Pakistani men and British girls: What is going on?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Yes, indeed, what is going on?


British lawmaker forced to resign after denouncing 'British Pakistani men raping white girls'


A British lawmaker was forced to resign Wednesday after writing a controversial column in which she asserted “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls” -- a claim that sparked a debate about child abuse in the country.

Sarah Champion resigned nearly a week after her column appeared in the wake of the convictions of 18 people who sexually abused women and girls as young as 15.

"Britain has a problem with British-Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls," she wrote in The Sun. "There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is? For too long we have ignored the race of these abusers and, worse, tried to cover it up."

She later apologized for her "extremely poor choice of words," and quit her position as shadow equalities minister.

One woman and 17 men were convicted of, or admitted to, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution in a series of trials that ended last week at Newcastle Crown Court in northeast England.


British lawmaker forced to resign after denouncing 'British Pakistani men raping white girls'
There are several issues here.

Primarily the break down of British working class society. Northern post industrial towns have slumped into shit holes where poverty and the break down of families have created a vulnerable class of youngsters who have slipped through the cracks.

These are easy prey to those who would exploit them.

There have been several high profile cases involving young Asian men. But its not just a Pakistani issue. All races are involved and of course the UK has a long,long issue of child abuse. In Victorian times child prostitution was the biggest employer in London.

So there is an issue, but it is not exclusive to Pakistani youths.
I'd like to pay attention that western people are infantile. When you face a problem you call for police not trying to do something yourselves. But government cannot cover every aspect of life.
EU has idiotic migrants' policy. They welcome all refugees. And they stupidly believe they would become a part of their culture woul obbey their laws and would live their European way of living.
And what we can see now? Refugees refuse to learn language, refuse to work but ask for money. They refuse to obey laws as they see that police cannot control them. They insist on respect to their culture but abuse European.
They behave not like guests, not like those who need help and thankful for getting it but they bahave like occupants.

Government cannot handle this and population cannot show its civil power...people in Europe are weak, they are spoiled. Sorry to say that but it looks like that for me.
^ There was gross generalization in that post.
"Gross generalization" is stereotype style of thinking.
Such as "Russia is cold country covered by snow", "people are vodka lovers", "bears are often met on streets", "russians are rude", "they never smile", "Putin is dictator", "no freedom", etc.

But everything mentioned by me about EU is average trends, conclusions made basing on news and what i had seen myself and heard from friends living there.
For example I have a friend in Belgium who spent about 8 years in Russia. Now is back in Brussels. He calls belgians "sheep" not able and willing to think and to act. He says he doesn't understand his friends and relatives. His mind was reformatted while living in Russia and he feels more free.
I'd like to pay attention that western people are infantile. When you face a problem you call for police not trying to do something yourselves. But government cannot cover every aspect of life.
EU has idiotic migrants' policy. They welcome all refugees. And they stupidly believe they would become a part of their culture woul obbey their laws and would live their European way of living.
And what we can see now? Refugees refuse to learn language, refuse to work but ask for money. They refuse to obey laws as they see that police cannot control them. They insist on respect to their culture but abuse European.
They behave not like guests, not like those who need help and thankful for getting it but they bahave like occupants.

Government cannot handle this and population cannot show its civil power...people in Europe are weak, they are spoiled. Sorry to say that but it looks like that for me.
Very little ,if any,of that is actually based on fact. It sounds like you have been reading the Sun or Daily Express.
There are several issues here.

Primarily the break down of British working class society. Northern post industrial towns have slumped into shit holes where poverty and the break down of families have created a vulnerable class of youngsters who have slipped through the cracks.

These are easy prey to those who would exploit them.

There have been several high profile cases involving young Asian men. But its not just a Pakistani issue. All races are involved and of course the UK has a long,long issue of child abuse. In Victorian times child prostitution was the biggest employer in London.

So there is an issue, but it is not exclusive to Pakistani youths.

Tommy always making excuses for his Muslim associates.
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There are several issues here.

Primarily the break down of British working class society. Northern post industrial towns have slumped into shit holes where poverty and the break down of families have created a vulnerable class of youngsters who have slipped through the cracks.

These are easy prey to those who would exploit them.

There have been several high profile cases involving young Asian men. But its not just a Pakistani issue. All races are involved and of course the UK has a long,long issue of child abuse. In Victorian times child prostitution was the biggest employer in London.

So there is an issue, but it is not exclusive to Pakistani youths.

Tommy-girl the perv always making excuses for his Muslim associates.

You have differences of opinion with Tommy; that should not transform into personal attacks.

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