Overseer of Broward Schools' PROMISE Program Getting Big Rai$e


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
So does the overseer of the program (PROMISE) that helped to get 17 people killed, lose her job ? Nope ? Does she get a suspension ? Nope. How about a demotion to a lower job ? Nope. Is she required to even apologize for the idiocy of keeping Nicholas Cruz' offenses under wraps, thereby allowing him to buy guns ? Nope. Not even that.

So what does happen to her ? >> She's getting a big, fat PAY RAISE. You heard right. Shameless Mickey Pope, who was already making $ 149,389 a year is getting a boost of $24,000 MORE, and still is promoting this deadly abomination.


In addition Robert Runcie, the Broward County Public Schools superintendent, is still on the job. Lots of people are wondering why he's still there, after he tried to lie his way out of accountability for his role of promoting this idiotic thing, designed to protect black criminal kids from arrest and criminal records they should have.
Obviously, the thing to do is to get rid of the PROMISE program, but that would mean a severe stain against the record of Barrack Obama, who came up with the crazy and dangerous thing, initially.
Then we wouldn't have to worry about the loss of almost $200,000 year to pay Mickey Pope's salary. That money would be better spent on armed security guards.
You could hire about 7 of them.
Then we wouldn't have to worry about the loss of almost $200,000 year to pay Mickey Pope's salary. That money would be better spent on armed security guards.
You could hire about 7 of them.

You know liberals won’t understand what you’re saying, it uses why to much common sense, they will probably think that what was necessary is a raise because Micky couldn’t do a good job at $174,000 so if they get a raise that will make it work, you know they like to through tax payer dollars at the problems, they never use common sense to fix things!

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You know liberals won’t understand what you’re saying, it uses why to much common sense, they will probably think that what was necessary is a raise because Micky couldn’t do a good job at $174,000 so if they get a raise that will make it work, you know they like to through tax payer dollars at the problems, they never use common sense to fix things!
So how do we get rid of the damn thing ? (before 17 more get killed)
Amazingly, I'm watching, right this minute, Mickey Pope talking to the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Commission of Public Safety. The commission is composed of various concerned people >> legislators, county Sheriffs, parents of killed students, etc.

This shameless woman is whitewashing her PROMISE Program, and acting like the school has zero tolerance for crime, which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what her PROMISE Program is all about. She's presenting laws on slides, which require disciple and intervention of student behavior, blam bla bla, CYA, blam bla, bla, CYA. and acting like she and the school are really disciplining the kids, which is exactly what they have NOT been doing.

Oh sure, there are federal guidelines about discipline. But Obama's PROMISE Program has overridden these. I can't wait to see what the parents and Sheriffs are going to say about what she is saying right now.
And it was revealed that Florida didn't conduct background checks for a year and it was easier for a criminal to get a gun than ever.

Hopefully the mass influx of Puerto Ricans, who Trump tried to murder, will be enough to shift the vote towards common sense.
And it was revealed that Florida didn't conduct background checks for a year and it was easier for a criminal to get a gun than ever.

Hopefully the mass influx of Puerto Ricans, who Trump tried to murder, will be enough to shift the vote towards common sense.
Pretty strange thing to say when Obama was the architect of the PROMISE Program, which allowed criminal kids to buy guns, no matter what beraucratic mistakes might have been made.
And it was revealed that Florida didn't conduct background checks for a year and it was easier for a criminal to get a gun than ever.

Hopefully the mass influx of Puerto Ricans, who Trump tried to murder, will be enough to shift the vote towards common sense.
Pretty strange thing to say when Obama was the architect of the PROMISE Program, which allowed criminal kids to buy guns, no matter what beraucratic mistakes might have been made.
Thousands massacred in gun slaughters that had nothing to do with any PROMISE program, which you don't give the slightest fuck about, but you pretend to care about this. Pathetic. :fu:
This woman, Mickey Pope is being given an extraordinarily long time to speak. Maybe she thinks that the more she talks, the less criticism she will receive. If I was one of the parents at this meeting, I would be calling for her job (at the very least) and same with Runcie.

