OWS & Wall Street Are On Same Team. They Both Share The Entitlement Mentality...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The sad irony is that both OWS and Wall Street really do share the same Entitlement mentality. It's all about stealing from fellow Citizens to better themselves. It's a very selfish outlook. I've been paying close attention to the signs and what most of the OWS protesters are saying. And it does seem to boil down to them truly believing they're entitled to someone else's income. And it's obviously the same with Wall Street. It's the belief that just because they're here on Planet Earth,they deserve to have something given to them. I don't think most Americans support that mentality though. That's why i think the OWS will eventually fade out. These are just my own observations though. What do you think?
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OWS was onto something early on when it was about being angry with Wall Street. But then it got hijacked by the Soros-funded Left Wing groups. Since then it's been all about the Entitlement whining. They've lost so much support.
They shouldn't have allowed the hardcore Left Wing Socialist groups to hijack their Movement. It went from being angry at Wall Street to 'GIMME GIMME GIMME!!" after the Entitlement kooks took over. They blew it.
"Ron Paul and Josef Stalin are on the same team. They both share the civilization mentality." -- Conan the Barbarian

It's all a matter of perspective. ;)
"Ron Paul and Josef Stalin are on the same team. They both share the civilization mentality." -- Conan the Barbarian

It's all a matter of perspective. ;)

That's cool. Not sure i agree but ok. I just see this selfish Entitlement mentality coming from both. I guess it really is 'Generation Gimme.' But can our nation survive it.
tell me how many countries survived the concentration of wealth that we have now ?
The sad irony is that both OWS and Wall Street really do share the same Entitlement mentality. It's all about stealing from fellow Citizens to better themselves. It's a very selfish outlook. I've been paying close attention to the signs and what most of the OWS protesters are saying. And it does seem to boil down to them truly believing they're entitled to someone else's income. And it's obviously the same with Wall Street. It's the belief that just because they're here on Planet Earth,they deserve to have something given to them. I don't think most Americans support that mentality though. That's why i think the OWS will eventually fade out. These are just my own observations though. What do you think?

Is OWS still going on?

Anyway...yes...they both have the same mentality...they both want the govt to take from others to give to them.

Corporate bailouts
College loan bailouts
The sad irony is that both OWS and Wall Street really do share the same Entitlement mentality. It's all about stealing from fellow Citizens to better themselves. It's a very selfish outlook. I've been paying close attention to the signs and what most of the OWS protesters are saying. And it does seem to boil down to them truly believing they're entitled to someone else's income. And it's obviously the same with Wall Street. It's the belief that just because they're here on Planet Earth,they deserve to have something given to them. I don't think most Americans support that mentality though. That's why i think the OWS will eventually fade out. These are just my own observations though. What do you think?

Is OWS still going on?

Anyway...yes...they both have the same mentality...they both want the govt to take from others to give to them.

Corporate bailouts
College loan bailouts

Yea but they were onto something early on in being angry at Wall Street. That was something most Americans could actually get behind. But then they got hijacked by the radical Left. It went downhill fast. The Entitlement kooks took over the Movement for good. Now it's all about stealing from fellow Citizens to better themselves. They're no different than Wall Street. They're just demanding handouts too. The Movement is dead in my opinion.
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"Ron Paul and Josef Stalin are on the same team. They both share the civilization mentality." -- Conan the Barbarian

It's all a matter of perspective. ;)

That's cool. Not sure i agree but ok. I just see this selfish Entitlement mentality coming from both. I guess it really is 'Generation Gimme.' But can our nation survive it.

Here's what I mean. Wall Street has a view of how wealth is produced that might be called the "factory" model. In this model, wealth production is a cooperative effort by multiple people, and the necessary effort is divided such that it there is no obvious and natural way to determine who contributes exactly what to the production of what is produced; the wealth is divided up after the fact according to agreements depending on bargaining leverage. This is similar to the way things work in a modern factory.

Libertarians tend to use what might be called a "sole craftsman" model, in which each individual produces wealth independently of all others and the correct level of prosperity for each person is easily determined and, in fact, accrues naturally. This is similar to the way things work with independent solitary craftsmen.

