Our Hope and our Faith Part 1

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Sojourning series has ended and now a new Sermon series begins by Michael Boldea Jr. I will post a small clip and hope you will read the entire sermon and be blessed. The sermon is based on this scripture:

1 Peter 1:20-21, “He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” - 1 Peter 1:20 - 21

I found it interesting that he is ministering from the book of Peter as the LORD has been speaking to my own family from 1 Peter and 2 Peter for weeks now! It truly is amazing how the LORD will confirm what he is giving you through His giving the same scriptures to other believers! The LORD is so good!

Hand of Help Ministries

Men today are no longer servants of Christ, they are spiritual people, with spiritual awareness, and spiritual sensitivity, who are open to the possibility of there being many paths to God, and even to their being many gods in what we, as open minded global citizens, have come to term Zion, paradise, heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana, Arcadia, Elysium, bliss, or the Promised Land, depending on your flavor ofspirituality and the doctrine you’ve formulated all by your lonesome regarding the afterlife.
Each god gets a patch of real estate wherein they entertain their most loyal of servants, and rather than hold true to the Biblical edict that there is but one God and one heaven, we’re teaching people that it’s more like the United States of Paradise than one singular place.

If the devil is fighting this hard at trying to accomplish something for so long, in this case minimizing the need for Jesus, our first and most important questions must be, why?

continue reading on hand of help link above..........
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I believe it is time for me to put up the First and second Epistle of Peter on USMB for those who would like to read it and so I'll begin doing that today - God willing.
Peter has much to teach us about the Christian life. In my bible the description of the second epistle of Peter is compelling - it is described by Nelson bible publishers with these words........The Christian life demands diligence in pursuing moral excellence, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and selfless love. By contrast, false teachers are sensual, arrogant, greedy and covetous. they scoff at the thought of future judgment and live their lives as if the present would be the pattern for the future. Peter reminds them that although God may be longsuffering in sending judgment, ultimately it will come. In view of that fact, believers should live lives of godliness, blamelessness, and steadfastness. - end of intro -

It is astonishing to me that in the pitiful condition America is in at this very moment - we have preachers on television who are preaching as if America would go on another 200 years as it is right now. Not a single word about repentance, holiness, obeying the Bible, not a single warning about hell about judgment on the church - about judgment on the house of God can be heard - not even a whisper from these false teachers. Instead they want you to believe that as long as you send your money into their ministry, buy their books and tell others how wonderful they are - you are good to go! So long as you believe in sloppy grace and never mention the word repent, holiness, hell, judgment, you will be embraced by this bunch but warn them that they are false preachers and watch out! Suddenly that grace goes out the window as they spit fire at you from every direction! It is quite an amazing thing - these new age spiritual preachers who are singing Kumbaya with the one world church organizing vatican - and how the body of Christ has in many parts - been lulled into a false sense of security by these wolves in sheeps clothing. We are most assuredly in the time of Matthew 24 right now.
Ninja, Jeri: following these men will not help you

Lean on Jesus, the Only Source of Light.
Worry about yourself, not me.

Turn to the Lord, lean of Him, and follow His lead.

You will be fine. Good night.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

- 1 John 2: 15 - 16
If you saw a man jump from a ship into the sea, at first you might think him insane, but later if you saw him standing on the shore and the ship swallowed up by the waves, you would know he took the wise course.
- William Gurnall

Now it is not better to swim by faith through an ocean of trouble and get safely to heaven than to sit in the lap of sinful pleasures until we drown in hell's gulf?
-William Gurnall

Hell's climate is too hot for evil delights to survive.
-William Gurnall

The word has gone out of God's mouth: He distributeth sorrows in his anger. - Job 21:17

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