Our Ally... Give me a Break


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
May 24, 2004


Stop Them. Now. • Stoppez Les. Maintenant.
I sincerely hope that somebody, somewhere is watching them and is ready to take action:

(Original declaration in French.)
Plenary sessions, verbatim report of proceedings/Debates:
« Debates of the European Parliament


Situation in the Middle East

Coûteaux (EDD). – (FR) Madam President, the most surprising thing about our debate is our surprise, for Israel's expansionist policy is the inevitable and predictable result of the growing imbalance in the region, the stability for which we bear much of the responsibility. Firstly that is because since 1967 most of our states, with the notable exception of France, have continued to give the State of Israel – a state that is growing increasingly self-assured and domineering – the impression that it can violate international law and UN resolutions with impunity.

In reality, here as elsewhere we have followed Washington and persist in closing our eyes to the theocratic excesses of this religious state whose governments are under the thumb of fanatical parties and minorities that are just as bad as the other groups of religious fanatics in the region. That is why we should envisage imposing sanctions on Israel.

There is, however, another serious imbalance for which we are in part responsible, namely the imbalance of forces. I have no hesitation in saying that we must consider giving the Arab side a large enough force, including a large enough nuclear force, to persuade Israel that it cannot simply do whatever it wants. That is the policy my country (DF: i.e. France) pursued in the 1970s when it gave Iraq a nuclear force. We have now destroyed it. So we will carry on with our policy of imbalance and what is happening today is merely the annoying but inevitable result of our collective blindness and cowardice. »
No matter the "we", I'll set aside the fact that this degenerate EUrocrat is openly deploring that Saddam Hussein's regime was destroyed. He can only cry a river and wet his diapers out of frustration here, thank to the Coalition.

Yet the worse is of course that he is advocating "balancing" the force by handing in nuclear weapons (again) to the remaining tyrants in the Middle East.

He is advocating that idea today, in the current wartime context, while we know exactly what Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia are up to. And while we're closing to the 60th anniversary of D-Day... and the third of 9/11.

If that doesn't make him a declared enemy of the free world, I wonder what will.

Besides, he is doing it in a public debate at the European Parliament, no less. He's a French "sovereignist", which is to say a right wing Socialist, however you should make no mistake: if most of the others, whatever their side, may not be at the point where they would say that as clearly - not yet -, you'll be hard pressed to hear them disagree anyway. He is simply expressing what they more or less secretly think, hope or even work to.

France, her "sovereignists" and just about all her different kind of Socialists is at war too. Against America and the ideals she stands for.

What is America waiting for to fight back?

(Thank to E.B. for the information)
The whole world is against us. even half our country wants us to fail.

When will people wake the fuck up?! We are fighting a war on many fronts right now. A ground war against islmaic fundamnetalists. And a political War against Socialists in the UN, the EU and at Home. Thats alot of fronts to battle and the lines in the politcal war are very skewed. That is the war we must win or it will cost us more lives in the battle to come.
Originally posted by insein
The whole world is against us. even half our country wants us to fail.

yeah and when shit goes down, who do they come calling for?........The U. S. of fuckin A biatch!!!!!

the world needs us..............
What is funny kids is that you have no idea of what is going on in politics in the usa or the rest of the world..... the only opinions you have come from yours fathers, or the films you see on tv or the cinema
but the problem is:
The info that your fathers came from fox news or abc or any other bull shit tv news media in USA... in many of the cases only some exceptions. The cinema is the same of the tv news out of reality.......
so kids please:
by interested in national an foreign politics, read about the impact of the foreign usa politic, Chile in the 1970 and the dictator pinochet, camboya and pol pot, congo and the dictator mobutu and many others. Ask your fathers about the relations of Sadam and the USA some years ago 15 or 20 Ask about who the fuck sold chemical weapons to Sadam H. in the 80's to exterminate the Chiis people yes the Chiis people just like you and me, just ordinary people, ask who the fuck give to Sadam the satellite pictures to localize this people.....yes more than 300.000 die no military just people like you or your family....
So if you don't care about it just give your opinion on the last Play Station or the last bad american film. But not politics.
Hey I fogot.. ask to about who safe the american ass in the independence of AMERICA.. Yes the Frencheessssssss ho la la.....
Give this to your fathers see what they say
Love to hall

Originally posted by insein
The whole world is against us. even half our country wants us to fail.

When will people wake the fuck up?! We are fighting a war on many fronts right now. A ground war against islmaic fundamnetalists. And a political War against Socialists in the UN, the EU and at Home. Thats alot of fronts to battle and the lines in the politcal war are very skewed. That is the war we must win or it will cost us more lives in the battle to come.
Land are youtalking about paletinian lands i Belive
Originally posted by Zhukov
That's funny.

