Orphanages Are Safer Than Adoption Into Same-sex "families".


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.) The UNICEF orphan numbers DON’T include abandonment (millions of children) as well as sold and/or trafficked children. The current population of the United States is just a little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers…
According to data released in 2003 as many as eight million boys and girls around the world live in institutional care. Some studies have found that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Each year 14, 505, 000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen
Each day 38,493 orphans age out
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home
Studies have shown that 10% – 15% of these children commit suicide before they reach age eighteen
These studies also show that 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals
Another study reported that of the 15,000 orphans aging out of state-run institutions every year, 10% committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed, 6,000 were homeless and 3,000 were in prison within three years…
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)
2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion-dollar commercial sex industry. (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)

Facts Statistics

Oct. 13, 2005 (Washington) — An analysis of multiple studies of 500 households shows that rearing children in a same-sex household does not affect the their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health, a Boston researcher reported.

"Pediatricians need to recognize that there are variations in families and learn what kind of advice to give them to optimize the child's development," said Ellen Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researcher and colleagues looked at data from 15 studies evaluating possible stigma, teasing, social isolation, adjustment, sexual orientation, and strengths. The findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

"The vast consensus of the studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," Dr. Perrin said. "In some ways, children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

It has been estimated that one to six million children are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples in this country. Some children were born to a heterosexual couple and later raised by a same-sex couple; others were placed in foster homes, were adopted, or conceived through a surrogate mother through artificial insemination.

Previous studies of same-sex parenting have been criticized for being biased, but Dr. Perrin said the research team was extremely careful to select only solid, evidence-based research for review.

Based on nine studies from 1981 to 1994 of 260 children, aged three to 11 years, reared by either heterosexual mothers or same sex-mothers after divorce, the researchers found there was no difference in intelligence of the children, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem, well-being, peer relationships, or parental stress. "The children all had a similar emotional experiences with divorce," she said.

What they did find was that after divorce children being reared by lesbian mothers had more contact with fathers than children reared by divorced heterosexual mothers, Dr. Perrin said. "There are interesting suggestions that these children are more tolerant of differences."

A separate longitudinal study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and an equal number of children with divorced heterosexual mothers found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships.

"What is exciting about this study was that they followed the children 11 years later when they became adults," Dr. Perrin said. "But they still found no difference in adjustment, self-esteem, psychiatric or psychological problems, family relationships, or in identifying sexual orientation."

Four other large studies of more than 100 couples that evaluated children either born or adopted into families found that same-sex parents were more likely to have contact with extended family for social support as well as a more equal division of labor in the home. However, children of same-sex parents did experience some stigmatization.

"The researchers found no differences in the parents other than that lesbian couples share household and child care tasks more equitably," said Dr. Perrin. "The children of lesbian couples also appeared to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more androgynous," playing with toys for both boys and girls.

A further analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health used randomly selected representative data from 44 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The study compared children living with two women in a "marriage-like" relationship to teenagers living with two heterosexual parents.

The study showed that the adolescents were similar in intrapersonal adjustments such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They also were similar in school success, family relationships, and neighborhood integration, Dr. Perrin said.

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," she concluded. "But further study conducted in a long-term systematic manner in community samples needs to be conducted."

Dr. Perrin pointed out that "as pediatricians we have a lot of different kinds of roles. We need to be extremely careful about confidentiality with these families and assure them that their family constellation won't be broadcast. This will give us a better chance of learning more about the family and providing needed advice and discussing some of the issues."

"This is valuable information," Carol Berkowitz, MD, told Medscape. She is the immediate past president of the AAP and professor and executive vice chair in the Department of Pediatrics at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. "This subject evokes a lot of emotions that have influenced some studies. Some studies in the past were weighted based on nothing more than their own views."

The value of this presentation is these are all evidence-based studies, Dr. Berkowitz said, adding this information will help pediatricians in their practices and for setting policy.

AAP 2005 National Conference and Exhibition: Concurrent Seminar F340. Presented Oct. 10, 2005.

15 Studies: Children of Same-Sex Couples Do as Well as Other Children
Try no to give the republicans to many real facts. They only use them to make their head hurt.

It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.) The UNICEF orphan numbers DON’T include abandonment (millions of children) as well as sold and/or trafficked children. The current population of the United States is just a little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers…
According to data released in 2003 as many as eight million boys and girls around the world live in institutional care. Some studies have found that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Each year 14, 505, 000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen
Each day 38,493 orphans age out
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home
Studies have shown that 10% – 15% of these children commit suicide before they reach age eighteen
These studies also show that 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals
Another study reported that of the 15,000 orphans aging out of state-run institutions every year, 10% committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed, 6,000 were homeless and 3,000 were in prison within three years…
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)
2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion-dollar commercial sex industry. (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)

Facts Statistics

Oct. 13, 2005 (Washington) — An analysis of multiple studies of 500 households shows that rearing children in a same-sex household does not affect the their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health, a Boston researcher reported.

