Our Founding Fathers were Socialists, Too


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Our Founding Fathers were Socialists, Too
God forbid, the right wingers of this country should have the slightest clue what our history actually is. To hear people like Glenn Beck tell it, our country was founded on some kind of every man for himself anarchy, where the constitution was written to protect us from the political decisions of our neighbors. Beck admits he is a clown, though, I think he is a lot more like Sideshow Bob than Krusty. To set the record straight here in brief is a summary of some of earliest socialist laws.
The United States government has been providing public health services since its inception. In 1776, the Continental Congress passed a pension law for soldiers that "granted half pay for life in cases of loss of limb or other serious disability." In 1789 when the Constitution was ratified, the first pension act was passed by the U.S. Congress which affirmed the 1776 law. Grants of public lands were also made to those who served in Revolutionary War. The U.S. Congress passed an act in 1798 to provide care for sick and injured merchant seamen by setting up a network of hospitals. After the war of 1812, in 1818 the Service Pension Law was passed, awarding pensions on the basis of financial need.
The history of granting land and pensions has it roots in the earliest days of this country. Socialism, promoting the public welfare, and redistributing wealth are as American as apple pie.
Republican President Lincoln, in his second inaugural address ,asked Congress “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Now, we are asking our representatives to do something the vast majority of the country wants. Reform the health insurance laws so people get what they pay for and provide a public option to ensure competitive prices. This is just commonsense, which is why the arguments against these proposals are full of errant nonsense.
What a tremendous lie.

Socialism was in fact tried in the colonies but was seen as a failure. Just like your posts.
And what BHO wants to do is not socialism.

To say that is demonstrates that the person is ignorant, mentally feeble, or motivationally malignant.

Health care reform, with a two-tier payer system, is progressive, not socialistic. The system will make good health care affordable to all at a smaller cost. Who will be the loser? A health insurance industry that will make still make a profit. Oh, boo hoo for health insurers.
Our founding fathers were not socialists. You are really grasping at straws, when you try and equate renumeration of services rendered, to socialism. It is you that needs a history lesson.
As a whole, our founding fathers were Classical Liberals. That is what our Constitutional form of government is founded on.
Our Founding Fathers were Socialists, Too
God forbid, the right wingers of this country should have the slightest clue what our history actually is. To hear people like Glenn Beck tell it, our country was founded on some kind of every man for himself anarchy, where the constitution was written to protect us from the political decisions of our neighbors. Beck admits he is a clown, though, I think he is a lot more like Sideshow Bob than Krusty. To set the record straight here in brief is a summary of some of earliest socialist laws.
The United States government has been providing public health services since its inception. In 1776, the Continental Congress passed a pension law for soldiers that "granted half pay for life in cases of loss of limb or other serious disability." In 1789 when the Constitution was ratified, the first pension act was passed by the U.S. Congress which affirmed the 1776 law. Grants of public lands were also made to those who served in Revolutionary War. The U.S. Congress passed an act in 1798 to provide care for sick and injured merchant seamen by setting up a network of hospitals. After the war of 1812, in 1818 the Service Pension Law was passed, awarding pensions on the basis of financial need.
The history of granting land and pensions has it roots in the earliest days of this country. Socialism, promoting the public welfare, and redistributing wealth are as American as apple pie.
Republican President Lincoln, in his second inaugural address ,asked Congress “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Now, we are asking our representatives to do something the vast majority of the country wants. Reform the health insurance laws so people get what they pay for and provide a public option to ensure competitive prices. This is just commonsense, which is why the arguments against these proposals are full of errant nonsense.

All your examples are payment for service.

Perhaps you missed that most salient point?

Run along now...
And what BHO wants to do is not socialism.

To say that is demonstrates that the person is ignorant, mentally feeble, or motivationally malignant.

