Opinion Piece: Put A Fork In The dims -- They're Done


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
They'e just too stupid to know it yet.

The mature ones are keeping their mouths shut, the idiots, mostly in the Media and in here, just can't STFU.

They're running around, almost literally, like chickens with their heads cut off. They're dead but they honestly don't know it yet.

Their brains are on automatic pilot. Where a chicken runs away, blindly, a dim runs his mouth..... Blindly.

The morons in the Media have nothing to lose because our Court system has yet to announce, correctly, that the Media is no longer entitled to Freedom of The Pres because they crossed the line from impartiality coupled with opinion, to 100% promotion of one party. Making them just another Politcal Action Committee and, therefore, not entitled to the protections of the 1st Amendment.

I can see it happening sometime very soon. Although I suspect the Court will be very gentle in its first ruling, hoping the LSM gets the message.

They won't.

Now, it's our turn.

Will Trump come back with a vengeance? I can tell you for a fact, he wants to. He wants to very badly.

It's one reason why dimocraps are muddying the waters so much.

Will it work? I don't think so. I believe once the DoJ IG issues his report, indictments by the DOZEN will be handed down by Grand Juries impaneled across the Country.

I can see hundreds of dims indicted. Not just dims, but some folks in the LSM as well. They aren't FULLY covered by Shield Laws.

It's over, dims. Just admit you lost for once and hide like the good little dirtbags you are.

Oh, and the 2020 elections?

Trump is re-elected, we take back the House with 75 victories and we retain the Senate with five more pickups.

And Trump will be unchained

Be afraid, dimocraps.
Be very afraid.

They'e just too stupid to know it yet.

The mature ones are keeping their mouths shut, the idiots, mostly in the Media and in here, just can't STFU.

They're running around, almost literally, like chickens with their heads cut off. They're dead but they honestly don't know it yet.

Their brains are on automatic pilot. Where a chicken runs away, blindly, a dim runs his mouth..... Blindly.

The morons in the Media have nothing to lose because our Court system has yet to announce, correctly, that the Media is no longer entitled to Freedom of The Pres because they crossed the line from impartiality coupled with opinion, to 100% promotion of one party. Making them just another Politcal Action Committee and, therefore, not entitled to the protections of the 1st Amendment.

I can see it happening sometime very soon. Although I suspect the Court will be very gentle in its first ruling, hoping the LSM gets the message.

They won't.

Now, it's our turn.

Will Trump come back with a vengeance? I can tell you for a fact, he wants to. He wants to very badly.

It's one reason why dimocraps are muddying the waters so much.

Will it work? I don't think so. I believe once the DoJ IG issues his report, indictments by the DOZEN will be handed down by Grand Juries impaneled across the Country.

I can see hundreds of dims indicted. Not just dims, but some folks in the LSM as well. They aren't FULLY covered by Shield Laws.

It's over, dims. Just admit you lost for once and hide like the good little dirtbags you are.

Oh, and the 2020 elections?

Trump is re-elected, we take back the House with 75 victories and we retain the Senate with five more pickups.

And Trump will be unchained

Be afraid, dimocraps.
Be very afraid.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. :rolleyes:

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched | Inspiring Short Stories
They'e just too stupid to know it yet.

The mature ones are keeping their mouths shut, the idiots, mostly in the Media and in here, just can't STFU.

They're running around, almost literally, like chickens with their heads cut off. They're dead but they honestly don't know it yet.

Their brains are on automatic pilot. Where a chicken runs away, blindly, a dim runs his mouth..... Blindly.

The morons in the Media have nothing to lose because our Court system has yet to announce, correctly, that the Media is no longer entitled to Freedom of The Pres because they crossed the line from impartiality coupled with opinion, to 100% promotion of one party. Making them just another Politcal Action Committee and, therefore, not entitled to the protections of the 1st Amendment.

I can see it happening sometime very soon. Although I suspect the Court will be very gentle in its first ruling, hoping the LSM gets the message.

They won't.

Now, it's our turn.

Will Trump come back with a vengeance? I can tell you for a fact, he wants to. He wants to very badly.

It's one reason why dimocraps are muddying the waters so much.

Will it work? I don't think so. I believe once the DoJ IG issues his report, indictments by the DOZEN will be handed down by Grand Juries impaneled across the Country.

I can see hundreds of dims indicted. Not just dims, but some folks in the LSM as well. They aren't FULLY covered by Shield Laws.

It's over, dims. Just admit you lost for once and hide like the good little dirtbags you are.

Oh, and the 2020 elections?

Trump is re-elected, we take back the House with 75 victories and we retain the Senate with five more pickups.

And Trump will be unchained

Be afraid, dimocraps.
Be very afraid.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. :rolleyes:

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched | Inspiring Short Stories

As much as I would love to see the meat puppet faggot, hitlery and dozens of other leftist sociopaths on trial I'm skeptical anyone will be held accountable. We have seen the meat puppet faggot's lawyer Gregory Craig indicted, so that is slightly encouraging.
We all know that this is far from over, right?
Exactly....It's not over until the dems say it is!

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!

I don't know which tribe will come out on top, but I can tell you that it's not going anywhere.
The treasonous bastards from Obama to Clapper to Brennan to Yates to Lynch to Comey to McCabe to Strock to Page to Hillary to the recused Sessions etc etc etc....they all must fry or we have big problems in America....when the people lose faith in their justice system we risk losing our freedom.....
They had a good run. Stood for slavery and let bunch of foreign people run over the US. Did everything they could to turn capitalist USA into a socialist nightmare. At the end, had trouble even telling the difference between a man and a woman and suggested reparations as forgiveness for their racism.

Rest in peace.
We all know that this is far from over, right?
Nope, it’s definitely over.

It's over except for the noise dimocraps will make.

But nobody is going to be indicted, nobody is going to be charged and nobody is going to be impeached.

Noise? If that's all you stand for, then I suspect you'll be a happy bouy because there will be plenty of that.

I love it. The more the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media runs their diseased mouths about this, the more people they turn off.

The LSM is on its Death Bed. Any other entity I'd say "Put it out of its misery".

But not the DISGUSTING FILTH. I want those scum to suffer. horribly

for all eternity...... if there is a Hell, it is populated with members of the LSM almost exclusively. In fact, there should be a new Hell created just for those scumbags. God wouldn't want them mixing with the better kind of scumbags..... child molesters, murderers, mass rapists, war criminals, genocidal maniacs, psychopathic murderers, etc. The SCUM from the LSM deserves a very special kind of Hell

They are the most evil scum to ever live. They embody evil. They are evil incarnate.

It's WAY past time the rest of the world sees it.
Ever since Obamasshole, Democrats thought they could win votes by constantly insulting the American public, calling everyone racist and their PC-crazed praising Pisslam to the heavens and back. Like that's supposed to benefit the average, everyday American. The result of this mentality was a record-setting loss of 1000 Dem. seats on both the state and federal levels.

Liberals cannot answer a basic question: what good does American self-hatred do anybody? The answer is, not a goddamned thing. It's self-righteous posturing that doesn't work in the real world.

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