"Palestinian" Arabs Demand Their Welfare Payments

For those who re write history here is a map of the areas of control in the west bank. This shows who has rights over what land by International treaty ( international law )


As you can see Israel has control over all the white areas

Says who? You?

Not an "official" map....

There is no ©

Try again dumbo, why not look at where the map is from

Oh look, it's from... YOU....

Must be right then eh :cuckoo:
It seems the Palis have competition in the realm of islamist charity fraud.

The social convention of charity is one which is abused to new levels of absurdity when islamics are involved. In America, arguably the most generous nation on the planet, it is not uncommon to learn of unscrupulous people looking to benefit from the charitable nature of others. And in the aftermath of 9/11, we've seen a slew of Islamic charities shut down over their connections to islamist terrorist syndicates.

Over and over we see the closure of these Islamic "charity" organizations and the indictment of their officials, many operating on American soil, under American tax exemption laws, raking in American dollars—to plot against Americans and friends of America. Is this because of "islamophobia"—a Zionist/neocon Crusade? No, Mulder, it's just Islam.

EXCLUSIVE: Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

TWO ISLAMIC charities that raised at least £1m between them for "refugees in war torn Syria and Palestine" and "victims of natural disasters in Pakistan" are facing probes into "significant financial irregularities"
It seems the Palis have competition in the realm of islamist charity fraud.

The social convention of charity is one which is abused to new levels of absurdity when islamics are involved. In America, arguably the most generous nation on the planet, it is not uncommon to learn of unscrupulous people looking to benefit from the charitable nature of others. And in the aftermath of 9/11, we've seen a slew of Islamic charities shut down over their connections to islamist terrorist syndicates.

Over and over we see the closure of these Islamic "charity" organizations and the indictment of their officials, many operating on American soil, under American tax exemption laws, raking in American dollars—to plot against Americans and friends of America. Is this because of "islamophobia"—a Zionist/neocon Crusade? No, Mulder, it's just Islam.

EXCLUSIVE: Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

TWO ISLAMIC charities that raised at least £1m between them for "refugees in war torn Syria and Palestine" and "victims of natural disasters in Pakistan" are facing probes into "significant financial irregularities"

How interesting, an Express reporter who nomally writes about science, nature and the paranormal suddenly writes about financial irregularities in Muslim charitable organisations, before going on to tell us that the world is going to end in 4 weeks as we will be struck by 6, count them, 6 HUGE asteroids.

SIX huge asteroids ARE coming our way as doommongers insist world will end in FOUR weeks

Best get my holidays in quick then...still, that's one way of solving the Israel-Palestine conflict. :D
It seems the Palis have competition in the realm of islamist charity fraud.

The social convention of charity is one which is abused to new levels of absurdity when islamics are involved. In America, arguably the most generous nation on the planet, it is not uncommon to learn of unscrupulous people looking to benefit from the charitable nature of others. And in the aftermath of 9/11, we've seen a slew of Islamic charities shut down over their connections to islamist terrorist syndicates.

Over and over we see the closure of these Islamic "charity" organizations and the indictment of their officials, many operating on American soil, under American tax exemption laws, raking in American dollars—to plot against Americans and friends of America. Is this because of "islamophobia"—a Zionist/neocon Crusade? No, Mulder, it's just Islam.

EXCLUSIVE: Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

TWO ISLAMIC charities that raised at least £1m between them for "refugees in war torn Syria and Palestine" and "victims of natural disasters in Pakistan" are facing probes into "significant financial irregularities"

How interesting, an Express reporter who nomally writes about science, nature and the paranormal suddenly writes about financial irregularities in Muslim charitable organisations, before going on to tell us that the world is going to end in 4 weeks as we will be struck by 6, count them, 6 HUGE asteroids.

SIX huge asteroids ARE coming our way as doommongers insist world will end in FOUR weeks

Best get my holidays in quick then...still, that's one way of solving the Israel-Palestine conflict. :D
How typical that you spam the thread with something completely pointless.

I'm guessing that thievery being a staple of "the way of the 'profit' muhammud (swish), you Islamics have no real issue with Islamist charities being fronts for fraud.
It seems the Palis have competition in the realm of islamist charity fraud.

