Our FBI is a force for EVIL now...


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020
Not only covering for the Clinton Crime syndicate and lying in court and falsifying evidence to try to get President Trump and his people, they aided an abuser to capture his daughter trying escape him.

This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!
Not only covering for the Clinton Crime syndicate and lying in court and falsifying evidence to try to get President Trump and his people, they aided an abuser to capture his daughter trying escape him.

How long have you been subject to fits of sobbing over Bill & Hillary?
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!

The FBI turned into the Gestapo. That is all they are, servants of the Reich with contempt for the rule of law.
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
From the link:

In doing that, the agents may have violated FBI protocols, legal experts said, if they obtained the data without subpoenaing the provider, as normally would be required.

It was not immediately clear whether the FBI, which declined to comment on the matter, was aware the request for help appears to have been been misleading.


Based on that the FBI is not only evil since it was not authorized to give the location to a foreign government, but stupid also for being duped by Dubai in the first place
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust
You voted for a man that will by his actions in energy force us to buy mid east oil again...we will have to play in that bloody sand box again thanks to Biden.....
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust
You voted for a man that will by his actions in energy force us to buy mid east oil again...we will have to play in that bloody sand box again thanks to Biden.....
Biden has distanced his administration from the Saudi Royal Family

He is also subsidizing energy sources other than oil.
"Without evil there could be no good so it must be good to be evil sometimes"


It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

Pandered? You Nazis and your lies. The Kingdom IS the closest ally America has in the Arab world. Dubya is a pile of shit - as is Obammy - both of whom kowtowed to radical Islam. Obammy loves Iran above all nations, almost as much as he hates America. But from 1950 to 2016 SA was the beloved darling of the demoncrats. Then MBS allowed women's rights and you Fascists melted down, HOW COULD HE????

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