Over Seventy, The Millenials Will Attribute This As The Ravings Of A Senile Lunatic


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Old African Proverb: "When a village elder dies, a library burns to the ground"

Jackie Mason takes Obama to task, meanwhile the NAACP is busy handing out absentee ballots so that when the votes are tallied this November, next November and again in 2016 it will be evident the ObaMessiah is just as loved as he was in 2008. Mebbe even more than, ie Florida's St Lucy County where 175,000 registered voters cast 250,000 ballots. Doncha just feel the love? Or is it fraud?]

"Legendary comedian Jackie Mason has uncorked a full-blown assault on President Obama and his troubled attempt at providing health care for Americans.

“It’s such a ridiculous thing. The whole country’s walking around wondering if this guy’s really the president of a country. He sounds more like a maniac in an asylum,” Mason said in a radio interview Sunday night.

“He’s saying things that nobody believes. He was always lying every day of his life. Every time he talks it was a lie. The only time he tells the truth is when you didn’t hear from him.”

“This is becoming so ridiculous, that even the biggest liar can’t top himself,” Mason, 76, told host Aaron Klein on WABC in New York City. “He looks at you straight in the face, and tells you that if you want your plan, you got your plan, you keep your plan. Now, a month-and-a-half later, you got no plan, you lost your plan, and he tells you you still got a plan.”"

Jackie Mason Blasts Obama: ?The Whole Country Wonders if This Guy?s President. He Sounds More Like a Maniac in an Asylum? | The Gateway Pundit
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