OWS'ers: Work is available; You are missing out.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Target Job Application Sign In

1300+ jobs, and thats just with one global CORPORATION. Good pay. Flexible hours. 401(k). Benefits.

Yep. Target has listed on their Job Application site 1,346 jobs. It's not a glamorous career. You'll be helping an evil corporation earn evil, wicked profits. But you'll get paid a decent wage. Get benefits and 401(k) (aka, investments). Sure, you'll start at entry level, but can work you way up. Like EVERYONE else in the good positions had to do.

Most will mock this thread. Many will give excuses about why they would never do it. Others will blame Wall Street, Target, George Bush, or anyone BUT themselves.

And a few will, or already have, applied for those jobs, and the thousands of others unfilled throughout America. Meanwhile, more fucking idiots will be getting arrested and holding signs whining about why they can't find work or get the lifestyle they deserve....while opportunity exists to begin working towards just that.

Grow up losers.
Boeing is hiring, apply online - Business - TheState.com

Whats this? Yet another big, evil, greedy company is trying to hire thousands of people for work in a safe environment, making airplanes, for a fair wage and benefits.

EVEN though OBama's NLRB tried to file a lawsuit to prevent the above company from creating this factory with 6,000 jobs, they're hiring ANYWAY!!!

I didn't see the "Occupy The Boeing Human Resources Office" rally for all the whining college grads to scramble for a Boeing job though.....thats weird, surely they'd be in lines to get those great jobs right?
The OW Sheep criteria for a job

Must pay enough to buy a house and raise a family

Cannot be a corporation.

And people wonder why the movement is dying.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

If their so called dream job is not being provided by the market currently, I expect them to take any job they can get and more than one if they need to after all that is what adults do.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

How many doctors are out of work or working as butchers? That's a useful degree and will almost always find a job, given they are competent. It's a whole lot different than the fine arts major who can't figure out why they can't get a job as a "professional".

You aren't a "professional" upon graduation, that's the trouble here. You need to first get some real world experience, and accomplish something before giving yourself the "professional" designation. A piece of paper doesn't assure you of success, especially not immediately.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

It all depends on the degree. Engineers are in such a short supply that we are importing them, but current students shirk away from Engineering programs because they are "hard"

Also, to me, a degree does not confer a profession. A marketing degree or a finance degree does not make you a professional. A profession to me requires a specific degree and liscence to do the job, so accountants, engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

It's better than what they're making now.
Target Job Application Sign In

1300+ jobs, and thats just with one global CORPORATION. Good pay. Flexible hours. 401(k). Benefits.

Yep. Target has listed on their Job Application site 1,346 jobs. It's not a glamorous career. You'll be helping an evil corporation earn evil, wicked profits. But you'll get paid a decent wage. Get benefits and 401(k) (aka, investments). Sure, you'll start at entry level, but can work you way up. Like EVERYONE else in the good positions had to do.

Most will mock this thread. Many will give excuses about why they would never do it. Others will blame Wall Street, Target, George Bush, or anyone BUT themselves.

Good pay: Just above minimum wage.
Flexible hours: Easily done cause none is full time
401k: Comes out of employee paycheck that already is not big enough to live on
www.dominosbiz.com - Careers with Domino's Pizza

Oh...ANOTHER evil, wicked, greedy corporation is offering jobs at a fair wage with benefits.

Are OWS'ers hording their front lobby to apply? Or a damn park to whine about it being "too hard"?

Refer to my previous post.

I tried delivering pizza during school, and its a suckers job unless people in your town tip atleast 15% every run. As a math major I took great care in monitoring expenses vs income for two weeks and I was making agian, just over minimum wage. Except this time you have the added risk of police involvement, car accidents, and maintenance on the car.
Target Job Application Sign In

1300+ jobs, and thats just with one global CORPORATION. Good pay. Flexible hours. 401(k). Benefits.

Yep. Target has listed on their Job Application site 1,346 jobs. It's not a glamorous career. You'll be helping an evil corporation earn evil, wicked profits. But you'll get paid a decent wage. Get benefits and 401(k) (aka, investments). Sure, you'll start at entry level, but can work you way up. Like EVERYONE else in the good positions had to do.

