

This is the thread to show Palestinian History before the Mandate for Palestine. The Palestinian Museum is rather silent about it.

Palestine, the region:

The word Palestine derives from the Greek word, Philistia, which dates to Ancient Greek writers' descriptions of the region in the 12th century B.C. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I to 1948, Palestine typically referred to the geographic region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Arab people who call this territory home have been known as Palestinians since the early 20th century. Much of this land is now considered present-day Israel.

Scholars believe the name “Palestine” originally comes from the word “Philistia,” which refers to the Philistines who occupied part of the region in the 12th century B.C.

Throughout history, Palestine has been ruled by numerous groups, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians and Mamelukes.

From about 1517 to 1917, the Ottoman Empire ruled much of the region.

Palestinians, the People:

I cannot find one invader or visitor to the area who identified any of the population present as Palestinian. Any Arabs, Bedouin or Druze who might have called themselves or would be identified by that national identity by any of those invaders, visitors or inhabitants.

The Ottoman Census of 1831 to 1917 divides the population of the region as such:

Thanks to all who join this conversation
6000 years ago all Jews and Palestinians alive today had the same mother, so genetically they are equal.
Just who was that mother?

It's derived from DNA telomeres I believe
Stop with these posts. This thread is not about DNA.

This thread looks for the reference, existence of a People called Palestinians, as opposed to the region called Palestine, before 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine.

Let us stick to that, please.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab

The term "Arab", as well as the presence of Arabians in the Syrian Desert and the Fertile Crescent, is first seen in the Assyrian sources from the 9th century BCE (Eph'al 1984).[92] Southern Palestine had a large Edomite and Arab population by the 4th century BCE.[93] Inscriptional evidence over a millennium from the peripheral areas of Palestine, such as the Golan and the Negev, show a prevalence of Arab names over Aramaic names from the Achaemenid period,550 -330 BCE onwards.

[94][95] Bedouins have drifted in waves into Palestine since at least the 7th century, after the Muslim conquest. Some of them, like the Arab al-Sakhr south of Lake Kinneret trace their origins to the Hejaz or Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, while the Ghazawiyya's ancestry is said to go back to the Hauran's Misl al-Jizel tribes.[96] They speak distinct dialects of Arabic in the Galilee and the Negev.[97]

It refers to Arabs. Not one of those tribes, or cultures, was called Palestinian.

Arab presence is one thing. Palestinian presence is another.

Even the minority of Jewish Arabs or Arab speaking Jews were called Palestinians .. so were the Palestinian Christians.

al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab
There are no Jewish Arabs, unless Arabs from Arabia converted to Judaism.

Muslims started saying that the Jews from the Arab conquered areas were "Arabs" to confuse people, and hope that the Jews would consider themselves Arabs.

In that case, Jews from Iraq would be Babylonian Jews (as they are known for having been taken to Babylon), and then the next conqueror, and the next conqueror and the next. But that is not the case.

Jews from other parts would be changing identity as well with every invading group.

That never happened because Jews are Jews.
The Arabs are Arabs from various tribes from Arabia which migrated, but kept their identity and culture through the ages.

It seems like only the Palestinians cannot find their ancestral identity and culture and have borrowed heavily from Egyptian or Saudi culture since 1920.

Jewish isn't a race. Its a religion. Arab isn't a race either. If they share the same DNA with all the Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and speak Arabic they are Arab Jews.

Their DNA has more in common markers with Jews than with Saudis. That's the whole GD point.

You have never lived in the ME, have you? I mean you don't know anything about KSA or Libya or Kuwait or Lebanon..

The Palestinians are also related to Greeks, Turks, Romans and Crusaders... Their culture is quite unique.
Jews are a Ethnicity besides a religion.

Being Arab is also a Ethnicity.

Different Ethnicities.

The Jews were never referred to as Arab Jews until recently.

Iraqi Jews
Syrian Jews
Iranian Jews
Lebanese Jews
Moroccan Jews
Egyptian Jews
Lybian Jews

Iraqi Christians
Syrian Christians
Iranian Christians
Lebanese Christians

LOLOL. Did you know that Arab Christians and Arab Jews call God Allah?

