Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

What does the video prove apart from you are clutching at straws
The "Palestinian" areas exist at Israel's discretion. Israel took the area back in 1967, but has at their discretion allowed via the Oslo occords, etc. to try to give the "Palestinians" a country.

But all the pals have done is more and more indiscriminate violence, violence spurred on by Arafat and everyone else on down to the pals detriment.

Nope, time's up. The pals are history, unless they claim an independent non violent country RIGHT NOW and WHERE THEY ARE.
Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

What does the video prove apart from you are clutching at straws

Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

I think it speaks for itself
Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

What does the video prove apart from you are clutching at straws

Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

I think it speaks for itself

Then don't complain when your fantasy dissolves and you are left looking incredibly stupid
Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

What does the video prove apart from you are clutching at straws

Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

I think it speaks for itself

Then don't complain when your fantasy dissolves and you are left looking incredibly stupid

My fantasy ? mean a little cabin in the cascades ?
hey if does not happen..thats ok too
Cars carrying U.S. diplomats investigating whether Israeli settlers on the West Bank had destroyed a Palestinian olive grove were hit with rocks by the settlers on Friday.

Five thousand olive saplings were planted on land in Adei Ad that until recently was under dispute in the area inhabited by Palestinians, but under increasing encroachment by settlers who want to claim the area for Israel. The saplings were uprooted. The Palestinians cultivating the plot suspected that it was done by the settlers and complained to U.S. consular authorities.

U.S. and the World - Israeli Settlers Throw Stones at U.S. Diplomats - AllGov - News

Wonder how Americans would react if Indians came off their reservations and started co-opting US territory.
Wonder how Americans would react if Indians came off their reservations and started co-opting US territory.

...or, more apt to the story in the OP, imagine how Native Americans would feel if the US government not only turned a blind eye to squatters encroaching on reservations...but tacitly (and sometimes not so tacitly) supported such activities. :rolleyes:
I'm honored. Nice to see I'm on your mind in much the same way as a politician.

Just trying to take part in the clown avatar rage. I'm trendy like that. Couldn't find a more appropriate image to serve as my template for unbridled clownery.
I'm honored. Nice to see I'm on your mind in much the same way as a politician.

Just trying to take part in the clown avatar rage. I'm trendy like that. Couldn't find a more appropriate to image to serve as my template for unbridled clownery.

Here I thought my posts were 'in one ear out the other.' Nice to know they richochet around in some.
Ugh. Couldn't hack it any longer. Even with the clown make-up, it was too big a shock to the system to see that mug staring at me from my own unread watched threads page! :laugh:

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