Opinion Article: Democrats' big miscalculation: Conservative women like me won't abandon Brett Kavan


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
The Article outlines the biggest issue we often have in the era of identity politics, a group of people belonging to a group claiming they speak for the whole group.

Democrats' big miscalculation: Conservative women like me won't abandon Brett Kavanaugh

We are furious at the people purporting to speak for women, furious that what should have been an ordinary parsing of evidence (what little there is after 36 years) was turned into a Kabuki theater campaign ad for the Democratic Party, stressing their trope that the GOP is conducting a so-called war on women.

I know I loathe identity politics. Maybe that's because of the way I was raised, by a scientist father who took the family along while he did field work for months at a time on the Navajo reservation and in a Mayan village on the Yucatan Peninsula. I moved light years beyond the politics of sex and race years ago, if I ever thought in terms of such crude categories.

NOW does't speak for all Women, it speaks for its members and people who believe the same things NOW does, NAACP doesn't speak for all black people, it speaks for it's members and people who believe the same thing NAACP does.

It even goes into government, when Cuomo says he "speaks for all New Yorkers". While that may be true when it comes to what the government does, it does NOT hold true when it comes to political opinions.
Actually, the jury is still out on the political ramifications of all this Kavanaugh stuff. As outrageous as the Dems' behavior has been - as transparently phony and despicable - I still see a lot of support from many different directions.

The complete lack of reasoned analysis is troubling.
Actually, the jury is still out on the political ramifications of all this Kavanaugh stuff. As outrageous as the Dems' behavior has been - as transparently phony and despicable - I still see a lot of support from many different directions.

The complete lack of reasoned analysis is troubling.
this is *NOT* the entire left. this is the whack-a-doo's who represent the *far left*. the right has it's share of extreme voices also.

the extremes need to be sent back to their corner as they're fucking it up for the rest of us.
Actually, the jury is still out on the political ramifications of all this Kavanaugh stuff. As outrageous as the Dems' behavior has been - as transparently phony and despicable - I still see a lot of support from many different directions.

The complete lack of reasoned analysis is troubling.
this is *NOT* the entire left. this is the whack-a-doo's who represent the *far left*. the right has it's share of extreme voices also.

the extremes need to be sent back to their corner as they're fucking it up for the rest of us.
Nope, it is the mainstream left.

Warren is considered fairly moderate now.

That is how radical they have become.
I almost hope they don't have enough votes to put Kav onto the USSC this weekend, so the GOP voters could use the mid-terms as a refutation of the Left's mistreatment of Kavanaugh.
Actually, the jury is still out on the political ramifications of all this Kavanaugh stuff. As outrageous as the Dems' behavior has been - as transparently phony and despicable - I still see a lot of support from many different directions.

The complete lack of reasoned analysis is troubling.
this is *NOT* the entire left. this is the whack-a-doo's who represent the *far left*. the right has it's share of extreme voices also.

the extremes need to be sent back to their corner as they're fucking it up for the rest of us.

The problem is the "mainstream" left doesn't seem to want to police it's extremists, it often seems to wish they were "that bold".

Most conservatives/libertarians won't give Neo-Nazis, soverign citizen types, and other hard fringe nuts the time of day, despite the effort to link us to them via the "alt-right" scam.
I almost hope they don't have enough votes to put Kav onto the USSC this weekend, so the GOP voters could use the mid-terms as a refutation of the Left's mistreatment of Kavanaugh.
That is going to happen anyway.

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