The social convention of charity is one which is abused to new levels of absurdity when islamics are involved. In America, arguably the most generous nation on the planet, it is not uncommon to learn of unscrupulous people looking to benefit from the charitable nature of others. And in the aftermath of 9/11, we've seen a slew of Islamic charities shut down over their connections to islamist terrorist syndicates.

Over and over we see the closure of these Islamic "charity" organizations and the indictment of their officials, many operating on American soil, under American tax exemption laws, raking in American dollars—to plot against Americans and friends of America. Is this because of "islamophobia"—a Zionist/neocon Crusade? No, Mulder, it's just Islam.

EXCLUSIVE: Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

Islamic refugee charities in 'significant cash irregularities' probes

TWO ISLAMIC charities that raised at least £1m between them for "refugees in war torn Syria and Palestine" and "victims of natural disasters in Pakistan" are facing probes into "significant financial irregularities"

How interesting, an Express reporter who nomally writes about science, nature and the paranormal suddenly writes about financial irregularities in Muslim charitable organisations, before going on to tell us that the world is going to end in 4 weeks as we will be struck by 6, count them, 6 HUGE asteroids.

SIX huge asteroids ARE coming our way as doommongers insist world will end in FOUR weeks

Best get my holidays in quick then...still, that's one way of solving the Israel-Palestine conflict. :D

Ever thought that he is paid to write the reports, and he cant refuse to do as his boss tells him. Like a copper cant refuse to arrest someone just because
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net

They are not bad at accounting they are just fraudsters, which is why so many are under investigation in the UK
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.

It's a tactic, juvenile name-calling....

No excuses, just stating fact; nobody is perfect.
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.

It's a tactic, juvenile name-calling....

No excuses, just stating fact; nobody is perfect.
The fact of your cowardice and inability to address my comments?

You're left to juvenile name-calling. The last gasp of the failed islamo.
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.

It's a tactic, juvenile name-calling....

No excuses, just stating fact; nobody is perfect.

Stop altering posts so you wont get warnings
Arab squatters have no "natural and inalienable rights" to land they squatted on.
They have more rights than your Jewish insurgents.

Yes they do, Arabs in Israel are favored in many ways other groups aren't.
Take army service for example- arab minorities are not obliged to serve in the army, although they choose to volunteer. Including muslims, christians and others who actually get to high ranks.
Then why can't they be re-united with their families? Jews of the world can come to Israel to live with no problems, but an Israeli-Arab can't bring his wife to live with him from the West Bank.

Why can't they drive on "Jew-only" roads? Why can't they live in "Jew-only" communities? Why can't they commemorate Nakba, without getting fined?

There’s no country that doesn’t discriminate one group of its citizens over another.
For example some rights for privacy of individuals are being discriminated for the security of the group and so on.

The immigration policy of the US discriminates between different groups, sometimes on an ethnic ground- preferring to give approves to immigrants from dictatorship countries and Soviet political asylum seekers. But the main discrimination is on a financial ground. It’s easier for a doctor or an investor with a proven bank account to get a green card than an unemployed person from Mexico or Haiti.
The Canadian immigration policy is based on professional and financial skills, therefore it discriminates on a financial ground as well; in addition to some laws in the Quebec area where the discrimination is in favor of French speaking population.

In many countries among them- Switzerland, Germany Greece and Armenia, there’re laws for automatic immigrations for the descendants of their ethnic diaspora. And the descendants of a British citizen (real Brit, not a Chinese who’s got a British passport) are rightful to return to their “homeland”.

Now for Israel specifically, not every Jew will be allowed a citizenship- it depends on the background.
There’s no discrimination against Israeli citizens but citizens of other countries and those who threaten the security of Israel and its citizens. If a Jew wants to bring a wife from abroad they’ll go through a thorough background check.

For the roads, I’ve never seen them but the way you show it this is not a discrimination of Israeli citizens, it’s merely a separation on security and administration ground between citizens of one country and citizens of another authority, in this case a hostile one.
In any case there’re no “Jews-only” roads but Palestinian/Israeli roads. One thing close to what you said does exist- separate secured pathways for Muslims and Jews on the way to the patriarch graves, it serves to secure the right to worship. Those are no roads, Arabs can move on any Israeli road they need unlike in Saudi Arabia. Mind you-Jews are still discriminated against on the Temple Mount.