Have you been anywhere in the Middle East?
Jews of Arab conquered lands call the G-D of Abraham "Allah"?

I would like a link, from the Hebrew Scriptures to that.

I AM from the Middle East. :)

So you're Jewish. You can easily look up the word Allah and see how it is used by Arabic speaking Christians and Jews. Just choose a source you like. They use another word in Farsi and I don't know about Amharic.

Hebrew scripture would be in Hebrew, right?
I do not know which Jews would call the G-D of Abraham Allah. I have only heard Jews, from many places and languages call him by the Hebrew Heloim.
Or the word from each country where they live, be it Deus, Dio, Dios, God, or whichever language.

But, this is not part of this thread.

And you continue to not answer my questions.

Like Deus, Dio, Dios or Gott, Allah is God for Arabic speaking people.
I know a lot of Arab speaking Jews. None of them says Allah referring to the G-D of Abraham.

Maybe someday I will. But so far....
Again all Jews and Palestinians had the same mother 6000 years ago which is before either of the fake Jew or Arab gods got their fake names.
That is too much crap, even from you.

But of course, it comes from people who decided to re write Jewish history and how it started.

Fake this, fake that.

Fake facts, or even fake myths.....because ancient myths aren't allowed to exist for Jews, as they are for any other human group
So, in the are unable to pinpoint when any Arab, before they were called Arabs, began to migrate to Canaan.

10,000 years ago waves of Arabs would have been noticed and interacted with the other inhabitants.

But history cannot find one story of these people migrating in waves 10,000 years ago.

Nor 6200 years ago.

Some Arabs were around in Canaan, for sure. Ishmael did not marry one, nor did he father one.
That is a Muslim fable born when Islam was born, to connect Islam to Judaism.

Abraham also went only to Egypt, as did his children.

But Muslim fable makes him and Ishmael go to Arabia and "build" their sacred temple. They never set foot there.

Lots of fables in Islam. Jews are Apes and pigs. That's a good one.

Mohammad flew on his horse to "Jerusalem", when in reality the Koran never mentions the name of the place, and Mohammad had never been to Jerusalem. Jerusalem was not important to Muslims until Israel's creation and Jordan lost the Jewish Quarter it had gained in 1948.

But, continue not to find any ancient Palestinian to connect them to the ones who call themselves that name only after the Mandate for Palestine, and after the Jews finally got to choose the name for their recreated nation, therefore throwing away a name which was name which was meant to do nothing bu humiliate them, and remind them that their destinies belonged to the Christians and Muslims and what those two would allow the Jews to do.
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Canaanites were late African tribes that invaded the Levant, later adopting the local
proto-Hebrew civilization, their cities carried Hebrew names as much as language.

When the Hebrews some went back, some left willfully, others fought and were entirely uprooted, but for many it was a natural assimilation process. Hence much of what
we know about them comes from Hebrew sources.

After that there were 14 major conquests and migrations, Mongols, Arabs,
but already prior to that the collective known as Canaanites,
had already disappeared from the pages of history.

Hence the main source about the Levantine civilization are Hebrew texts,
and Hebrew is the only Levantine language alive today.

Until today, none of the geographical names in the Levant,
carry meaning but in Hebrew.
Last edited:
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Canaanites were late African tribes that invaded the Levant, later adopting the local
proto-Hebrew civilization, their cities carried Hebrew names as much as language.

When the Hebrews some went back, some left willfully, others fought and were entirely uprooted, but for many it was a natural assimilation process. Hence much of what
we know about them comes from Hebrew sources.

After that there were 14 major conquests and migrations, Mongols, Arabs,
but already prior to that the collective known as Canaanites,
had already disappeared from the pages of history.

Hence the main source about the Levantine civilization are Hebrew texts,
and Hebrew is the only Levantine language alive today.

