Our immigration laws are a joke...

Illegal immigration is like of most American culture now a days. Ya' know. American culture used to be about rational thinking and integrity. NOW? Ya' know, its NOW about irrationality and getting away with as much as possible. Hence, everything from Trump, road rage to illegal aliens. Anything goes now. Laws & rules are for losers and fools. At least that's what most Americans seem to believe. What could be wrong with that? When you lose all your standards, who can say what is wrong?
Build that wall.
i recall earlier invaders.
There is no accountability with these fucking assholes...

At the U.S. border, migrant caravan will slow to a crawl

The caravan losing momentum at the border could prove to be a disaster for Mexico. I doubt that they have the resources to deal with an onslaught of people, and it could lead to shortages, riots, and violence.
---------------------------------------- lets get those riots and violence in 'mexico' going eh ??

Not my job. But you can bet the farm that there are plenty of leftist organizers among them who will gladly stir the pot in order to focus the world's attention on the "poor immigrants."

Any check to see where Obama is right now?
I lay this at the hands of this liberal ideal of "diversity". Or Inclusion. These are liberal buzz words. But what the hell do they mean? Nothing. I don't want diversity, and I want to choose who I want to include in my society. I want people to accept the culture they move too, and become part of the society they adopt. We are unified by a common language and culture, and diversity leads to divisiveness , so why is that a good thing ?
Build that wall.
i recall earlier invaders.
Well then...
Don't forget those Spanish invaders and their caravans that decimated the cultures of South America.
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Seems no one speaks Aztec anymore. Bet they wish they had a wall.
yea, and the Inca as well.
But in north america was just as bad. Native americans were decimated. 50 to 90 percent died by contagious disease from europe. And imported pigs decimated crops before then.

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