This woman seems very detached from reality, and keeps using the word "we", referring to herself and the architects of the PROMISE Program, all the time trying to rationalize the moronic thing, as well as bore the committee to death.

Hopefully, they will rake her over the coals when they get their chance to talk. This is not a situation for mincing words.
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Thousands massacred in gun slaughters that had nothing to do with any PROMISE program, which you don't give the slightest fuck about, but you pretend to care about this. Pathetic.
I don't pretend anything, asshole. And I have addressed people killed in other ways in other threads as well. Go shit in your hat.
Now this longwinded woman is presenting statistics allegedly showing a lot of behavior intervention, and everything all nice and dandy. And the Source ? >> Broward Public School System - that would be Mickey Pope, Robert Runcie, and all the other foxes "guarding" this henhouse.

So what are Pope's stats worth ? >> Probably not this much >>
Thousands massacred in gun slaughters that had nothing to do with any PROMISE program, which you don't give the slightest fuck about, but you pretend to care about this. Pathetic.
I don't pretend anything, asshole. And I have addressed people killed in other ways in other threads as well. Go shit in your hat.
Ya bro. Get more guns on the street. MAGA. :fu:
I can't believe she's still talking. This is a COMMISSION meeting. She's acting like it's a class with her as the teacher. Don't these meetings have any time limit on the speakers ? Good grief!

Maybe her angle is that if she occupies all the time of the meeting, that will keep the cops and parents from saying anything. I'll bet she's not anxious to hear from them. Somebody needs to step in and get her to shut up.
Ya bro. Get more guns on the street. MAGA.
So what's YOUR idea ? Gun free zones ? (Which have gotten dozens of people killed)
The purpose of gun free zones is to increase penalties for gun crimes in gun free zones. People get killed outside of gun free zones all the time, at a far higher rate than in gun free zones. Your stance increases the number of guns in both zones, and the likelihood that a murderer will have a gun to murder people with in both zones.
With this crazy woman, not being the slightest bit apologetic about her asinine PROMIS Program that got 17 people killed, and boasting that her work is positive, this should be prime ammunition for the parents who are currently engaged in litigation against the Boward school system and Sheriff Dept, both complicit parties in the PROMISE Program.
The purpose of gun free zones is to increase penalties for gun crimes in gun free zones. People get killed outside of gun free zones all the time, at a far higher rate than in gun free zones. Your stance increases the number of guns in both zones, and the likelihood that a murderer will have a gun to murder people with in both zones.

With something as idiotic and dangerous as gun-free zones, there is no need to talk about what kind of "purpose" it could possibly have. This is like allowing babies to enter bear dens, so they can observe nature.

The abomination of gun free zones prevents law abiding people in those buildings from defending themselves with a gun. As such, the GFZ's are invitations to mass shooters to come in and conduct shooting massacres.

We have had just that in gun free zones across America >> (ex. Fort Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Pulse Club, Newtown, Parkland, etc, etc.) All moronic gun-free zones.

In contrast, where shooters showed up in NON-gun-free zones, they were stopped, were shot, and thousands of lives have been saved. Examples of that are the 2002 LAX shooting, the Garland, TX attack, and the Moore, OK beheading attack.

You're completely wrong about what you say about >> increases..the likelihood that a murderer will have a gun to murder people with in both zones. NO. My stance (abolishing gun-free zones) DECREASES the likelihood that a murderer will have a gun to murder people with in both zones, because the green light of the gun-free zone has been taken away from him. He has to worry that he may be shot right there - as was the case with Ahmed Mohammed Hadayet in LAX, and the 2 jihadist in Garland, Texas.

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia

Curtis Culwell Center attack - Wikipedia

Vaughan Foods beheading incident - Wikipedia
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