Health care reform, with a two-tier payer system, is progressive, not socialistic. The system will make good health care affordable to all at a smaller cost. Who will be the loser? A health insurance industry that will make still make a profit. Oh, boo hoo for health insurers.
You missed the memo...."Progressive" is the latest code word for socialist, since the Fabian socialists have totally destroyed the meaning of the word "liberal".
Our Founding Fathers were Socialists, Too
God forbid, the right wingers of this country should have the slightest clue what our history actually is. To hear people like Glenn Beck tell it, our country was founded on some kind of every man for himself anarchy, where the constitution was written to protect us from the political decisions of our neighbors. Beck admits he is a clown, though, I think he is a lot more like Sideshow Bob than Krusty. To set the record straight here in brief is a summary of some of earliest socialist laws.
The United States government has been providing public health services since its inception. In 1776, the Continental Congress passed a pension law for soldiers that "granted half pay for life in cases of loss of limb or other serious disability." In 1789 when the Constitution was ratified, the first pension act was passed by the U.S. Congress which affirmed the 1776 law. Grants of public lands were also made to those who served in Revolutionary War. The U.S. Congress passed an act in 1798 to provide care for sick and injured merchant seamen by setting up a network of hospitals. After the war of 1812, in 1818 the Service Pension Law was passed, awarding pensions on the basis of financial need.
The history of granting land and pensions has it roots in the earliest days of this country. Socialism, promoting the public welfare, and redistributing wealth are as American as apple pie.
Republican President Lincoln, in his second inaugural address ,asked Congress “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Now, we are asking our representatives to do something the vast majority of the country wants. Reform the health insurance laws so people get what they pay for and provide a public option to ensure competitive prices. This is just commonsense, which is why the arguments against these proposals are full of errant nonsense.

Providing for soldiers and their families never has, and never will be, considered socialism OR welfare.

Our forefathers were disgusted with a tyrannical government that forced them to pay taxes to a land far awa, and be forced to support soldiers of that country in their own homes, at their own expense.

That's not socialism.

Have you ever posted any supportive links, quotes, or real (as in not imaginary) information to back up this crap you spew?
Our Founding Fathers were Socialists, Too
God forbid, the right wingers of this country should have the slightest clue what our history actually is. To hear people like Glenn Beck tell it, our country was founded on some kind of every man for himself anarchy, where the constitution was written to protect us from the political decisions of our neighbors. Beck admits he is a clown, though, I think he is a lot more like Sideshow Bob than Krusty. To set the record straight here in brief is a summary of some of earliest socialist laws.
The United States government has been providing public health services since its inception. In 1776, the Continental Congress passed a pension law for soldiers that "granted half pay for life in cases of loss of limb or other serious disability." In 1789 when the Constitution was ratified, the first pension act was passed by the U.S. Congress which affirmed the 1776 law. Grants of public lands were also made to those who served in Revolutionary War. The U.S. Congress passed an act in 1798 to provide care for sick and injured merchant seamen by setting up a network of hospitals. After the war of 1812, in 1818 the Service Pension Law was passed, awarding pensions on the basis of financial need.
The history of granting land and pensions has it roots in the earliest days of this country. Socialism, promoting the public welfare, and redistributing wealth are as American as apple pie.
Republican President Lincoln, in his second inaugural address ,asked Congress “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Now, we are asking our representatives to do something the vast majority of the country wants. Reform the health insurance laws so people get what they pay for and provide a public option to ensure competitive prices. This is just commonsense, which is why the arguments against these proposals are full of errant nonsense.

So now there are some that are using the military to show that the Government in a show of the gratitude that they had for individuals that SERVED their country, willing to risk Life/Limb to preserve the Republic...the Founders are now Socialists?

You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel to foist this kinda nonsense aren't you? Vets? Where are you? And as a matter of course [TO THE OP of this miserable EXCUSE for a thread?]...

The Government is obligated since the Constitution requires that CONGRESS MAINTAIN A Military Force.

Nowhere does the Constitution require that Congress take from one individual and give to another in the rest of society.

CHECKMATE. Thread over.

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