Origins of Our 'Muslim Brotherhood' Allies.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "As soon as Hitler rose to power, parties that imitated National Socialism were founded in Arab countries, like the Social-Nationalist Party in Syria led by Anton Sa'ada, who openly and enthusiastically copied the Nazis. Sa'ada, who styled himself as the Fuhrer of the Syrian nation, stated in the party platform that the Syrians were the superior race by their very nature. Hitler was "Islamicized" and known by his new name Abu Ali (in Egypt, for some reason, it was Muhammed Haidar). Egyptian followers even "found" the house in which Hitler's mother was born in Tanta, Egypt and the place became a pilgrimage site.

2. The most influential Arab party to follow the Nazi model was Young Egypt, known also as the Green Shirts, in tribute to the Nazi Jung Deutschland and the Brown Shirts of the SA. The party was founded by Ahmed Hussein in October 1933, and followed the German model down to the raised hand greeting. There were stormtroopers, torch processions, Nazi slogans including a literal translation into Arabic of "one folk, one party, one leader" as well as "Egypt over all." ...Nazi anti-Semitism was emulated in every detail, from a boycott of Jewish businesses to physical attacks and anti-Semitic incitement. Indeed, Nazi anti-Semitic theory, practice and policy fitted the needs of Arab nationalism of the 1930s like a glove.

3. During the war, members of the Young Egypt spied on behalf of Rommel's Afrika Korps and a young lieutenant by the name of Anwar Sadat was tried and imprisoned. After the war, Gamal Abdul Nasser, another member of Young Egypt, was among the group of officers who led the July 1952 revolution in Egypt. ...Sadat continued to express open admiration for Hitler in a letter he sent to the Egyptian daily Al Mussawar on September 18, 1953. This open bow to Hitler--despite the revelations of Nazi atrocities in the Nuremberg trials--is evidence of the depth of Sadat's identification with Nazism."
The Outpost

4. "Europe’s Fascist and fascist-style movements began in the years after World War One. The major difference was that Communists and Marxists, aimed to show how similar they were in every country…the Fascists’ aims were to show how local and parochial, how ‘nationalist’ and ancient its interests were.

a. Muslim’s other grand radical movement, Islamists, might seem, at first, to be an exception, free of the European virus… as the Egyptian and Pakistani versions began as organs of peaceful political reform, i.e., the strictly religious Muslim Brotherhood, …but scratch the surface, and there is the sympathy for Nazism. The Young Egypt Society, the ‘Greenshirts,’ were openly Nazi, and Hassan al-Banna was not far behind.
Young Egypt Marches Again by John Galt - The Tree Of Liberty
The Brotherhood even had it’s units designated ‘kata’ib’ or phalanges, a la Franco.

5. Sayyid Qutb, the single most influential Islamist writer. His masterwork, “In the Shade of the Qur’an,” commentaries on the various suras: Most of the original 30 volumes (114 Surahs) were written (or re-written) while in prison... Fi Zilal al-Quran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

a. The most interesting aspect is not Qutb’s program, wonderful and deeply Muslim, but how it fits the pattern of 20th century Europe’s totalitarian movements. There will be a terrible war, led by the Muslim vanguard, such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood. Victory, of course, was guaranteed. Viewed form this aspect, the movement is but another cult of death. "
Berman, "Terror and Liberalism," chapter two.

6. "He is a hypermarket of dogma, dispensing advice on subjects ranging from mother's milk to suicide bombing. But few have as much influence on Sunni Muslims as the Muslim televangelist Youssef al-Qaradawi. He says what the Muslim Brotherhood in Egpyt thinks -- and he provides clues to how they might act. Qaradawi is the father figure of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the country's best-organized opposition group. The Brotherhood is sure to play a part in deciding what path Egypt will now take.... the mufti isn't opposed to 100 lashes for gays and lesbians if that is the punishment imposed by a Sharia judge, at least according to statements he has made on his program.
Islam's Spiritual 'Dear Abby': The Voice of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - SPIEGEL ONLINE

7. "The Obama administration has supported the defeat of regimes allied with the United States, with a view toward more popular governments. Saudi interioEgypt’s Writing of A New Constitution Holds Little or No Room for Egyptian Chrisitans and Women | Chandler's Watch
r ministry says protests illegal - Yahoo! News

Shouldn't our college teacher President have known this?

....what if he did know it...every single bit of it?
That's a clinic that should have been run in all the media.

Thank you for that PC
Another grave error by the error in the White House..... that leaves the world open to enormous danger.

The more that comes out about the savages that he has aided in the Middle East, the worse Obama looks.

How anyone could consider voting for this failure is beyond me....

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