Origin of articles in Western European languages

Germans and/or Austrians
OR only

It was better without the Prussians when the Austrian Habsburgs had power in Europe. It was the age of science and romance.

Serbian terrorists acted on the Prussians side, their activities were aimed at the destruction of Austro-Hungary. They did the same as the Prussians did with their Pan-Germanism in Austro-Hungary.
Slaws had conquered
And keep in mind that we are only talking about the original speakers of the Slavic languages: the Huns, such as the Cumans, Avars and Bulgars, and not about everyone who now speaks Slavic. Balts and Balkans were Slavicized later, they are not native speakers of Slavic.
Incidentally, in international law there is a ban on the Anschluss of Austria. The capture of East Germany in 1990 also has no legal basis, there was no expression of the will of the people of East Germany.

This happened on the eve of the arrival of the Democrats in the United States. At the same time, there was a revolution in the USSR and collapse. It was a global leftist scam, just like in the 60s.
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The ethnonym "Bavars" itself first appeared after the arrival of the Huns in Europe

Are you able to explain to me with short words why Russia and 5-6 other nations of the former Warshaw pact have sent soldiers to Kazhakstan and why you use parachuters there?
The ethnonym "Bavars" itself first appeared after the arrival of the Huns in Europe

The most similar word to "Boier" or "Boia" (Bohemian) and "Baier" or "Baia" (Bavarian) in the German language is "Bauer". . "Bauer" means just simple farmer. In the English language "Boia" = "Boya" is also able to mean "boys". In this area of the world lived often the same people since decades of thousands of years while also new people came into this area.

And the Huns = Hungarians are one of the eldest European populations at all. They speak an old European language - but not an Indo-European language, what's one of the reasons why I still prefer the old expression "Indo-Germanic" and see in the new modern expression "Indo-European" a racist expression which is not only anti-German but excludes also some people from Europe.

Here a card of the finno-ugric languages:


Possible that the root of this languages is here:

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Only it is not clear what does the Germans have to do with it.

The Frankonians had been Germanics and not Celts - what's anyway not a big difference. Franks = Germanics founded France.

Their language, on the contrary, is rough.

The French language is very melodic and soft

Modern French inherited only phonetics and vocabulary from Celtic, the grammar there is the same as in English. I think this is Germanic grammar, because it had nowhere else to come from.

I heard from an Italian lady we Germans use a Grammar which is nearer to the Grammar of Latin than the Italian Grammar. And I guess to hear a German speak in standard German sounds also very similar to an ancient Roman speaking Latin - even in case we use Germanic words.
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Everything is correct, hence the Russian boyars. These are Avars-Bavars

The Russian what? Bojar is a title for nobles ... and came from Bulgaria to Russia as it looks like. Fantasy is a god given gift - but sometimes it is nothing else than nonsense.
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Most Austrians don't like to hear this any longer since Hitler - but they are only Germans like all other Germans. No one is able to understand the Austrian history and/or the German history without Germany and/or Austria.

It exist by the way two forms of "or"- an including form and an excluding form. The including form I write often "and/or" because many people misunderstand the word "or". Mathematics for example is always only using the including "or" (and/or) and the most people are always only using the excluding "or" (either ... or).
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There was only Frankish power there. The people themselves are the Celts, France is the former Celtica (Galiya)

In France lived their ancestors Celts, Romans and Germanics. The ancestors of the Germans are also Celts, Romans and Germanics. But French are not Germans and Germans are not French. What for heavens sake is your problem? Is your brother you? Are you your brother?
Incidentally, in international law there is a ban on the Anschluss of Austria.

No idea what you speak about.

The capture of East Germany in 1990 also has no legal basis, there was no expression of the will of the people of East Germany.


This happened on the eve of the arrival of the Democrats in the United States.


At the same time, there was a revolution in the USSR and collapse. It was a global leftist scam, just like in the 60s.


What for heavens do you try to speak about here, alien? About the alcohol or about the drugs which you use?
Here a card of the finno-ugric languages:
The Finno-Ugric hypothesis is a fantasy of the 20th century. The Ugrians have nothing to do with the Finns. In addition, the true Finns are not the Sami, but the peoples close to the Germans - feni / veni / venets.
Including, genetically, Hungarians are not at all intercourse with the Sami (who are now considered "Finns")

I believe that Hungars are Jungars
Franks = Germanics founded France.
not founded, they seized Celtica and at what point they renamed
the Germans themselves were wild backward tribes from the swamps, they could not "founded" anything

I heard from an Italian lady we Germans use a Grammar which is nearer to the Grammar of Latin than the Italian Grammar. And I guess to hear a German speak in standard German sounds also very similar to an ancient Roman speaking Latin - even in case we use Germanic words.
German is grammatically closer to Latin, because the Germans came there later than in England and France. This has already been discussed.

In ancient Rome, there were not only patrician Aryans, but also Etruscans and plebeians. These peoples were obviously close to the Germans.
The Russian what? Bojar is a title for nobles ... and came from Bulgaria to Russia as it looks like. Fantasy is a god given gift - but sometimes it is nothing else than nonsense.

Bulgarians were already "Russians"

Boyars and dvorians are not the same thing.

Boyars are the military aristocracy, the noblemen in strict sence are courtiers.

The nobles appeared in Russia from the side of the germany, the Germans had courtiers, not military aristocraty.


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