OUTRAGED Midwest Farmers Protest EPA Spy Planes Over Iowa Ranches

It's not an erosion, it's not a right they ever had.
Damn, that was a pretty fucking stupid response to what I posted.

And you are still missing the point that outrage over this is pointless, It's clear you do not see polluters in the same criminal class as smugglers and producers of drugs, that's your problem, the government views it all as destructive antisocial criminal behavior as well they should.

Really??? That's coming in support of this Administration Refusing to Enforce whatever it doesn't feel like and Obstructing those that do. Good One. ;)
not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.
Do they need a warrant to come in your house? Yes.
Do they need a warrant to go onto your property? Yes.

Why do you think they don't need a warrant to fly over your property and look?

You are all missing the picture. We are way past that. One Word.... Satelite...... well two words.... Satellite Surveillance. ;) Think Google Maps. Think Internet. Privacy is a Luxury now a days, not a Right.

Good point.
not a matter of spying.

Look, if there is an existing fine for 'X'... and you can either trespass on private property to determine if 'X' is going on, or fly over private property to determine if 'X' is going on, I don't personally see a problem with it (the fly over). If 'X' is indeed going on, then they are breaking the rules and should be fined. If 'X' is not going on, then they won't be fined.

Essentially, it's people breaking the law that are going to be upset that they are getting caught breaking the law. Too bad. Don't break the law.
Do they need a warrant to come in your house? Yes.
Do they need a warrant to go onto your property? Yes.

Why do you think they don't need a warrant to fly over your property and look?

You are all missing the picture. We are way past that. One Word.... Satelite...... well two words.... Satellite Surveillance. ;) Think Google Maps. Think Internet. Privacy is a Luxury now a days, not a Right.

Still doesn't make it right.


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Damn, that was a pretty fucking stupid response to what I posted.

And you are still missing the point that outrage over this is pointless, It's clear you do not see polluters in the same criminal class as smugglers and producers of drugs, that's your problem, the government views it all as destructive antisocial criminal behavior as well they should.

Really??? That's coming in support of this Administration Refusing to Enforce whatever it doesn't feel like and Obstructing those that do. Good One. ;)

Are you just now discovering that the government acts in arbitrary political ways? I know it's a shock, you better sit down for the rest: there is no solution to that particular problem.
The EPA (or anybody else) can fly wherever they want in the continental US as long as it isn't restricted airspace. If the DEA wants to fly over your land looking for marihuana crops, or the EPA is looking for cow shit, or Joe Blow wants to go sight seeing, they are all within their rights to do so.

Right wingers crying about the government spying on them shouldn't have given them the power in the first place. For decades the right has always been trying to "out tough" everybody on law enforcement issues. Now police and regulatory agencies have enormous power and resources. The genie is out of the bottle. Good luck getting it back in.
Stephanie oh Stephanie. The left, the center, and the right are correct on this: it's legal.
Contact your Representatives...something needs to be done about these out of control Federal Agencies

Educate yourself...

Waste, animal waste and human health - The Issues - Sustainable Table

One dairy farm with 2,500 cows produces as much waste as a city with around 411,000 residents. Unlike human waste, however, in most cases the law does not require that livestock waste be treated.

People often believe that animal manure is harmless, but in truth it can be quite hazardous. Factory livestock facilities pollute the air and release over 400 separate gasses, mostly due to the large amounts of manure they produce. The principal gases released are hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Gasses can be dangerous air pollutants that threaten both the environment and human health. Nitric oxides are also released in large quantities from farms through manure application, and are among the leading causes of acid rain.

