Osama or Usama

Osama or Usama

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?
Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
What do you believe his real name is?

Dead mother fucker...
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama? My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.
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What do you believe his real name is?

Dead mother fucker...
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama. My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.

You prove he is still breathing. Go ahead....I will wait. :eusa_whistle:
What do you believe his real name is?

Dead mother fucker...
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama? My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.

Actually, to be fair, Fox was using Usama for about a year after the attacks, then started using Osama.

They never explained why they changed.
What do you believe his real name is?

Dead mother fucker...
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama. My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.

You prove he is still breathing. Go ahead....I will wait. :eusa_whistle:

Right.... just like you can prove he's dead... I WON'T wait... :eusa_whistle:

And it's OSAMA Bin Laden, not Usama Bin Laden. Your messiah has practically the identical name as one of the worlds greatest muderers and terrorist.
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Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

Nearly every Arabic name has multiple English spellings.

I do wish the public could just accept one of them because it does get annoying.

Kadafi is a fantastic example - people only spell his name 5-6 different ways.

Hell I have a step uncle and his name is Joseph yet his name is spelled Youseff... We just call him Joe tho haha...
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Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

Nearly every Arabic name has multiple English spellings.

I do wish the public could just accept one of them because it does get annoying.

Kadafi is a fantastic example - people only spell his name 5-6 different ways.

Well why was OSAMA called OSAMA for ten years, and now all of a sudden it has to be changed to USAMA?

Isn't it painfully obvious? OSAMA - OBAMA
Why is it that after TEN YEARS of callming OSAMA Bin Laden, OSAMA Bin Laden, all of a sudden now his name has been changed to USAMA Bin Laden? Can anyone explain that to me?

What do you believe his real name is?

Nearly every Arabic name has multiple English spellings.

I do wish the public could just accept one of them because it does get annoying.

Kadafi is a fantastic example - people only spell his name 5-6 different ways.

Well why was OSAMA called OSAMA for ten years, and now all of a sudden it has to be changed to USAMA?

Isn't it painfully obvious? OSAMA - OBAMA

Of course, but most journalists are idiots..

They'd probably assert their errors as "progress."

Osama Obama sounds correct to me..
What do you believe his real name is?

Dead mother fucker...
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

I think they are both right, just different ways of translating from Arabic to English.

It's similar to the 5 or 6 different ways they spell Muammar Gaddafi's name.

They're probably using Usama now so that spell check doesn't change it to Obama.
Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama? My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.

Actually, to be fair, Fox was using Usama for about a year after the attacks, then started using Osama.

They never explained why they changed.

I don't recall that. What I remember is Osama long before, like a decade, I ever heard Usama. I wondered if they were even talking about the same person first time I heard Usama.
Nearly every Arabic name has multiple English spellings.

I do wish the public could just accept one of them because it does get annoying.

Kadafi is a fantastic example - people only spell his name 5-6 different ways.

Well why was OSAMA called OSAMA for ten years, and now all of a sudden it has to be changed to USAMA?

Isn't it painfully obvious? OSAMA - OBAMA

Of course, but most journalists are idiots..

They'd probably assert their errors as "progress."

Osama Obama sounds correct to me..

I wonder if Murdock told Fox News people to start calling Osama, Usama? Is Murdock a liberal?
Mudwhistle votes Usama... :lol:

Can anyone show me any reporting from when OSAMA came into world renown, where he was referred to as Usama? Yes, that means you to Mud, since you seem to think Osama's name is Usama.
Basic problem is that transliteration from one language to another is very hard at the best of times and with arabic it is worse than most.

It works both ways of course, English has several vowels that most languages don't. Especially in the different values we give to "O" and various dipthongs.

I took russian in college. Russian lacks the W, Th, H, Y and their attempts to transliterate them range from stupid to insane. English lacks several Russian consonants and a couple vowels. Russians really do trill their Rs.

On top of just the basic problem of different consonants, some of which we don't use, Semitic languages as a rule don't have written vowels. Mostly. Hebrew has what seems to be helper consonants, usually one of the Vs, that show where the vowels "O" and "U" are supposed to be. I presume Arabic does the same thing.

English also has the issue of the letter O can be pronounced as "U" in specific circumstances. If you want me to, I can list one or two of them too.

So, to recapitulate, Arabic is different from English and has all kinds of differences in phonemes. English can be just as weird.
أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن*

Reading right to left it's pronounced ʾUsāmah bin Muḥammad bin ʿAwaḍ bin Lādin

Incidentally, the media reported members of Seal Team Six were killed this weekend.

