Over 5,000 Americans will be Taliban hostages after their August 31st deadline

I don’t think all Americans are interested in coming back.

Keep in mind it seems like a massive chunk of these people are dual US and Afghan citizens.
Lol, if you are anything close to being an American in Afghanistan on September 1st. You will be a hostage or beheaded.
Who records it?

The country your entering. Not the US.
I bet your little ass, that if you leave the United States and if they want you. They will get you. Lol, the Biden administration doesn't care about them. Neither does the media, so he will get away with it. If Trump was president he would be tried for treason for doing the same.
No they didn't, they came out of your America-hating LYING ass.
The WH says there are only 1,500 Americans left there and only 500 of them say they want to leave.
America hating ????? coming from a communist that blames Americans that may be killed for not getting out of Afghanistan earlier ...
This is what happens when the person making the decisions has dementia.

Over the past 24 hours, over 350 Americans departed Afghanistan, according to the official. The White House said early Tuesday that approximately 21,600 people were evacuated from Kabul from August 23 at 3:00 am to August 24 at 3:00 am.

If roughly 350 Americans continue to depart daily over the next week, the U.S. still will not successfully evacuate all American citizens. With eight calendar days remaining from Tuesday through Biden’s Aug. 31 deadline, and assuming the U.S. is able to continue roughly 350 American evacuations per day, some 5,200 U.S. citizens could be left stranded in the country.
These people were told to leave back in March, April, May, June, July yet stayed why is that now everyone's problem, what happened to personal responsibility?
The State Department calculated that 6,000 Americans wanted to leave the country at the outset of the Aug. 14 evacuation and 4,500 of them have been airlifted thus far, 8/25. How many plan to stay and how many have have already left via other means?
Keep in mind many of these people are permanent residents and do not plan to leave. Some were probably there when the Taliban was in power before 2001.

Are you really so stupid you believe a word Blinken says?:laughing0301:
This is a question no one seems interested in answering. If it's a bunch of business types and their private security goons I don't care that much.

Pretend Trump was POTUS. Now do you care about those left behind?
The State Department calculated that 6,000 Americans wanted to leave the country at the outset of the Aug. 14 evacuation and 4,500 of them have been airlifted thus far, 8/25. How many plan to stay and how many have have already left via other means?
Keep in mind many of these people are permanent residents and do not plan to leave. Some were probably there when the Taliban was in power before 2001.

Hey Flopper tell is how the State Dept “calculated” the thoughts of people they can’t find, can’t talk to, and can’t count.
Pretend Trump was POTUS. Now do you care about those left behind?
War profiteers are the scum of the earth no matter who is president. If that's who is dragging their feet or even deciding to stay you will not find a lot of sympathy for their plight.
And it appears the Biden administration has become paralyzed by the crisis. They are hiding out, not taking questions, taking days to even return calls to NATO allies.
Hiding out? Biden addressed the issue yesterday, Blinken gave a briefing today & so did Psaki.

Here on planet Earth.
Lol, if you are anything close to being an American in Afghanistan on September 1st. You will be a hostage or beheaded.
Not likely. There were Americans living in Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power and some are probably still there. However, it is likely that the Taliban will apprehend what they will call American spies and use them as a bargaining chip to get access to the Afghan government funds in the US banks or something else they want.
You're the reason Biden is going to get away with condemning 5,000 of us to torture and murder at the hands of his Taliban pals.
What Taliban? The ones your orange ape hero praised right up until a week ago? The ones that he claimed were going to destroy El Queida? That Taliban?
Joe will be dragged from the White House after the terrorists, God forbid, starts beheading Americans in the streets....

I hope they remember to include Austin, Miller, McKenzie, Psaki, Pelosi, and Harris...
This isn’t 1996, Halfwit. And you quoted one guy.

Try to keep up.
Tramp, Tramp Jr, and Gaetz have praised the Taliban recently showing that the GQP have loved their terrorist Taliban fellow travelers for more than 25 years.

Do try to keep up. :asshole:
unfortunately and judging by the posts of vile leftists blaming the people that may be left behind and killed by the Taliban instead of placing any blame whatsoever on the Biden admin for not getting people and equipment out before withdrawing just goes to show the futility of trying to talk reason to the left ! one must not be surprised by their apathy when it comes to the possible murder of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies when said leftists have no problem with supporting funding and applauding the deaths of over 50 million of the innocent unborn ! and there is also no reasoning with people that believe gender is a choice and burning the US flag is patriotic .... and thats just a few examples of the lefts insanity .
Comparing abortion with the pullout. I didn't think it would take long for one of you right wing hypocrits to compare the two.

You'll be the first to picket the house of any Afghani who moves into your little Peyton Place neighborhood.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that there could be as many as 1,500 Americans in Afghanistan still seeking to leave as U.S. officials continue to move personnel out of the country ahead of an Aug. 31 deadline. About 6,000 Americans have been evacuated from the country since Aug. 14, he said.

U.S. diplomats have been in touch with about 500 Americans still seeking to leave Afghanistan, and were “aggressively reaching out” to 1,000 more, “multiple times a day through multiple channels,” Blinken said.
In a leaked recording, administration officials told congressional staff members Wednesday that some Americans have told the State Department that they do not plan to evacuate from Afghanistan unless they can bring Afghan family members with them — a demand that may challenge the Biden administration’s airlift mission.

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