Our wonderful two-faced duplicitous president


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011

The first tweet is vintage Trump because it's an example of his self-absorption in how he sees all things as a reflection of him, and it's taunting in nature. The second tweet was probably encouraged by someone on his staff like Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus. The phrase,...a hallmark of our democracy." doesn't strike me as the kind of thing Trump would say.
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The first tweet is vintage Trump because it's an example of his self-absorption in how he sees all things as a reflection of him, and it's taunting in nature. The second tweet was probably encouraged by someone on his staff like Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus. The phrase,...a hallmark of our democracy." doesn't strike me as the kind of think Trump would say.

Exactly. I was just gonna say that. You can always tell which tweets are Trump's, and which ones are written by his staff.

It's gonna be a loooong four years for you and your ilk.........

I have a bag of chips. I might see a president get assassinated by a Russian president. Exciting!

Nah, if Trump is murdered, it will be by operatives of the Deep State that control the CIA and all the other alphabet agencies that are nothing but corporate entities that are owned by the banking oligarchs........a stupid fuck like you has no idea of what I am talking about...you are a mere "child".....

I'm sorry, but even as someone who doesn't easily confer the benefit of the doubt I don't see the duplicitousness in those two tweets. There is no topically common theme they share such that one remark indicates a degree of deception by the other's having also been made by the same author. That is in part because the first tweet is largely incoherent by dint of its imprecision; there's simply no way to know for sure just what Trump means by that remark.

I'm sorry, but even as someone who doesn't easily confer the benefit of the doubt I don't see the duplicitousness in those two tweets. There is no topically common theme they share such that one remark indicates a degree of deception by the other's having also been made by the same author. That is in part because the first tweet is largely incoherent by dint of its imprecision; there's simply no way to know for sure just what Trump means by that remark.

Get used to it. For the next eight years, everything he says, doesn't say, and might have said will be examined with a proctoscope and declared to be worse than Hitler.

It's just white noise.

I'm sorry, but even as someone who doesn't easily confer the benefit of the doubt I don't see the duplicitousness in those two tweets. There is no topically common theme they share such that one remark indicates a degree of deception by the other's having also been made by the same author. That is in part because the first tweet is largely incoherent by dint of its imprecision; there's simply no way to know for sure just what Trump means by that remark.

Get used to it. For the next eight years, everything he says, doesn't say, and might have said will be examined with a proctoscope and declared to be worse than Hitler.

It's just white noise.

Get used to what?

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