Until today, none of the geographical names in the Levant,
carry meaning but in Hebrew.
So, do you believe that every time there is a change in rule the entire population moves out and an entire new population mives in?
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Canaanites were late African tribes that invaded the Levant, later adopting the local
proto-Hebrew civilization, their cities carried Hebrew names as much as language.

When the Hebrews some went back, some left willfully, others fought and were entirely uprooted, but for many it was a natural assimilation process. Hence much of what
we know about them comes from Hebrew sources.

After that there were 14 major conquests and migrations, Mongols, Arabs,
but already prior to that the collective known as Canaanites,
had already disappeared from the pages of history.

Hence the main source about the Levantine civilization are Hebrew texts,
and Hebrew is the only Levantine language alive today.

Until today, none of the geographical names in the Levant,
carry meaning but in Hebrew.
So, do you believe that every time there is a change in rule the entire population moves out and an entire new population mives in?
Idiotic question, unless you are talking about all the Jews of Gaza, TransJordan, Hebron and Judea and Samaria, from 1920 to 1948 who had to be moved out so that Arabs could move in.
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Canaanites were late African tribes that invaded the Levant, later adopting the local
proto-Hebrew civilization, their cities carried Hebrew names as much as language.

When the Hebrews some went back, some left willfully, others fought and were entirely uprooted, but for many it was a natural assimilation process. Hence much of what
we know about them comes from Hebrew sources.

After that there were 14 major conquests and migrations, Mongols, Arabs,
but already prior to that the collective known as Canaanites,
had already disappeared from the pages of history.

Hence the main source about the Levantine civilization are Hebrew texts,
and Hebrew is the only Levantine language alive today.

Until today, none of the geographical names in the Levant,
carry meaning but in Hebrew.
So, do you believe that every time there is a change in rule the entire population moves out and an entire new population mives in?
Idiotic question, unless you are talking about all the Jews of Gaza, TransJordan, Hebron and Judea and Samaria, from 1920 to 1948 who had to be moved out so that Arabs could move in.
That wasn't the question.
So, in the are unable to pinpoint when any Arab, before they were called Arabs, began to migrate to Canaan.

10,000 years ago waves of Arabs would have been noticed and interacted with the other inhabitants.

But history cannot find one story of these people migrating in waves 10,000 years ago.

Nor 6200 years ago.

Some Arabs were around in Canaan, for sure. Ishmael did not marry one, nor did he father one.
That is a Muslim fable born when Islam was born, to connect Islam to Judaism.

Abraham also went only to Egypt, as did his children.

But Muslim fable makes him and Ishmael go to Arabia and "build" their sacred temple. They never set foot there.

Lots of fables in Islam. Jews are Apes and pigs. That's a good one.

Mohammad flew on his horse to "Jerusalem", when in reality the Koran never mentions the name of the place, and Mohammad had never been to Jerusalem. Jerusalem was not important to Muslims until Israel's creation and Jordan lost the Jewish Quarter it had gained in 1948.

But, continue not to find any ancient Palestinian to connect them to the ones who call themselves that name only after the Mandate for Palestine, and after the Jews finally got to choose the name for their recreated nation, therefore throwing away a name which was name which was meant to do nothing bu humiliate them, and remind them that their destinies belonged to the Christians and Muslims and what those two would allow the Jews to do.

Arabs didn't write the OT or the NT.. What are you talking about?

Archaelogists state the waves of Arab migrations. The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian Pennsula.

All the ancient civilizations had myths.
( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Canaanites were late African tribes that invaded the Levant, later adopting the local
proto-Hebrew civilization, their cities carried Hebrew names as much as language.

When the Hebrews some went back, some left willfully, others fought and were entirely uprooted, but for many it was a natural assimilation process. Hence much of what
we know about them comes from Hebrew sources.

After that there were 14 major conquests and migrations, Mongols, Arabs,
but already prior to that the collective known as Canaanites,
had already disappeared from the pages of history.

Hence the main source about the Levantine civilization are Hebrew texts,
and Hebrew is the only Levantine language alive today.