The risks of lagoon leakage, overflows, and illegal discharge of waste also pose a direct threat to the quality of soil and water systems. A report for the U.S. Geological Survey documented over one thousand spills and dumps of animal waste in the ten Midwestern states it surveyed over the course of three years. Manure from leaky lagoons or saturated farm fields has also been known to enter public water sources and infect humans. For example, a study of waterborne disease outbreaks from 1986 to 1998 conducted by the Centers for Disease Control demonstrated that in every case where the pathogen could be identified, it most likely originated in livestock.
Ask your Representatives they defund the EPA and a few other over reaching FEDERAL agencies..and then vote out this administration

No thanks, I prefer my drinking water and air to only be lightly poisoned. Though I'm sure some of the older folks here are having nostalgia for the days of killer smog.
Contact your Representatives...something needs to be done about these out of control Federal Agencies

Educate yourself...

Waste, animal waste and human health - The Issues - Sustainable Table

One dairy farm with 2,500 cows produces as much waste as a city with around 411,000 residents. Unlike human waste, however, in most cases the law does not require that livestock waste be treated.

People often believe that animal manure is harmless, but in truth it can be quite hazardous. Factory livestock facilities pollute the air and release over 400 separate gasses, mostly due to the large amounts of manure they produce. The principal gases released are hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Gasses can be dangerous air pollutants that threaten both the environment and human health. Nitric oxides are also released in large quantities from farms through manure application, and are among the leading causes of acid rain.

The risks of lagoon leakage, overflows, and illegal discharge of waste also pose a direct threat to the quality of soil and water systems. A report for the U.S. Geological Survey documented over one thousand spills and dumps of animal waste in the ten Midwestern states it surveyed over the course of three years. Manure from leaky lagoons or saturated farm fields has also been known to enter public water sources and infect humans. For example, a study of waterborne disease outbreaks from 1986 to 1998 conducted by the Centers for Disease Control demonstrated that in every case where the pathogen could be identified, it most likely originated in livestock.

A dairy farm with 2,500 animals is not a farm, it's a factory. There's much more to be concerned about than just what they do with that much manure. It's almost guaranteed that the cows' living conditions are less than optimal for production of high-quality product.

BTW, we compost animal waste. It makes for far more productive gardens and pastures.
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Contact your Representatives...something needs to be done about these out of control Federal Agencies

Educate yourself...

Waste, animal waste and human health - The Issues - Sustainable Table

One dairy farm with 2,500 cows produces as much waste as a city with around 411,000 residents. Unlike human waste, however, in most cases the law does not require that livestock waste be treated.

People often believe that animal manure is harmless, but in truth it can be quite hazardous. Factory livestock facilities pollute the air and release over 400 separate gasses, mostly due to the large amounts of manure they produce. The principal gases released are hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Gasses can be dangerous air pollutants that threaten both the environment and human health. Nitric oxides are also released in large quantities from farms through manure application, and are among the leading causes of acid rain.

The risks of lagoon leakage, overflows, and illegal discharge of waste also pose a direct threat to the quality of soil and water systems. A report for the U.S. Geological Survey documented over one thousand spills and dumps of animal waste in the ten Midwestern states it surveyed over the course of three years. Manure from leaky lagoons or saturated farm fields has also been known to enter public water sources and infect humans. For example, a study of waterborne disease outbreaks from 1986 to 1998 conducted by the Centers for Disease Control demonstrated that in every case where the pathogen could be identified, it most likely originated in livestock.

A dairy farm with 2,500 animals is not a farm, it's a factory
. There's much more to be concerned about than just what they do with that much manure. It's almost guaranteed that the cows' living conditions are less than optimal for production of high-quality product.

BTW, we compost animal waste. It makes for far more productive gardens and pastures.

And those are exactly whom the EPA is concerning themselves with with these flyovers.
Here in Ohio, it has been really great that a local lake (St Marys) had to be shut down because of the huge amount of run off from large chicken farms and also large amounts of run off from farm fields.

The alge blooms, though poison to humans and fish, was very pretty.

To bad all those people that made their living from tourists coming to the lake can't make a living now.

Sure am glad that the Clean Water Act was followed so carefully by the farmers.

Who needs the EPA when you have such fine voluntary efforts form private citiznes?

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