Most will mock this thread. Many will give excuses about why they would never do it. Others will blame Wall Street, Target, George Bush, or anyone BUT themselves.

Good pay: Just above minimum wage.
Flexible hours: Easily done cause none is full time
401k: Comes out of employee paycheck that already is not big enough to live on

Its still work, the old "foot in the door". Also, you dont know if target does matching or not on the 401k.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

It all depends on the degree. Engineers are in such a short supply that we are importing them, but current students shirk away from Engineering programs because they are "hard"

Also, to me, a degree does not confer a profession. A marketing degree or a finance degree does not make you a professional. A profession to me requires a specific degree and liscence to do the job, so accountants, engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

So true. Most kids are unwilling or to lazy to deal with the math. Its hard work to pass the math classes. I took calculus one in 8 weeks over the summer. I ate, drank, slept, and shitted numbers for those 8 weeks to pass the class. Who can expect kids to do that when they are busy with friends, facebook, iphones, ps3's, and booze?
Target Job Application Sign In

1300+ jobs, and thats just with one global CORPORATION. Good pay. Flexible hours. 401(k). Benefits.

Yep. Target has listed on their Job Application site 1,346 jobs. It's not a glamorous career. You'll be helping an evil corporation earn evil, wicked profits. But you'll get paid a decent wage. Get benefits and 401(k) (aka, investments). Sure, you'll start at entry level, but can work you way up. Like EVERYONE else in the good positions had to do.

Most will mock this thread. Many will give excuses about why they would never do it. Others will blame Wall Street, Target, George Bush, or anyone BUT themselves.

Good pay: Just above minimum wage.
Flexible hours: Easily done cause none is full time
401k: Comes out of employee paycheck that already is not big enough to live on

Its still work, the old "foot in the door". Also, you dont know if target does matching or not on the 401k.

Ya its a foot in the door to NOWHERE. Companies do not promote from within anymore. The most an entry level worker can ever expect is to be promoted to a meaningless manager job that pays 50 cents more an hour and then being responsible for your own group of entrants. Job stays the same, just now your responsible for everything everyone does.

You people should take some to talk to the people that serve you at the stores you buy shit from, the places you eat etc. I think many of you will be surprised at how shitty those jobs are. There is definitely 100% no chance of upward mobility by working for a national brand. Might be different if you hire in at there corporate office, but I dont see anyone touting them hiring thousands of people.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

Well its better then that. A college grad goes to work for a minimum wage job for 2 years, after that interviewers for real jobs start asking him 'why should I hire you, you havent done anything in your field for 2 years'?

Fucking American elitist mentality makes me sick. All the people bitching about the OWS and 'take a entry level job at target' are one fucking layoff from being in the same boat.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

It all depends on the degree. Engineers are in such a short supply that we are importing them, but current students shirk away from Engineering programs because they are "hard"

Also, to me, a degree does not confer a profession. A marketing degree or a finance degree does not make you a professional. A profession to me requires a specific degree and liscence to do the job, so accountants, engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

So true. Most kids are unwilling or to lazy to deal with the math. Its hard work to pass the math classes. I took calculus one in 8 weeks over the summer. I ate, drank, slept, and shitted numbers for those 8 weeks to pass the class. Who can expect kids to do that when they are busy with friends, facebook, iphones, ps3's, and booze?

Then they shouldnt expect to have a good job when the graduate. its called real life. Hard work usually equals success. If you goof off enjoy your $12 hour job.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

OWS is doing a great job of drawing attention to this fact.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

OWS is doing a great job of drawing attention to this fact.

That is when not being arrested. I like how our local news displays the ows idiot of the day.

Yup some message.
Ah so..you think it's a good idea for newly minted professionals (With huge debt) take minimum wage jobs?

Like a doctor becoming a butcher?

Good stuff. The race to the bottom continues!

My parents raised me to believe ANY honest paying job is a good job.. You leftist are like spoiled rotten brats. You expect handouts and to be given every damn thing in life. It doesn't work that way.

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