Occupy agrees with Wall Street that the factory model is more accurate. Wall Street uses its influence with the company president (so to speak) to ensure that it get a high and growing share of the collectively-produced wealth. Occupy thinks this is unfair and furthermore that the company president is a corrupt sleazebag. It wants the company to divide the wealth more equitably or, failing that, to toss the creeps out and institute a worker-owned collective. (I'm still speaking metaphorically.)

Naturally, libertarians would see a similarity between the two, since both are using the same model for how the economy works, and both approve of redistribution of wealth (Wall Street to favor the 1%, Occupy to favor the 99%). As far as that goes, they're right -- just as Conan would be right to see a similarity between Ron Paul and Stalin, from his own barbarian perspective. But that doesn't mean in either case that the differences between the two aren't profound as well.
"Ron Paul and Josef Stalin are on the same team. They both share the civilization mentality." -- Conan the Barbarian

It's all a matter of perspective. ;)

That's cool. Not sure i agree but ok. I just see this selfish Entitlement mentality coming from both. I guess it really is 'Generation Gimme.' But can our nation survive it.

Here's what I mean. Wall Street has a view of how wealth is produced that might be called the "factory" model. In this model, wealth production is a cooperative effort by multiple people, and the necessary effort is divided such that it there is no obvious and natural way to determine who contributes exactly what to the production of what is produced; the wealth is divided up after the fact according to agreements depending on bargaining leverage. This is similar to the way things work in a modern factory.

Libertarians tend to use what might be called a "sole craftsman" model, in which each individual produces wealth independently of all others and the correct level of prosperity for each person is easily determined and, in fact, accrues naturally. This is similar to the way things work with independent solitary craftsmen.

Occupy agrees with Wall Street that the factory model is more accurate. Wall Street uses its influence with the company president (so to speak) to ensure that it get a high and growing share of the collectively-produced wealth. Occupy thinks this is unfair and furthermore that the company president is a corrupt sleazebag. It wants the company to divide the wealth more equitably or, failing that, to toss the creeps out and institute a worker-owned collective. (I'm still speaking metaphorically.)

Naturally, libertarians would see a similarity between the two, since both are using the same model for how the economy works, and both approve of redistribution of wealth (Wall Street to favor the 1%, Occupy to favor the 99%). As far as that goes, they're right -- just as Conan would be right to see a similarity between Ron Paul and Stalin, from his own barbarian perspective. But that doesn't mean in either case that the differences between the two aren't profound as well.

I hear ya and it is an interesting take. But in the end they are both demanding handouts. It is an Entitlement mentality.
'Generation Gimme.' They're here. Can our nation survive them?
'Generation Gimme.' They're here. Can our nation survive them?

I assume you're talking of the TARP program. The "gimme banks" paid the money back with interest, but don't let the truth get in the way of your childish rant. Carry on.
They're called entitlements because people paid into them and are entitled to them.

OWS wants the opportunity to get an education, work and be paid a fair wage. They represent every age and every walk of life.

PROVE that these two statements are not true.

How many of you sanctimonious rw's have sent back your Social Security checks? NONE.

How many of you have a CLUE what would happen if your heroes get their way and end minimum wage? NONE.
Wall Street et al is the American tyrant that all Americans have fought and died to resist, but it sneaked up way behind everybody's back.

Our soldiers can't fight this tyrant. This tyrant keeps them busy fighting futile wars like Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

But Wall Street buys every politician in office short of Mayberry dog catcher, and Wall Street CONTROLS you, me, and Congress.

Some out of work people who can't find jobs anywhere are out there TRYING to get everybody to GET it.

The rest of us can't because we have to go to work to feed the system while feeding us.

Just SPIT on those people who are trying to get you to pay attention to your complacent doom.

Republicans do that stuff.
They're called entitlements because people paid into them and are entitled to them.

OWS wants the opportunity to get an education, work and be paid a fair wage. They represent every age and every walk of life.

PROVE that these two statements are not true.

How many of you sanctimonious rw's have sent back your Social Security checks? NONE.

How many of you have a CLUE what would happen if your heroes get their way and end minimum wage? NONE.

It's the Entitlement mentality. Demanding handouts. Wall Street and OWS both share that mentality. I don't have a problem with much of what you said but that's not what most in the OWS Movement are saying. They're demanding stealing from fellow Citizens to better themselves. You're advocating self-determination and i of course agree with you. But that's not what OWS is about.

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