OWS offers to pay people to fein outrage and protest

As opposed to the losers and idiots who think big business will do right by them even after all the outsourcing, Wall street Casino tactics and the obvious historic disregard for everyday people... yeah.. you fuckers are the cream of the crop.

BTW... anyone can post on Craigslist. It's probably some right wing asshole trying to make news, and people like you... who want so bad to find anything to slam people with a differing opinion than you... just eat it right up.

But that's OK... even if the listings are legit... it's nothing compared to the Koch Party and their "Heritage Foundation" and the little men on the radio who are the whores of Billionaires.

I notice you're very concerned about the Koch brothers and the 'Heritage Foundation' yet you do not mention Soros and his Open Society, or his funding for Media Matters, or the Center for American Progress, or MoveOn.org, or Adbusters, etc, etc, etc. Seems to me, you and the word 'hypocrite' fit very well together. Calling others 'whores' while you do the same is the core of hypocrisy.

The right will LIE at the drop of a hat.

Then the fools think their lies prove something

And you lie when you say others think things that are unproven.
After reading this entire thread I have come to one conclusion:

The OWS movement is creating jobs.
Where is your proof this came from a OWS?

do you just buy lies without proof?
After reading this entire thread I have come to one conclusion:

The OWS movement is creating jobs.



Sure. I mean, if I were sitting at home unemployed, and were given the opportunity to get paid just to be present, I think I'd have to go for it. I mean, how can I turn down a job that is so easy when I'm in such dire need for a job myself?

And it also gets me thinking that, while I was pretty irritated when I first heard these kinds allegations, it actually makes alot of sense in a way. The people are out there protesting over a lack of jobs, right? So, it should be people who have been unemployed out there, right? What better way to get the unemployed out, then to pay them to come out? It kills two birds with one stone. I don't really think I'm opposed to paying people to join the Occupy protests because if I'm to consider it objectively, there's a certain logic to it.
As opposed to the losers and idiots who think big business will do right by them even after all the outsourcing, Wall street Casino tactics and the obvious historic disregard for everyday people... yeah.. you fuckers are the cream of the crop.

BTW... anyone can post on Craigslist. It's probably some right wing asshole trying to make news, and people like you... who want so bad to find anything to slam people with a differing opinion than you... just eat it right up.

But that's OK... even if the listings are legit... it's nothing compared to the Koch Party and their "Heritage Foundation" and the little men on the radio who are the whores of Billionaires.

I notice you're very concerned about the Koch brothers and the 'Heritage Foundation' yet you do not mention Soros and his Open Society, or his funding for Media Matters, or the Center for American Progress, or MoveOn.org, or Adbusters, etc, etc, etc. Seems to me, you and the word 'hypocrite' fit very well together. Calling others 'whores' while you do the same is the core of hypocrisy.


Oh, you mean rich people like Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and similar successful people who want to make a REAL difference in this country and abroad? Yeah... they are just like the Koch suckers out there who want a country by, of and for the 1%.

Oh... I know, I know... commies, right?
As opposed to the losers and idiots who think big business will do right by them even after all the outsourcing, Wall street Casino tactics and the obvious historic disregard for everyday people... yeah.. you fuckers are the cream of the crop.

BTW... anyone can post on Craigslist. It's probably some right wing asshole trying to make news, and people like you... who want so bad to find anything to slam people with a differing opinion than you... just eat it right up.

But that's OK... even if the listings are legit... it's nothing compared to the Koch Party and their "Heritage Foundation" and the little men on the radio who are the whores of Billionaires.

I notice you're very concerned about the Koch brothers and the 'Heritage Foundation' yet you do not mention Soros and his Open Society, or his funding for Media Matters, or the Center for American Progress, or MoveOn.org, or Adbusters, etc, etc, etc. Seems to me, you and the word 'hypocrite' fit very well together. Calling others 'whores' while you do the same is the core of hypocrisy.


Oh, you mean rich people like Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and similar successful people who want to make a REAL difference in this country and abroad? Yeah... they are just like the Koch suckers out there who want a country by, of and for the 1%.

Oh... I know, I know... commies, right?

LOL And without a single ounce of proof. Of course you could post some and not be a blowhard. But we know that wont happen right?
I notice you're very concerned about the Koch brothers and the 'Heritage Foundation' yet you do not mention Soros and his Open Society, or his funding for Media Matters, or the Center for American Progress, or MoveOn.org, or Adbusters, etc, etc, etc. Seems to me, you and the word 'hypocrite' fit very well together. Calling others 'whores' while you do the same is the core of hypocrisy.


Oh, you mean rich people like Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and similar successful people who want to make a REAL difference in this country and abroad? Yeah... they are just like the Koch suckers out there who want a country by, of and for the 1%.

Oh... I know, I know... commies, right?

LOL And without a single ounce of proof. Of course you could post some and not be a blowhard. But we know that wont happen right?

An OUNCE??? That's all your requirement is? Good God man.... take a look around you without your "conservative" glasses on. Look at the increased difference in quality of life between the wealthy and the middle class over the past 30 years... The wealthy are seeing their situations improve by some 200+% and the Middle Class shrink and the lucky ones that remain in the Middle Class have only merely stagnated. The numbers don't lie, you guys just choose to ignore it.

Hey as far as my "blowhard" attitude... I spent months on this board trying to debate intellectually and by far all I was met with was a bunch of "let them eat cake-ers" spouting the gospel according to Rush. So before you call me out for being an asshole... why don't you turn your critical eye towards your asshole brethren? But we know that won't happen, right?

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