Problem is Seal Team Six doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for over 6 years.

There were SEALs on board the chopper that went down but none of them were involved in the take-down and killing of Bin Ladin. But that won't stop Al Qaeda and the Taliban from bragging that they got revenge.
1) Osama, just like Obama.

2) Prove it.

Now you're talking. Because for TEN YEARS it was **OSAMA**, now all of a sudden it's Usama. My God, these news agencies change it after this many years, and coming up on **OBAMA's** reelection attempt, it's painfully obvious that the liberals have given their minions their marching orders to now call Osama, Usama, so no one gets a mental connection between their messiah, OBAMA, and OSAMA.

What is so troubling on top of that is, FOX NEWS has jumped on this band wagon. So I for one am going to cease watching said news channel, and I have emailed them explaining this in detail.

No, I don't expect to hear anything in return. Fox News is just turning into another lock step, politically correct, pathetic, non reliable news source that is 10% news reporting and 90% opinion. I don't need to hear opinion. I have my own.

You prove he is still breathing. Go ahead....I will wait. :eusa_whistle:

Right.... just like you can prove he's dead... I WON'T wait... :eusa_whistle:

And it's OSAMA Bin Laden, not Usama Bin Laden. Your messiah has practically the identical name as one of the worlds greatest muderers and terrorist.

Holy crap, you can be one dumb assed fool.
Basic problem is that transliteration from one language to another is very hard at the best of times and with arabic it is worse than most.

It works both ways of course, English has several vowels that most languages don't. Especially in the different values we give to "O" and various dipthongs.

I took russian in college. Russian lacks the W, Th, H, Y and their attempts to transliterate them range from stupid to insane. English lacks several Russian consonants and a couple vowels. Russians really do trill their Rs.

On top of just the basic problem of different consonants, some of which we don't use, Semitic languages as a rule don't have written vowels. Mostly. Hebrew has what seems to be helper consonants, usually one of the Vs, that show where the vowels "O" and "U" are supposed to be. I presume Arabic does the same thing.

English also has the issue of the letter O can be pronounced as "U" in specific circumstances. If you want me to, I can list one or two of them too.

So, to recapitulate, Arabic is different from English and has all kinds of differences in phonemes. English can be just as weird.

Thing is we phonetically translate Arabic to English, so what we hear is how we will spell it.

So Kadafi may have a clear cut Arabic spelling, in English we can spell it many ways e.g Gaddafi or Kaddafi or Kadafi.

I agree with the OP tho that there should be some sort of standardized spelling of names.

At least Russian names are standardized in the English language. Arabic is the only language thats vague in transition or translation to English.

Besides, many claim English is the most difficult language to learn given our grammatical rules and our fusion with other languages so that may be part of the confusion when it comes to translation.
Russian names aren't that standard. These names names are transliterated as they are spelled to the degree that there is a one to one correspondence. Russian is good in that letter matches a sound most of the time. Most of the time.

In olden time they tried to get closer to the pronunciation, which is why you used to see russian names spelled "Romanoff" or "Smirinioff" Now days the transliteration is Romanov or Smirinov, which is closer to the spelling but further from the correct pronunciation. Russian male nouns have hard endings, which is why you see the "ff" ending on older texts.

It is not a hard and fast thing anyway. Just like in the US there is a lot of regional variation.

And with Osama vs Usama it really is kind of confusing, because the Arabs don't write their vowels anyway.
Russian names aren't that standard. These names names are transliterated as they are spelled to the degree that there is a one to one correspondence. Russian is good in that letter matches a sound most of the time. Most of the time.

In olden time they tried to get closer to the pronunciation, which is why you used to see russian names spelled "Romanoff" or "Smirinioff" Now days the transliteration is Romanov or Smirinov, which is closer to the spelling but further from the correct pronunciation. Russian male nouns have hard endings, which is why you see the "ff" ending on older texts.

It is not a hard and fast thing anyway. Just like in the US there is a lot of regional variation.

And with Osama vs Usama it really is kind of confusing, because the Arabs don't write their vowels anyway.

It's "ov" and that means "son of" and the females generally get a Y...

The majority of Russian names end in "ov" or "y."
Instead of calling him either Osama or Usama...We should all simply refer to him as a worthless piece of crap. No need to waste time worrying about how to pronounce the name of a turd.

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