OWS inspired group now engaging in Criminal Acts in LA


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The anti-capitalist, street shitting, non-bathing, OWS pigs are now trying to cash bogus checks at a bank in Los Angeles.....

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (KTLA) -- Ten protesters were arrested at a downtown Los Angeles Bank of America branch on Thursday afternoon, after a group marched inside the bank and tried to cash a $673 billion check.


The protest was organized by the Refund California campaign. "Occupy L.A." protesters, inspired by the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters in New York, also joined in, authorities said.

The protesters tried to cash an over-sized check made out to the "people of California," LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon said.

Ten protesters -- six men and four women -- were arrested after refusing to leave the bank, police said.

Earlier in the day Thursday, Occupy L.A. protesters took over the intersection of 7th and Figueroa streets, prompting police in riot gear to respond to the scene.

Full story here.... Protest: Bank Protesters Arrested After Trying to Cash $673-billion Check - ktla.com

Why do leftists so often resort to criminal acts and violence?
And I bet everyone there is so proud of them. Golly, gee, hope Mom and Dad are watching. And they compare this to the Tea Party. Why doesn't the fire dept. come and spray them for their monthly baths?
It's an anemic remnant of the socialist revolution. Bill Ayers bragged about setting bombs off on Corporate property and Military instillations and even the Pentagon. Fellow communist revolutionary Van Jones promises a "October offensive" and this is the best the lame brained left can come up with these days.
On Tuesday afternoon, several dozen protesters with signs and a bullhorn picketed outside the Westwood home of a One West Bank executive.

About 50 demonstrators showed up outside the home and stayed about 30 minutes as Los Angeles Police Department officers looked on.

Thug behavior.
The left fails to realize they will suffer just like the right if these criminals create the anarchy they are trying to create.

Wingnut logic...?

These people want chaos, anarchy and the suspension of the rule of Law. They want to steal what is not theirs from anyone that has more then they do. And when they start they will not limit themselves to Republicans.

You may want to review the French Revolution for an idea of where this is headed.
The left fails to realize they will suffer just like the right if these criminals create the anarchy they are trying to create.

Wingnut logic...?

These people want chaos, anarchy and the suspension of the rule of Law. They want to steal what is not theirs from anyone that has more then they do. And when they start they will not limit themselves to Republicans.

You may want to review the French Revolution for an idea of where this is headed.

.....or where this is be-headed.
The anti-capitalist, street shitting, non-bathing, OWS pigs are now trying to cash bogus checks at a bank in Los Angeles.....

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (KTLA) -- Ten protesters were arrested at a downtown Los Angeles Bank of America branch on Thursday afternoon, after a group marched inside the bank and tried to cash a $673 billion check.


The protest was organized by the Refund California campaign. "Occupy L.A." protesters, inspired by the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters in New York, also joined in, authorities said.

The protesters tried to cash an over-sized check made out to the "people of California," LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon said.

Ten protesters -- six men and four women -- were arrested after refusing to leave the bank, police said.

Earlier in the day Thursday, Occupy L.A. protesters took over the intersection of 7th and Figueroa streets, prompting police in riot gear to respond to the scene.

Full story here.... Protest: Bank Protesters Arrested After Trying to Cash $673-billion Check - ktla.com

Why do leftists so often resort to criminal acts and violence?

Yes, those leftists certainly are most criminal, making symbolic political statements and loitering in a bank. Those rapscallions!

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