And Israeli- Arabs can live in any city, or area they wish, they did and they still choose to do so.
On the other hand Jews can’t live in the Arab triangles in Israel, due to crime and their open hostility.

For commemorating Nakba, it’s like asking why in Russia it’s not allowed to commemorate the death of those Nazi Ukrainians (USSR citizens) in their battle against the Russian red army. Or in US the death of those 911 terrorists.

But for You I guess You’ll fight until balestinians will get the right to become rabbi’s.

Last edited:
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.

It's a tactic, juvenile name-calling....

No excuses, just stating fact; nobody is perfect.
The fact of your cowardice and inability to address my comments?

You're left to juvenile name-calling. The last gasp of the failed islamo.

Juvenile name calling is your forte, Hollie, not mine, and you've yet to make any comments worthy to be addressed.
Last edited:
Just because you missed the point, doesn't make my post pointless. So a few Islamic charities may, or may not, be bad at accounting. OK, it's good that these are highlighted, but lets put that into perspective,

"Thankfully, most registered charities behave properly.

Nevertheless, there have been problems with some registered charities.

We've divided the problems into the following four categories, in increasing order of seriousness :

  • Inefficiency :
    This can be due to inexperience, poor management/administration, or receiving poor advice. For example with fundraising there are sometimes concerns over the pence-in-the-pound raised - in other words the ratio of (a) the net proceeds going to the good cause, versus (b) the gross income. In these cases, they may not be breaking any 'rules', and there may not be any dishonesty involved. However, action is still needed to deal with the problem.
  • Breaking the rules unintentionally :
    The rules concerning charity law and finance are complex. It's easy to fall foul of the rules unintentionally. This is a particular problem for small, fledgling charities. For example, we've encountered a number of small but well-intentioned charities which carry out clothing collections and haven't realised they needed a licence. Strictly speaking they're committing a criminal offence under the 1939 Act. However, in these cases what's needed is help and advice for them on licensing (rather than prosecution). We've helped several charities in this way.
  • Breaking the rules intentionally, but 'honestly' :
    Example: Some honest charities which do clothing collections without a licence have admitted that they know they ought to have a licence. But they say they find the licensing system too bureaucratic. Unfortunately their well-intentioned but maverick approach undermines the licensing system and makes it more difficult to stop bogus collectors.
  • Dishonesty :
    In this final (worst) category are cases of people in charities who knowingly taking money they're not entitled to - in other words fraud, theft and the like. Clearly these are criminal acts and are inexcusable."
Charities and honesty (eg bogus charities, enforcement, charity fraud)

Also the problem is not confined to Islamic charities as you try to suggest:

America's 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers

Top 10 Charity Scams - Toptenz.net
It seems that excuses for Islamo-thievery via Islamo-charity fraud is a subject that Islamics find unable to deal with as it an affront to their tender Islamo-sensibilities.

It's a tactic, juvenile name-calling....

No excuses, just stating fact; nobody is perfect.
The fact of your cowardice and inability to address my comments?

You're left to juvenile name-calling. The last gasp of the failed islamo.

Juvenile name calling is your forte, Hollie, not mine, and you've yet to make any comments worthy to be addressed.

Corruption and mismanagement.

That seems to define Pali Arab mentality.

EU accuses Palestinians of wasting €2 billion in aid

The Palestinian Authority squandered nearly €2 billion ($2.7 billion) in European aid through corruption and mismanagement, a British newspaper claimed Sunday, leaking the contents of a not-yet-published European document.
I find it quite funny that there are many posts relating to the "investigation" of TWO charities that have managed to not actually provide very much cash FOR the charity, due to 'overheads and expenses'....

Hardly a damning statement as, provided that the 'investigations' can find correct accounting procedures in place there is hardly a global fraud taking place... Unless of course you are a zionut looking to pass judgement on a 'Muslim' charity...

With a little thought you would find that a large number of charities actually 'collect' millions of $$ yet fail to pass every cent on because of 'overheads and expenses'...

Fact of life... NO charity can operate with zero expenses!

The fact that zionuts try and use this as some kind of 'attack' against 'Muslim' charities is proof of the desperation of those zionuts who are losing a grip on reality and trying to find ANY excuse to try and score points... Desperate or what!
Funding Islamic terrorism through islamo-charities.

This is not unusual as in the US, authorities dismantled the Holy Land Foundation as a wellspring of hate and intolerance that had islamo- terrorist connections.

