OWS/liberals/Democrats against ordinary worker becoming millionaires!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
IT is a FACT. Called "compound interest" and used by the wealthy to accumulate wealth is available to EVERYONE!

But the OWS/Democrats/Liberals/progressives are against letting the ordinary worker to ever accumulate millions!

Proof? OWS/Liberals/Democrats will NOT allow the privatization of Social Security! They are all against the worker accumulating money without government nanny state.

Proof it will work? Go to this site:
Compound Interest Calculator
An ordinary worker starting age 23 earning $30,000 for 10 years and salary increases 20% for 42 years will have $278,000 deducted from paychecks!

At 3% compounding rate annually, ordinary worker saves: $685,000!

At 8% compounding rate (average of investing for 40 years) $3,249,880!

A millionaire .. IF only the liberals/democrats would let the ordinary worker direct the mandatory deductions of Social security/Medicare payments...
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and no one went to jail for it.

God bless OWS.
IT is a FACT. Called "compound interest" and used by the wealthy to accumulate wealth is available to EVERYONE!

But the OWS/Democrats/Liberals/progressives are against letting the ordinary worker to ever accumulate millions!

Proof? OWS/Liberals/Democrats will NOT allow the privatization of Social Security! They are all against the worker accumulating money without government nanny state.

Proof it will work? Go to this site:
Compound Interest Calculator
An ordinary worker starting age 23 earning $30,000 for 10 years and salary increases 20% for 42 years will have $278,000 deducted from paychecks!

At 3% compounding rate annually, ordinary worker saves: $685,000!

At 8% compounding rate (average of investing for 40 years) $3,249,880!

A millionaire .. IF only the liberals/democrats would let the ordinary worker direct the mandatory deductions of Social security/Medicare payments...

What do expect from socialists, communists, radicals, anarchists, union thugs, anti Semites, welfare queens, lazy people, druggies and morons? You know... the left.
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Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and no one went to jail for it.

God bless OWS.

With democrats insuring they got big bonuses..............
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and no one went to jail for it.

God bless OWS.

What is protesting on Wall Street going to do to advance any investigation and accountability for fraud?

And where is that stated as one of the OWS goals?
I wish the MSM would tell the truth which is "Small Business and Corporations will hire many more employers when O'Bozo is shown the door in 2013" !!! and Michelle can take all her frozen burger patties with her when they go back to the hood in south chicago.
Why is the OP saying OWS/Dems/libs when OWS hasn't tied themselves to dems? In fact they attack them too, so what's that?
Why is the OP saying OWS/Dems/libs when OWS hasn't tied themselves to dems? In fact they attack them too, so what's that?

Well the OWS may not have attached to Dems.. BUT Dems sure have!!!

“Even better, their [OWS] suggestion that the link between work and income be severed is a bold stride toward an ideal I thought was still off in the distant future,” the president enthused. “I mean, the biggest infringement on a person’s freedom is usually the hours he has to work to put food on the table and a roof over his head. If government were to ensure that these needs would be met a new era in human liberty could be reached.”
President Praises ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protest « Arizona Sunlight

Nancy Pelosi praises the protestors at Wall Street. Ironically, such protest's brought forth by the Tea Party against a corrupt government brought did not bring forth praise from Pelosi, but anger and ridicule.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEmJWJ-xv6o]Nancy Pelosi Praises "Occupy Wall Street" Protesters - YouTube[/ame]

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