Until today, none of the geographical names in the Levant,
carry meaning but in Hebrew.

LOLOL.. Nope. The Canaanites weren't Africans.. In fact the Jews were themselves Canaanites from Urfa in Syria near Haran.

The names of Abraham's sons by Keturah are found all over Northern Arabia.

The Akkadians migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.. Do you know who they were?

( This is the best explanation one can find about what happened to all the Canaanite tribes which lived in Canaan and what happened to them)

Are Canaanites Arabs?

TL;DR: No. “Canaanite” is not a specific ethnicity, but a label for peoples who lived in Canaan in ancient times. Canaan is another name for the Levant, which is another name for the region that came to be known (after the Roman Conquest) as Palestine. Arabs came from Arabia. It is more accurate to say that most of the surviving people of Canaanite genetic extraction were “Arabized” during the Arab Conquests of the 7th century, not the other way around.

According to Biblical accounts, there were seven, separate ancient Canaanite nations, in addition to the Jews, who were also genetically Canaanite: secular scholars once thought these ”Canaanite nations” were fictitious and mythical, until archeological evidence began turning up regarding the formerly-unknown (except in the Bible) Hittite nation. Most scholars now agree there were in fact several different “nations” (ethnic groups) co-existing in the same territory known as Canaan during the late Bronze Age. People back then did not have the concept of the modern nation-state as we do now; instead, there were numerous independent city-states, of various different ethnicities, none of which had exclusive control over the entire territory known as Canaan. In addition, nomadic herding peoples traveled in and out of the region freely, interspersed among the settled cities of the various nations. All of these people could be considered “Canaanites” in the sense that they lived in Canaan.

The Jews are the only indigenous Canaanite people who retain their culture in a continuous, unbroken line from ancient times until today.

Arabs come from Arabia. During the great expansion of Islam (also known as the Arab Conquest) led by Mohammed’s followers in the 7th century C.E., Arab Muslims from Arabia spread out to invade and conquer (in the name of Islam, which was, especially then, both a political system and a religion) most of the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and so on. The peoples of those places — that is, the non-Arab nations who lived there previously — found their indigenous cultures were suppressed, and they were assimilated into the “Arab (Muslim) nation,” abandoning (for the most part) their native languages, religions, and cultures, and adopting the Arabic language, Muslim religion, and Arab culture instead.

There were, of course, exceptions. Many Christians and Jews in those regions under the Arab Conquest retained their previous religion. A few retained their indigenous languages, among them Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic, and so on.

But, there are no modern “Canaanites.” That collection of ethnicities became extinct, except for the Jews, even before the Roman conquest of Judea (the Jewish kingdom that arose in Canaan) had occurred. The people of what is now Lebanon had become Hellenized (Greek culture) after Alexander’s conquest in the 4th century B.C.E. — speaking Greek, worshiping the Greek gods, and so on — and then became Greek-cultured, Hellenic Christians after the rise of Gentile (Greek) Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean under the apostle Paul. This they remained, until the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, when some of them remained Christian, and some converted to Islam. And, of course, a portion of the Jews, who remained Jewish, continued to live in the Levant — in “Canaan” — as well, though most of their fellow Jews had been exiled to other lands by the Roman conquest around the turn of the common era.

Genes tell part of the story, but not the whole story. Ethnicity is mostly a matter of culture, not genes. And there are no “Canaanites” today. Except, that is, for the Jews, who are and always were a people of Canaan, and who still pursue an unbroken continuation of the ancient culture they held to back then.

Are you saying that the Canaanites completely disappeared and were replaced by another people?

Sixties Fan

Akkadians were from the Arabian Peninsula?

RE: Palestinians: 10,000 years ago, since Abraham or since the Mandate for Palestine?
SUBTOPIC: Time Lines and Historical Context
※→ surada, Sixiezs Fan, rylah, et al,

BLUF: Yes some "myths" are "myths" and some myths have a basis in fact.

surada said:
Arabs didn't write the OT or the NT.. What are you talking about?

Archaelogists state the waves of Arab migrations. The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian Pennsula.