Islamic charity under spotlight after being accused of promoting extremism

The chief executive of an Islamic charity has stepped down and an investigation launched after the organisation was accused of supporting extremism.

Global Aid Trust, which claims to raise money to educate the underprivileged and alleviate poverty around the world, was launched in 2004 and has an annual income of more than half a million pounds a year.
I find it quite funny that there are many posts relating to the "investigation" of TWO charities that have managed to not actually provide very much cash FOR the charity, due to 'overheads and expenses'....

Hardly a damning statement as, provided that the 'investigations' can find correct accounting procedures in place there is hardly a global fraud taking place... Unless of course you are a zionut looking to pass judgement on a 'Muslim' charity...

With a little thought you would find that a large number of charities actually 'collect' millions of $$ yet fail to pass every cent on because of 'overheads and expenses'...

Fact of life... NO charity can operate with zero expenses!

The fact that zionuts try and use this as some kind of 'attack' against 'Muslim' charities is proof of the desperation of those zionuts who are losing a grip on reality and trying to find ANY excuse to try and score points... Desperate or what!

Right up until you resorted to islamomoronic racist terms you were being sensible and coherent, then it just became one of your rants against Israel and the Jews
I find it quite funny that there are many posts relating to the "investigation" of TWO charities that have managed to not actually provide very much cash FOR the charity, due to 'overheads and expenses'....

Hardly a damning statement as, provided that the 'investigations' can find correct accounting procedures in place there is hardly a global fraud taking place... Unless of course you are a zionut looking to pass judgement on a 'Muslim' charity...

With a little thought you would find that a large number of charities actually 'collect' millions of $$ yet fail to pass every cent on because of 'overheads and expenses'...

Fact of life... NO charity can operate with zero expenses!

The fact that zionuts try and use this as some kind of 'attack' against 'Muslim' charities is proof of the desperation of those zionuts who are losing a grip on reality and trying to find ANY excuse to try and score points... Desperate or what!

Right up until you resorted to islamomoronic racist terms you were being sensible and coherent, then it just became one of your rants against Israel and the Jews

Can't be racist against a political organisation idiot!

One day, maybe, you will remember that!

How can I have ranted against Jews? Didn't even mention the word!

It's those voices again Phoney... Did you stop your meds again?

Double up the dose, you might start being coherent and sensible!
And Israeli- Arabs can live in any city, or area they wish, they did and they still choose to do so.
They can't live in Katzir.

Katzir is one of 695 so-called “cooperative associations,” communities mostly established since Israel’s creation in 1948, whose chief purpose is to bar non-Jews from residency.

In October, the Israeli parliament moved to enshrine in law the right of these associations, comprising nearly 70 percent of all communities in Israel, to accept only Jews.

The Constitution, Law and Justice Committee approved a private members’ bill that will uphold the right of the communities’ admissions committees to continue excluding Palestinian Arab citizens, who make up one-fifth of the population. The bill is expected to pass its final reading in the coming weeks.
Get real, dude.

I find it quite funny that there are many posts relating to the "investigation" of TWO charities that have managed to not actually provide very much cash FOR the charity, due to 'overheads and expenses'....

Hardly a damning statement as, provided that the 'investigations' can find correct accounting procedures in place there is hardly a global fraud taking place... Unless of course you are a zionut looking to pass judgement on a 'Muslim' charity...

With a little thought you would find that a large number of charities actually 'collect' millions of $$ yet fail to pass every cent on because of 'overheads and expenses'...

Fact of life... NO charity can operate with zero expenses!

The fact that zionuts try and use this as some kind of 'attack' against 'Muslim' charities is proof of the desperation of those zionuts who are losing a grip on reality and trying to find ANY excuse to try and score points... Desperate or what!

Right up until you resorted to islamomoronic racist terms you were being sensible and coherent, then it just became one of your rants against Israel and the Jews

Can't be racist against a political organisation idiot!

One day, maybe, you will remember that!

How can I have ranted against Jews? Didn't even mention the word!

It's those voices again Phoney... Did you stop your meds again?

Double up the dose, you might start being coherent and sensible!

Oh but you can when you use the term as a racist remark for all members of a race.

One maybe you will remember that the other Nazi's did the same thing

Don't need to as it was implied in your use of the term Zionist

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