Our diversity is our strength

For a individual to be multilingual is a blessing, for a country to be multilingual is a curse, don't remember who said it, but it's damn sure still true.

How so?

For unity... a nation should have distinct borders, a distinct language, and a distinct culture.]

Borders, yes. As for language, it seems a lot of countries get by pretty well with more than one. Culture? Culture is never static.
For a individual to be multilingual is a blessing, for a country to be multilingual is a curse, don't remember who said it, but it's damn sure still true.

How so?

We have people from more than 100 countries here, imagine if they seperate themselves in unilingual onclaves and venture out only to work, could you run a business with a workforce that couldn't effectively communicate with each other or your customers? Or try operating an army when its members can't communicate properly. I actually have experience with that, it creates alot of problems.

Multilingual doesn't mean people can't speak any other language than their own, or that they don't speak the most common language in a given country.
never really agreed with this statement much and with the obama dictatorship I think it's pure BS.

There is nothing wrong with Diversity, the Problem is Liberals think in order to remain Diverse, we need to Ignore our Immigration laws being Broken Daily, and Accept Millions of Illegal Aliens.

Bullshit. We're not a "melting pot". That phrase infers that we have come from many different directions, assimilated, and became one. E pluribus unum.

Identity politics has destroyed that. We've gone from being Americans to becoming hyphenated-Americans. Identity politics has divided us into groups, territories that must be defended against other territories. The English language is no longer even our lone, universally-uniting language.

Melting pot? Bullshit. No. Not even close. That's very un-PC. We'll need to come up with another metaphor. One that involves many different, competing groups with different agendas, all separate. And the metaphor should also describe something that is unraveling due to its lack of unity.


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never really agreed with this statement much and with the obama dictatorship I think it's pure BS.

I think its a tad overstated, too, Ty. Really its a statement that sounds like it means something real, but truly it means next to nothing.

OTOH, consider the polar opposite POV -- Our uniformity is our strength.

That sounds equally stupid, does it not?
"Divide and Conquer" is a time honored, tried and true tactic used since time imemorial by aspiring tyrants and despots. That's why Barry and Dave chose to throw middle America under the bus this time. No way they were going to get the Founder's children's children to vote for them anyway. Screw the "Shining City on The Hill" they'll get their electoral support from the gutter and the pervs, from the misfits and the illegals, from the prisons and the insane asylums. Toss them some promises for more Obama bucks, free cellphones and dildos and they'll be home free.
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This country would be amazing if it wasn't so divided. If you go to other countries like Canada or Western Europe race and religion really don't matter so much as they have a strong sense of national identity. In America we're so divided as a people and taught that large elements of our government and history are evil. There's very little sense of togetherness or pride to be an American in our society. If we put aside race, religion or ingrained differences and concentrated on pride to be American, the majority of this country's problems would fade in a generation or two.

People who think race or religion matter in any way are insulated idiots.
Diversity used to be good for this country, now it's used as Us versus them for Politics

the melting pot is history and diversity is now destroying this country
What is a person that speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What is a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What is a person that speaks only one language? An American.
When we stopped being the melting pot, diversity became our doom.

People do not assimilate and become all Americans together, they cling to their national and ethnic identities which separates them from one another prohibiting the whole idea of being American. Not only for recent immigrants, but for generations.

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