All the ancient civilizations had myths.


Gunter Dreyer
(famed Egyptologist and Archaeologist), in the latter part of 1988, discovered the (looted) sarcophagus of the Pharaoh U-j. U-j (one of the first Egyptian Pharaohs) who had been resting in state under the Falcon Horus (Sigil for Protection • used almost exclusively for ancient royalty). The Pharaoh U-j (or Namer) was believed to have been King Scorpion I (AKA The Scorpion King). The sign of the scorpion was on the undamaged seals marked on the sarcophagus.

In 1995, a deliberate and decorative marker (graffito) that is maybe 5000 years old. This graffito commemorated the Scorpian King victory in battle.

I was in a Hotel Bar of the Queen Allia International Airport, in Amman. I was sitting at a table with a number of post-grad archaeologists working with a prof for the summer towards their doctorates. They did the talking, and I just listened. But I got a distinct impression that modern examination tools placed the dating of some of the artifacts to only about 3000 years old. The Scorpion King Marker was very much older.

But the one time I did ask a question, I nearly was smacked out of my seat. The ancient migrations through the Middle East and some turning west towards Europe and some turning East towards the embryonic Silk Road and the path out in the direction of India and South China Sea (some heading towards Australia) were in a constant state of change. It was Emporer Hadrian that assigned the names to the Roman Provinces Syria and Palestina somewhere around the turn of the Common Era (CE).

Trying to make political evidence out of archeological finds is just ridiculous. The Neanderthals of 40,000 years ago that have been found in Europe, came from Africa (based on what we know now).


The grandson (and descendants) of Abraham (Jacob). Politically established at least one of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. They were Hebrews. That is more than a thousand years before Emporer Hadrian named Syria-Palestine.

But in contemporary times, that History is great to know academically. But politically, it is less than worthless and ultimately is a massive calendar of historical events overtaken by time.


Most Respectfully,
Arabs didn't write the OT or the NT.. What are you talking about?

Archaelogists state the waves of Arab migrations. The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian Pennsula.

All the ancient civilizations had myths.
Neither wrote the Quran,
and no they wren't.
LOLOL.. Nope. The Canaanites weren't Africans.. In fact the Jews were themselves Canaanites from Urfa in Syria near Haran.

The names of Abraham's sons by Keturah are found all over Northern Arabia.

The Akkadians migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.. Do you know who they were?


Or in other words,
pathetic Arab supremacist revisionism.

Having nothing to offer but history of slavery, rape and degradation,
are now trying Arabize the history of all the civilizations that existed before their conquest.

Yes, Canaanites were African,
much as Egyptians, the descendants of Ham.
The Akkadians, Eilam, Ashur descendants of Shem.

Arabs are the descendants of Yaktan and Yokshan,
unlike your suggestion, those ,and most Semitic nations are not of Yaktan and Yokshan.

To say "Jews are Canaanites from Urfa",
is like saying "Berlin is the origin of Indians".
Ebla, was the most likely center of proto-Hebrew civilization.
Last edited:
Or in other words,
pathetic Arab supremacist revisionism.

Having nothing to offer but history of slavery, rape and degradation,
are now trying Arabize the history of all the civilizations that existed before their conquest.

Yes, Canaanites were African,
much as Egyptians, the descendants of Ham.
The Akkadians, Eilam, Ashur descendants of Shem.

Arabs are the descendants of Yaktan and Yokshan,
unlike your suggestion, those ,and most Semitic nations are not of Yaktan and Yokshan.

To say "Jews are Canaanites from Urfa",
is like saying "Berlin is the origin of Indians".
Ebla, was the most likely center of proto-Hebrew civilization.

Akkadians migrated from the Arabian peninsula.



Yaktan and Yokshan were from Arabia Felix. Do you know where that is?
Akkadians migrated from the Arabian peninsula.



Yaktan and Yokshan were from Arabia Felix. Do you know where that is?

Yes I know you're a real big parrot,.
but do you realize even these pictures contradict your nonesense?

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