They've given up more land than they currently posses.
What is funny kids is that you have no idea of what is going on in politics in the usa or the rest of the world..... the only opinions you have come from yours fathers, or the films you see on tv or the cinema
but the problem is:
The info that your fathers came from fox news or abc or any other bull shit tv news media in USA... in many of the cases only some exceptions. The cinema is the same of the tv news out of reality.......
so kids please:
by interested in national an foreign politics, read about the impact of the foreign usa politic, Chile in the 1970 and the dictator pinochet, camboya and pol pot, congo and the dictator mobutu and many others. Ask your fathers about the relations of Sadam and the USA some years ago 15 or 20 Ask about who the fuck sold chemical weapons to Sadam H. in the 80's to exterminate the Chiis people yes the Chiis people just like you and me, just ordinary people, ask who the fuck give to Sadam the satellite pictures to localize this people.....yes more than 300.000 die no military just people like you or your family....
So if you don't care about it just give your opinion on the last Play Station or the last bad american film. But not politics.
Hey I fogot.. ask to about who safe the american ass in the independence of AMERICA.. Yes the Frencheessssssss ho la la.....
Give this to your fathers see what they say
Love to hall

Originally posted by Kathianne
May 24, 2004


Stop Them. Now. • Stoppez Les. Maintenant.
I sincerely hope that somebody, somewhere is watching them and is ready to take action:

(Original declaration in French.)
Plenary sessions, verbatim report of proceedings/Debates:
« Debates of the European Parliament


Situation in the Middle East

Coûteaux (EDD). – (FR) Madam President, the most surprising thing about our debate is our surprise, for Israel's expansionist policy is the inevitable and predictable result of the growing imbalance in the region, the stability for which we bear much of the responsibility. Firstly that is because since 1967 most of our states, with the notable exception of France, have continued to give the State of Israel – a state that is growing increasingly self-assured and domineering – the impression that it can violate international law and UN resolutions with impunity.

In reality, here as elsewhere we have followed Washington and persist in closing our eyes to the theocratic excesses of this religious state whose governments are under the thumb of fanatical parties and minorities that are just as bad as the other groups of religious fanatics in the region. That is why we should envisage imposing sanctions on Israel.

There is, however, another serious imbalance for which we are in part responsible, namely the imbalance of forces. I have no hesitation in saying that we must consider giving the Arab side a large enough force, including a large enough nuclear force, to persuade Israel that it cannot simply do whatever it wants. That is the policy my country (DF: i.e. France) pursued in the 1970s when it gave Iraq a nuclear force. We have now destroyed it. So we will carry on with our policy of imbalance and what is happening today is merely the annoying but inevitable result of our collective blindness and cowardice. »
No matter the "we", I'll set aside the fact that this degenerate EUrocrat is openly deploring that Saddam Hussein's regime was destroyed. He can only cry a river and wet his diapers out of frustration here, thank to the Coalition.

Yet the worse is of course that he is advocating "balancing" the force by handing in nuclear weapons (again) to the remaining tyrants in the Middle East.

He is advocating that idea today, in the current wartime context, while we know exactly what Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia are up to. And while we're closing to the 60th anniversary of D-Day... and the third of 9/11.

If that doesn't make him a declared enemy of the free world, I wonder what will.

Besides, he is doing it in a public debate at the European Parliament, no less. He's a French "sovereignist", which is to say a right wing Socialist, however you should make no mistake: if most of the others, whatever their side, may not be at the point where they would say that as clearly - not yet -, you'll be hard pressed to hear them disagree anyway. He is simply expressing what they more or less secretly think, hope or even work to.

France, her "sovereignists" and just about all her different kind of Socialists is at war too. Against America and the ideals she stands for.

What is America waiting for to fight back?

(Thank to E.B. for the information)
Originally posted by math
Land are youtalking about paletinian lands i Belive

I know he is a troll. but i cant help but respond to this.

There is no Palestinian lands. There has never been a Palestine. Hence its impossible for there to be Palestinian land. Israel was given their land by the UN. Then they were invaded several times and took what they needed to defend themselves. If Israels neighbors didnt attack it they wouldnt be the size they are now.

The fact is Israel is the only nation in that region that wants Peace. They are the only group making compromises. They easily could take over the region if they really wanted to. Heck they could have invaded Iraq and won easily. But Israel hasnt. Theyve been very restrained.

If you want peace with Israel. Let them hunt down the terrorists. The terrorists dont want peace. They want Isrealis and all Jews everywhere DEAD. They want genocide. How any sane person can support that when they have been offered everything they claim to want in the international committee.

I know its a troll but its sad how people can believe the crap he is posting.
I know he's banned, but my experience with French people lead me to believe that is exactly what he is.....they always make the same spelling and grammar errors :D
Originally posted by math
What is funny kids is that you have no idea of what is going on in politics in the usa or the rest of the world..... the only opinions you have come from yours fathers, or the films you see on tv or the cinema
I beg to differ. A survey done in my school, resently (3000 people) showed most students (surprise) with left-leaning views. Incidentally, the parents of these children mostly vote Republican.

Also, you are quick to dismiss anything we say when you see "junior member" to the left. Why do you assume that we are incapable of doing our own reasearch and possessing our own knowledge?
Originally posted by Avatar4321
I know he is a troll. but i cant help but respond to this.

There is no Palestinian lands. There has never been a Palestine.

There was a Palestine. The Romans named the area Palestine and its inhabitants Palestinians. So yeah, there was a Palestine, the Crusades of the Middle Ages were all aimed at recapturing Jerusalem in PALESTINE for Christians; they didn't venture into the "Middle East." (they didn't know "America" and "western civilization" existed yet) The problem: who WERE the Palestinians? The Jews living there at the time. Then, occasional bedouins and more Jews. Then, in the 20th century, more Jews and a few Arabs who HATED being called Palestinians. Then Israel became a state, and the Palestinians became the noble race they are today.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Etoile, Math is no longer with us. You questions will go

Oh. What a pity. Oops, I didn't see the little "banned" under his name. I knew another who was banned (and I think Sir Evil had something to do with it, no offense meant): Publius or something like that.


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