Out of Touch Sec. Janet Yellen Believes “People Are Better Off Than They Were Pre-Pandemic”


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia



Democrats campaign on, vote for, and govern by feelings. And now the feelings of the electorate don't match up with the Democrats' plans.

That and I'm pretty sure she has not been in a grocery store in decades. She is worth 20 million.

“Mom, grandma has gone to senile. Time to stick her in a home” -Eric Cartman
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Yellen was probably an economics professor at Boston Univ. when AOC got her economics degree from there. For a country that crows so much about being enlightened, civilized and educated, we sure produce a lot of functional idiots and I'd put AOC and Yellen right up near the top of that list. MAGA



Democrats campaign on, vote for, and govern by feelings. And now the feelings of the electorate don't match up with the Democrats' plans.

That and I'm pretty sure she has not been in a grocery store in decades. She is worth 20 million.

“Mom, grandma has gone to senile. Time to stick her in a home” -Eric Cartman

Some discomfort she says ! Lower income families living check to check are giving up and going homeless at higher rates than ever, meanwhile Yellin's government doesnt secure the border, letting in millions more who need housing... and jobs. Yet she thinks people are better off because wages went up a LTTLE?
She's way out of touch and thats not even factoring in the cost of crime on society like all these car jackings and massive shop lifting and stores closing down.



Democrats campaign on, vote for, and govern by feelings. And now the feelings of the electorate don't match up with the Democrats' plans.

That and I'm pretty sure she has not been in a grocery store in decades. She is worth 20 million.

“Mom, grandma has gone to senile. Time to stick her in a home” -Eric Cartman

I suppose if you are wealthy it isn't a concern.

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