Oy. Roomie Drama.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
First I get into it with Roomie 1 and I made her cry....then Roomie 2 comes to me and says his cougar girlfriend (she is in her 30's, he is 23) refuses to leave his room so Mr Gracie goes in there and calmly says "get out. And don't come back" and I chip in with "if we see you anywhere near or on this property we will call the sheriff" and poor Roomie 2 is saying "yeah, yeah, get out. Go away" and she's laying naked in the bed and said he brought her there and how is she to get home and I said not our problem and Roomie 2 says he will take her home and I said I don't care who takes her or how she goes but get out, take any shit with her and never come back. So his cousin comes over to get her and take her home and Roomie 2 is thanking me for helping and I said she's a cougar and he is too young for this shit and needs to learn how to say NO and he says yeah, he said no tonight but she didn't like it and that's why he came to us. So I told him if he makes up with her later on she is NOT allowed back in this house under any circumstances and if they go back to being lovers that is fine but I damn sure don't have to rent to him and if I see her again, HE gets a 30 day notice and he says no...he does not want her back and has been trying to dump her for some time now but didn't know how. Roomie 2 is a door mat, to be honest. So this female that thinks she is all that as well as powerful... just got a dose of one pissed off stronger female that is alpha in this house and a husband that towers over all of us that has my back.
So..she is gone. And Roomie 2 has been warned the last time. NO MORE GIRLFRIENDS THAT ARE HERE ALL THE TIME OR FRIENDS THAT SLEEP OVER. If it happens again...out he goes.
Concerning Roomie 1, I got fed up with her bullshit. She got pissed that I moved her precious blender and coffee spot over to another side of the counter without asking her first. Then she said a fork of hers is missing and another pot was broken outside in her patio. So I fucking erupted. Called her a nutbar, a fruitcake, a fucktard and to get the fuck out and I'm fed up and giving her a 30 day notice to vacate. Then as she was walking away I said what the FUCK do I have to do with your stupid fork and pot outside? Do you think I stole your fork when I have a whole drawer full? And have you looked outside today? The wind is blowing 40 fucking miles an hour!!! THAT is what broke your fucking pot! So I stomped in my room and she came and knocked on my door all upset and said she was sorry...and I was still pissed and said I am TIRED of her calling me a liar, a thief, and not respecting "her space" when all I did was move her damn blender and coffee pot...and I said I would appreciate her helping out by wiping ALL the counters not just HER spot, vacuum now and then, maybe dust the dining room cuz she uses ALL those rooms and has done NOTHING nor has she even helped with trash can liners and I have bent over backwards to make her happy yet she doesn't want to do stuff for ME cuz it isn't "what she signed up for" and I said well I didn't "sign up" for someone that uses everything but won't even help out now and then and she said "why should I wash a greasy pan of yours when I don't use grease?" and I said "maybe for the same reason I wash your plate? BECAUSE IT'S THERE and it's a NICE THING TO DO for someone else?" and thats when she started crying.
So we both calmed down, discussed that to get, one must give and I have been doing all the giving and sometimes washing a greasy pan KILLS my wrists and SOMETIMES it would be NICE for her to do it for me so I don't sit in front of my pc rubbing bagbalm all over my wrists and crying from the pain...which is what has been happening the past couple of days now that it has gone down to the 60 degree mark and windy? Oh hell yes....lots and lots of horrible wind that kills my ears and sinuses and plays havoc with the RA.
Sigh. Drama. I don't mind hearing other peoples drama but not when it involves me. I told both that I wanted what WAS..prior to the girlfriend probs and prior to Roomie 1 going back to nutbarville like the last time she lived here a few years ago and claimed she changed but so far hasn't and can't we just get along and do things for each other instead of all this CRAP? They both said yes...they will both try and I said I would too.
Oy. This shit has been going on all fucking day.
I am so over roomies. I am stashing as much as I can and looking for owner carry or rent to own or super long term lease. Something. Anything. And oregon is WET. Hell, at this point, I would take anything as long as its a roof. And had water so i can enjoy a sunroom or covered patio garden that I can make all tropical via shitloads of pots so I can pretend I am in Maui. But what I need/want and what is available are two different animals so I ain't holding my breath.

Ok. All better now. Just needed to vent.

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