PA financial crisis: a symptom of continued Israeli domination

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
The Palestinian autonomous authority (PA) has been called many names, all denoting its inherent deformity, pathetic nature and scandalous subservience to Israel. A police state without a state, a Palestinian Judenrat (Jewish council under the Nazis), and a subcontractor entity answerable to the Israeli occupation regime are among the names given to the self-rule junta.

None the less, despite the lack of basic elements necessary to make a state worthy of the name, the PA was portrayed from the very inception by much of the world media as a state in the making or at the very least a preparatory stage toward the eventual establishment of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The PA leadership, including Arafat and his less charismatic successor Mahmoud Abbas, contributed to foster the illusion through rhetorical overindulgence, repressive action against political opponents and winning small but insignificant "victories" at the world arena, such as gaining membership in UNESCO and some other UN agencies.

PA financial crisis: a symptom of continued Israeli domination
The Palestinian autonomous authority (PA) has been called many names, all denoting its inherent deformity, pathetic nature and scandalous subservience to Israel. A police state without a state, a Palestinian Judenrat (Jewish council under the Nazis), and a subcontractor entity answerable to the Israeli occupation regime are among the names given to the self-rule junta.

None the less, despite the lack of basic elements necessary to make a state worthy of the name, the PA was portrayed from the very inception by much of the world media as a state in the making or at the very least a preparatory stage toward the eventual establishment of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The PA leadership, including Arafat and his less charismatic successor Mahmoud Abbas, contributed to foster the illusion through rhetorical overindulgence, repressive action against political opponents and winning small but insignificant "victories" at the world arena, such as gaining membership in UNESCO and some other UN agencies.

PA financial crisis: a symptom of continued Israeli domination
Magnificant article! Should be a Haaretz Op Ed. Who will be the first of many to agree? And to give PFT a Pos Rep? And a thanks?

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