Orange One Bails on Kennedy Honors, No Orange Ordure will be served later! WOW!?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.

'Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein and President Deborah F. Rutter said in a joint statement that they respect Trump's decision.

"In choosing not to participate in this year's Honors activities, the administration has graciously signaled its respect for the Kennedy Center and ensures the Honors gala remains a deservingly special moment for the honorees. We are grateful for this gesture" they said.'
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.
Trump doesn't want to give the left any more platforms to show their ignorance.
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors
The White House announced early Saturday morning that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump
would not participate in the annual Kennedy Center honors in December

The President and First Lady typically hold a reception at the White House each year for the honorees in addition to
appearing alongside them at the Kennedy Center Honors awards ceremony, but the Kennedy Center said in
a statement Saturday that the reception would no longer occur.
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors

:happy-1:The Great Orange Douche :asshole: Is afraid of the general public. :woohoo:
I wonder what will happen on 9/11 in NY? IT should pass on this as well.

Btw. General notice:
For all KKK, WN, Neos, and etc. types!
The Great Orange Douche has a December spot available, to attend your
Whitey Racist Event. Please submit 25 sample rally photos and a sample flag
for consideration. Along with a 1,000 buck nonrefundable processing fee.
Payable to: DrumpF LLC.

Hmm? I think the only POTUS that has skipped this event, was raygoon?
I did understand a gun was involved with that. Dang!

Anyone.. Was there others? I think one other? I can't recall....:(
Last edited:
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors
The White House announced early Saturday morning that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump
would not participate in the annual Kennedy Center honors in December

The President and First Lady typically hold a reception at the White House each year for the honorees in addition to
appearing alongside them at the Kennedy Center Honors awards ceremony, but the Kennedy Center said in
a statement Saturday that the reception would no longer occur.
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors

:happy-1:The Great Orange Douche :asshole: Is afraid of the general public. :woohoo:
I wonder what will happen on 9/11 in NY? IT should pass on this as well.

Btw. General notice: For all KKK, WN, Neos, and etc. types!
The Great Orange Douche has a December spot available, to attend your
Whitey Racist Event. Please submit 25 sample rally photos and a sample flag for consideration. Along with a 1,000 buck nonrefundable processing fee.
Payable to: DrumpF LLC.

Hmm? I think the only POTUS that has skipped this event, was raygoon?
I did understand a gun was involved with that. Dang!

Anyone.. Was there others? I think one other? I can't recall....:(

I also say so what? Of what importance are these awards outside of that particular club?
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.
No, Trump is a coward.
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors
The White House announced early Saturday morning that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump
would not participate in the annual Kennedy Center honors in December

The President and First Lady typically hold a reception at the White House each year for the honorees in addition to
appearing alongside them at the Kennedy Center Honors awards ceremony, but the Kennedy Center said in
a statement Saturday that the reception would no longer occur.
Trump, First Lady won't participate in Kennedy Center honors

:happy-1:The Great Orange Douche :asshole: Is afraid of the general public. :woohoo:
I wonder what will happen on 9/11 in NY? IT should pass on this as well.

Btw. General notice: For all KKK, WN, Neos, and etc. types!
The Great Orange Douche has a December spot available, to attend your
Whitey Racist Event. Please submit 25 sample rally photos and a sample flag for consideration. Along with a 1,000 buck nonrefundable processing fee.
Payable to: DrumpF LLC.

Hmm? I think the only POTUS that has skipped this event, was raygoon?
I did understand a gun was involved with that. Dang!

Anyone.. Was there others? I think one other? I can't recall....:(

I also say so what? Of what importance are these awards outside of that particular club?

I see the point. but the nation needs public events. It's part of their job, to meet the general public.
Outside their bubbles. I can go for reductions, but if they are paid for, and ALL the POTUS
expences to show up. Why not.

btw. I also wonder why these elected people are flying all
over the place, staying in hotels on our dimes. We have FFS! Video Phones.

How did my OP post #1 get pushed down to post #4?
But my OP thread title is still there.
And the OP name has changed?

Last edited:
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.
No, Trump is a coward.

The Greatest that ..ever.. EVER lived.
Sorry Trump fans, just couldn't pas this one up.

How many Presidents and wives have skipped this important December event because they were concerned about "creating a political distraction?" Is it because a few of the honorees plan to skip the traditional White House reception, rather than show up to kiss the President's ring?

I thought we had a "stand up, never back down President." My mistake.

Really, even Dubya showed up as the lies into Iraq were in full swing.

But still I feel one other time, other than raygoon passing on it, but Nancy went for him.

I feel one other skipped for a reason? Anyone? Anyone?
But not as cowardly as this douche just did.
Trump isn't a coward. Trump isn't being threatened. The stars that would appear are being threatened. Because they are being threatened with death, they have chosen not to appear to be honored. After all it isn't Trump being honored. And that stars aren't being honored by Trump either. They are being honored by the Kennedy Center.

Isn't this year's crop black? They shouldn't be honored at any time, ever. So good for Trump.
Trump isn't a coward. Trump isn't being threatened. The stars that would appear are being threatened. Because they are being threatened with death, they have chosen not to appear to be honored. After all it isn't Trump being honored. And that stars aren't being honored by Trump either. They are being honored by the Kennedy Center.

Isn't this year's crop black? They shouldn't be honored at any time, ever. So good for Trump.

But the creator of.. this show will no show later.
Why is that?



You're basing your opinion on a liberal portraying a bigot on television?

A series based on a television show created in England?

Try again. You know I'm Not.
btw. It's an American sitcom show. Based on a BBC sitcom.
Try reading.
All in the Family - Wikipedia

btw. It's an American sitcom show. Based on a BBC sitcom.

That's what I just posted

A series based on a television show created in England?
How do I know you're not?

I've proven you can't read

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