Opponents win aginst Agenda 21


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
As the word gets out on Agenda 21, states and counties are feeling the preasure to back away from the development plans required by the agenda. Every American needs to get informed and contact your local elected officials, this can be killed from the bottom up.

Here's a fine example. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs-Dk1w2-_I]Baldwin County, Alabama - YouTube[/ame]
You people have no fucking clue?

Willfully ignorant is the only definition for people like you, and I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that NONE of you bothered to even watch the video.

Willfully ignorant or 'in the bag' for the NWO...
One of many reasons why Obama will be re-elected: the right’s pursuit of baseless conspiracy theories rather than issues voters care about.

Your ignorance of the issue shows how shallow your pool of knowledge is. If the issue was really all that unemportant, explaine to me why a State would prohibit its incorporation.

I really don't expect a reasonable response, as you have yet to demonstrate that you're capable of reason.
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Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan...

and I care about a non-binding, voluntary UN issue, because???


Opposition in the United States

During the last decade, opposition grew to some aspects of Agenda 21 within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21.[12][13][14][15][3] Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21.[4] Arizona recently failed to pass a similar bill that would ban participation in Agenda 21. Some Tea Party linked activists have claimed that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights.[3] Columnists in The Atlantic have linked Agenda 21 opposition to the longstanding property rights movement in the United States [16]

This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section.
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As the word gets out on Agenda 21, states and counties are feeling the preasure to back away from the development plans required by the agenda. Every American needs to get informed and contact your local elected officials, this can be killed from the bottom up.

Here's a fine example. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Baldwin County, Alabama - YouTube

Heh. I am actually very familiar with Baldwin County.

I watched the first few minutes of the film and it has nothing to do with Agenda 21. Don't know where you got the idea it did.

This was a public hearing in which the people expressed their opposition to a local development plan.
Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan...

and I care about a non-binding, voluntary UN issue, because???


Opposition in the United States

During the last decade, opposition grew to some aspects of Agenda 21 within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21.[12][13][14][15][3] Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21.[4] Arizona recently failed to pass a similar bill that would ban participation in Agenda 21. Some Tea Party linked activists have claimed that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights.[3] Columnists in The Atlantic have linked Agenda 21 opposition to the longstanding property rights movement in the United States [16]

This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Heaven forbid you actually learn something, have you actually read any of the UN materials related to Agenda 21 or what the seem to have renamed Sustainable Development?

It's your choice to become informed or remain ignorant. If you remain ignorant that makes you just like the majority of Americans that prefer to allow others to battle to protect your liberties.

Edit: Here's a little reading material for you as usual it's just a place to start. http://www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/usa/natur.htm
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Baldwin County's Comprehensive Plan was not the result of Agenda 21. It was the result of the Communist Manifesto. No, wait. It was the result of a plan hatched by the Lizard Aliens who live inside our hollow Earth! No, wait. It was the result of Fourth Dimensional Nazis beaming their malicious thoughts into the minds of our local politicians!

You can't fool me. I have special knowledge of these things.

Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan...

and I care about a non-binding, voluntary UN issue, because???


Opposition in the United States

During the last decade, opposition grew to some aspects of Agenda 21 within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21.[12][13][14][15][3] Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21.[4] Arizona recently failed to pass a similar bill that would ban participation in Agenda 21. Some Tea Party linked activists have claimed that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights.[3] Columnists in The Atlantic have linked Agenda 21 opposition to the longstanding property rights movement in the United States [16]

This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Heaven forbid you actually learn something, have you actually read any of the UN materials related to Agenda 21 or what the seem to have renamed Sustainable Development?

It's your choice to become informed or remain ignorant. If you remain ignorant that makes you just like the majority of Americans that prefer to allow others to battle to protect your liberties.

thank you for proving my point so nicely.
Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and I care about a non-binding, voluntary UN issue, because???


This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Heaven forbid you actually learn something, have you actually read any of the UN materials related to Agenda 21 or what the seem to have renamed Sustainable Development?

It's your choice to become informed or remain ignorant. If you remain ignorant that makes you just like the majority of Americans that prefer to allow others to battle to protect your liberties.

thank you for proving my point so nicely.

Guess you missed it, I added a link for you. Don't know why I'd bother with a guy that can't admit a cop reduced a ticket to a warning. LMAO
Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan...

and I care about a non-binding, voluntary UN issue, because???


Opposition in the United States

During the last decade, opposition grew to some aspects of Agenda 21 within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21.[12][13][14][15][3] Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21.[4] Arizona recently failed to pass a similar bill that would ban participation in Agenda 21. Some Tea Party linked activists have claimed that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights.[3] Columnists in The Atlantic have linked Agenda 21 opposition to the longstanding property rights movement in the United States [16]

This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Heaven forbid you actually learn something, have you actually read any of the UN materials related to Agenda 21 or what the seem to have renamed Sustainable Development?

It's your choice to become informed or remain ignorant. If you remain ignorant that makes you just like the majority of Americans that prefer to allow others to battle to protect your liberties.

Edit: Here's a little reading material for you as usual it's just a place to start. Agenda 21 - United States

I noticed that too. Any sites relating to Agenda 21 aren't being updated. Here's the link that I see these sites referring people to:

Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform .:. United Nations
not really sure what part of VOLUNTARY you conspiracy nutbags don't comprehend. Oh well. Enjoy your little 'the UN will take my property rights away from me' rant.
not really sure what part of VOLUNTARY you conspiracy nutbags don't comprehend. Oh well. Enjoy your little 'the UN will take my property rights away from me' rant.

You really should watch the video, you'll see examples of what 'voluntary' REALLY means...
not really sure what part of VOLUNTARY you conspiracy nutbags don't comprehend. Oh well. Enjoy your little 'the UN will take my property rights away from me' rant.

I guess you have no reason to care the the feds are dangling billions in front of local governments to enact the policies outlined by the agenda. In my area it's being handeled by a 13 county organization called the Houston, Galvaston area council, it started as a benign thing used to coordinate transportations projects in the area, but has morphed to a point they a getting into vertually every aspect of planning in the area. All you have to do is an internet search for HGAC, their even getting into the schools with all the green propaganda.

So just keep thinking it's voluntary, while the feds are dangling money in front of cash strapped bureaucrats. Their into micromanaging top down planning, or should I say central planning which is a term you all commies should understand.

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