Palestinian rockets killed more Gazans in 2014 war


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Jerusalem (AFP) - Amnesty International said Thursday Palestinian rocket fire during the 2014 summer war in Gaza had killed more civilians in the Gaza Strip than in Israel.

Such deadly attacks on civilians on both sides constituted "a war crime," it said.

The damning report urged armed Palestinian groups to end attacks on civilians in Israel and to protect those in the Gaza Strip from the effects of such attacks.

The militant group Hamas, which de facto rules Gaza and led fighting against Israel during the conflict, slammed the report as "biased" and accused Amnesty of being a "Zionist organisation".
Palestinian rockets killed more Gazans in 2014 war Amnesty - Yahoo News
Amnesty a zionist organization now, hah.
You accept Amnesty International reports when it suits your view, and reject their reports when it goes against your pre-conceived opinion
You accept Amnesty International reports when it suits your view, and reject their reports when it goes against your pre-conceived opinion

They are certainly a politicized source, and thus to be considered unreliable.

Are you suggesting their numbers on those killed by rockets are off? Do you think firing inaccurate rockets randomly into civilian targets is not a war crime?
Jerusalem (AFP) - Amnesty International said Thursday Palestinian rocket fire during the 2014 summer war in Gaza had killed more civilians in the Gaza Strip than in Israel.

Such deadly attacks on civilians on both sides constituted "a war crime," it said.

The damning report urged armed Palestinian groups to end attacks on civilians in Israel and to protect those in the Gaza Strip from the effects of such attacks.

The militant group Hamas, which de facto rules Gaza and led fighting against Israel during the conflict, slammed the report as "biased" and accused Amnesty of being a "Zionist organisation".
Palestinian rockets killed more Gazans in 2014 war Amnesty - Yahoo News
Amnesty a zionist organization now, hah.
Does that mean you accept their views about Israel's war crimes now?
I think ALL rockets fired into civilian targets is a war crime, do you agree?

Not under any definition of war crime I am familiar with.

when hamas use civilian area for bases or to fire on Israel from, they are no longer civilian area but legal military targets.
Hamas become guilty of using it's own people as human shields.
I think ALL rockets fired into civilian targets is a war crime, do you agree?

Not under any definition of war crime I am familiar with.
You have never served in any Military

I fail to see how that is relevant.

Do you have a link to a definition of War Crime that covers "ALL rockets fired into civilian targets is a war crime"?

BTW, you never answered if you have any issues with the numbers of killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes.
The definition of a legitimate target is central to the laws of armed conflict. Additional Protocol I, Article 52, defines a legitimate military target as one “which by [its] nature, location, purpose, or use makes an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.” Any attack requires that it be justified, in the first place, by military necessity. However, no object may be attacked if damage to civilians and civilian objects would be excessive when compared to that advantage. And if there are doubts whether a normally civilian facility is contributing to military action, the object is presumed to be civilian.

Crimes of War Legitimate Military Targets
BTW, you never answered if you have any issues with the numbers of killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes.
Was the Palestinian rocket intended to hit the occupying forces or Palestinian civilians?
PS Israeli settlers in the occupied territory are not protected persons under the Geneva conventions
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BTW, you never answered if you have any issues with the numbers of killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes.
Was the Palestinian rocket intended to hit the occupying forces or Palestinian civilians?
PS Israeli settlers in the occupied territory are not protected persons under the Geneva conventions

area C is still under Israel control, it is not yet, nor likely to be part of a palestinian state. Those living there are civilians.
The definition of a legitimate target is central to the laws of armed conflict. Additional Protocol I, Article 52, defines a legitimate military target as one “which by [its] nature, location, purpose, or use makes an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.” Any attack requires that it be justified, in the first place, by military necessity. However, no object may be attacked if damage to civilians and civilian objects would be excessive when compared to that advantage. And if there are doubts whether a normally civilian facility is contributing to military action, the object is presumed to be civilian.

Crimes of War Legitimate Military Targets

1. Who is Gary Redo, and why should I trust what he has written? I was kind of expecting a link to the Geneva Convention or something similar.

2. Article 52 of what? Link does not specific what they are supposedly referencing.

3. And that does not support your position of ANY firing into a civilian area to be a war crime. Even by your link, if a target can be attacked without the damage to civilians being excessive compared to the military advantage to be gained, it is not a war crime.
BTW, you never answered if you have any issues with the numbers of killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes.
Was the Palestinian rocket intended to hit the occupying forces or Palestinian civilians?
PS Israeli settlers in the occupied territory are not protected persons under the Geneva conventions

1. The rockets are almost never aimed at military forces but the civilian population. They are not military operations so much as terrorist attacks. The attacks in question are not going to have an effect on the IDF, but could terrorize the civilian population.

2. I bet they aren't. But the rockets attacks have never been limited to the West Bank settlers. Indeed, my understanding is that southern Israel proper is the primary target.

3. And you are still not directly answering my questions. Do you disagree with the quoted numbers killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes?
The lack of responses from pro Palestinians is.....well....not the least bit surprising .
I think ALL rockets fired into civilian targets is a war crime, do you agree?

But if the enemy is using civilian areas to engage in war then those areas are no longer civilian but valid military targets
BTW, you never answered if you have any issues with the numbers of killed, or with the actions of the Palestinians being war crimes.
Was the Palestinian rocket intended to hit the occupying forces or Palestinian civilians?
PS Israeli settlers in the occupied territory are not protected persons under the Geneva conventions

Neither as the rocket being unguided was a danger to everyone making it in itself a war crime. They don't care where they land or who they kill as they can blame the "Zionists" for the deaths.

Depends on how you apply the rules, and the ICC/ICJ might just say they are as they are on Jewish owned land.

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