"Pediatricians need to recognize that there are variations in families and learn what kind of advice to give them to optimize the child's development," said Ellen Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researcher and colleagues looked at data from 15 studies evaluating possible stigma, teasing, social isolation, adjustment, sexual orientation, and strengths. The findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

"The vast consensus of the studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," Dr. Perrin said. "In some ways, children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

It has been estimated that one to six million children are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples in this country. Some children were born to a heterosexual couple and later raised by a same-sex couple; others were placed in foster homes, were adopted, or conceived through a surrogate mother through artificial insemination.

Previous studies of same-sex parenting have been criticized for being biased, but Dr. Perrin said the research team was extremely careful to select only solid, evidence-based research for review.

Based on nine studies from 1981 to 1994 of 260 children, aged three to 11 years, reared by either heterosexual mothers or same sex-mothers after divorce, the researchers found there was no difference in intelligence of the children, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem, well-being, peer relationships, or parental stress. "The children all had a similar emotional experiences with divorce," she said.

What they did find was that after divorce children being reared by lesbian mothers had more contact with fathers than children reared by divorced heterosexual mothers, Dr. Perrin said. "There are interesting suggestions that these children are more tolerant of differences."

A separate longitudinal study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and an equal number of children with divorced heterosexual mothers found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships.

"What is exciting about this study was that they followed the children 11 years later when they became adults," Dr. Perrin said. "But they still found no difference in adjustment, self-esteem, psychiatric or psychological problems, family relationships, or in identifying sexual orientation."

Four other large studies of more than 100 couples that evaluated children either born or adopted into families found that same-sex parents were more likely to have contact with extended family for social support as well as a more equal division of labor in the home. However, children of same-sex parents did experience some stigmatization.

"The researchers found no differences in the parents other than that lesbian couples share household and child care tasks more equitably," said Dr. Perrin. "The children of lesbian couples also appeared to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more androgynous," playing with toys for both boys and girls.

A further analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health used randomly selected representative data from 44 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The study compared children living with two women in a "marriage-like" relationship to teenagers living with two heterosexual parents.

The study showed that the adolescents were similar in intrapersonal adjustments such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They also were similar in school success, family relationships, and neighborhood integration, Dr. Perrin said.

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," she concluded. "But further study conducted in a long-term systematic manner in community samples needs to be conducted."

Dr. Perrin pointed out that "as pediatricians we have a lot of different kinds of roles. We need to be extremely careful about confidentiality with these families and assure them that their family constellation won't be broadcast. This will give us a better chance of learning more about the family and providing needed advice and discussing some of the issues."

"This is valuable information," Carol Berkowitz, MD, told Medscape. She is the immediate past president of the AAP and professor and executive vice chair in the Department of Pediatrics at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. "This subject evokes a lot of emotions that have influenced some studies. Some studies in the past were weighted based on nothing more than their own views."

The value of this presentation is these are all evidence-based studies, Dr. Berkowitz said, adding this information will help pediatricians in their practices and for setting policy.

AAP 2005 National Conference and Exhibition: Concurrent Seminar F340. Presented Oct. 10, 2005.

15 Studies: Children of Same-Sex Couples Do as Well as Other Children
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Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and unsurprisingly not backed up by your link.
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It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.) The UNICEF orphan numbers DON’T include abandonment (millions of children) as well as sold and/or trafficked children. The current population of the United States is just a little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers…
According to data released in 2003 as many as eight million boys and girls around the world live in institutional care. Some studies have found that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Each year 14, 505, 000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen
Each day 38,493 orphans age out
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home
Studies have shown that 10% – 15% of these children commit suicide before they reach age eighteen
These studies also show that 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals
Another study reported that of the 15,000 orphans aging out of state-run institutions every year, 10% committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed, 6,000 were homeless and 3,000 were in prison within three years…
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)
2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion-dollar commercial sex industry. (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)

Facts Statistics

Oct. 13, 2005 (Washington) — An analysis of multiple studies of 500 households shows that rearing children in a same-sex household does not affect the their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health, a Boston researcher reported.

"Pediatricians need to recognize that there are variations in families and learn what kind of advice to give them to optimize the child's development," said Ellen Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researcher and colleagues looked at data from 15 studies evaluating possible stigma, teasing, social isolation, adjustment, sexual orientation, and strengths. The findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

"The vast consensus of the studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," Dr. Perrin said. "In some ways, children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

It has been estimated that one to six million children are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples in this country. Some children were born to a heterosexual couple and later raised by a same-sex couple; others were placed in foster homes, were adopted, or conceived through a surrogate mother through artificial insemination.

Previous studies of same-sex parenting have been criticized for being biased, but Dr. Perrin said the research team was extremely careful to select only solid, evidence-based research for review.

Based on nine studies from 1981 to 1994 of 260 children, aged three to 11 years, reared by either heterosexual mothers or same sex-mothers after divorce, the researchers found there was no difference in intelligence of the children, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem, well-being, peer relationships, or parental stress. "The children all had a similar emotional experiences with divorce," she said.

What they did find was that after divorce children being reared by lesbian mothers had more contact with fathers than children reared by divorced heterosexual mothers, Dr. Perrin said. "There are interesting suggestions that these children are more tolerant of differences."

A separate longitudinal study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and an equal number of children with divorced heterosexual mothers found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships.

"What is exciting about this study was that they followed the children 11 years later when they became adults," Dr. Perrin said. "But they still found no difference in adjustment, self-esteem, psychiatric or psychological problems, family relationships, or in identifying sexual orientation."

Four other large studies of more than 100 couples that evaluated children either born or adopted into families found that same-sex parents were more likely to have contact with extended family for social support as well as a more equal division of labor in the home. However, children of same-sex parents did experience some stigmatization.

"The researchers found no differences in the parents other than that lesbian couples share household and child care tasks more equitably," said Dr. Perrin. "The children of lesbian couples also appeared to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more androgynous," playing with toys for both boys and girls.

A further analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health used randomly selected representative data from 44 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The study compared children living with two women in a "marriage-like" relationship to teenagers living with two heterosexual parents.

The study showed that the adolescents were similar in intrapersonal adjustments such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They also were similar in school success, family relationships, and neighborhood integration, Dr. Perrin said.

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," she concluded. "But further study conducted in a long-term systematic manner in community samples needs to be conducted."

Dr. Perrin pointed out that "as pediatricians we have a lot of different kinds of roles. We need to be extremely careful about confidentiality with these families and assure them that their family constellation won't be broadcast. This will give us a better chance of learning more about the family and providing needed advice and discussing some of the issues."

"This is valuable information," Carol Berkowitz, MD, told Medscape. She is the immediate past president of the AAP and professor and executive vice chair in the Department of Pediatrics at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. "This subject evokes a lot of emotions that have influenced some studies. Some studies in the past were weighted based on nothing more than their own views."

The value of this presentation is these are all evidence-based studies, Dr. Berkowitz said, adding this information will help pediatricians in their practices and for setting policy.

AAP 2005 National Conference and Exhibition: Concurrent Seminar F340. Presented Oct. 10, 2005.

15 Studies: Children of Same-Sex Couples Do as Well as Other Children
From you link, zero studies:

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Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and surprisingly not backed up by your link.
My link is anecdotal, take its for what its worth, but it is a very valid point, children adopted from orphanages are never as safe as they were, and now you claim trying something that society has never done before, giving children to homosexuals, you claim that is safer than an orphanage? Where is your proof?
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and surprisingly not backed up by your link.
My link is anecdotal, take its for what its worth, but it is a very valid point, children adopted from orphanages are never as safe as they were, and now you claim trying something that society has never done before, giving children to homosexuals, you claim that is safer than an orphanage? Where is your proof?
It's up to you to prove your thread title. So far you are failing miserably. In fact, you aren't even trying.
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and surprisingly not backed up by your link.
My link is anecdotal, take its for what its worth, but it is a very valid point, children adopted from orphanages are never as safe as they were, and now you claim trying something that society has never done before, giving children to homosexuals, you claim that is safer than an orphanage? Where is your proof?
It's up to you to prove your thread title. So far you are failing miserably. In fact, you aren't even trying.
I do not need to prove it, unlike you I do not need to tell people what to think, people can read the OP and come to their own conclusions.
the op and his boyfriend are piling it high and deep....most child molesters are "straight" white men

In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
The Mainstream
Reflecting the results of these and other studies, as well as clinical experience, the mainstream view among researchers and professionals who work in the area of child sexual abuse is that homosexual and bisexual men do not pose any special threat to children. For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:
Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual(Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259).

This well known lack of a linkage between homosexuality and child molestation accounts for why relatively little research has directly addressed the issue. For example, a 1998 comprehensive review of published empirical research on the sexual abuse of boys reported only one study (the 1994 study by Jenny and colleagues, cited above) that included data about the self-reported sexual orientation of perpetrators (Holmes & Slap, 1998).

Proving something that is already widely known simply isn't a priority for scientists. Indeed, a commentary that accompanied publication of the study by Jenny et al. in Pediatrics noted that debates about gay people as molesters "have little to do with everyday child abuse" and lamented that they distract lawmakers and the public from dealing with the real problem of children's sexual mistreatment (Krugman, 1994).
Can you provide the data to back up your opinion.
Remember, you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.


There's only one reason a pair of sodomites want to get there hands on a little boy.
Opinion yes but the sad fact it had happened already, opinion and coincidentally fact in some instances.
The article is simply the testimony of a voice.
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Can you provide the data to back up your opinion.
Remember, you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.


There's only one reason a pair of sodomites want to get there hands on a little boy.
Opinion yes but the sad fact it had happened already, opinion and coincidentally fact in some instances.
People can read the article and de ide, my opinion is irrelevant to the facts.
why yes it is...
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and surprisingly not backed up by your link.
My link is anecdotal, take its for what its worth, but it is a very valid point, children adopted from orphanages are never as safe as they were, and now you claim trying something that society has never done before, giving children to homosexuals, you claim that is safer than an orphanage? Where is your proof?
Oh, we will....we will. :lol:

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