Operation wetback 11


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
A necessary evil.

We are still in the worse economic crisis since the great depression with the Iraq war and Afghanistan wars ending and troops coming home looking for jobs or jobs training, college students and graduates looking for jobs and 14 million Americans unemployed or under employed and some not looking for jobs at all and have to depend on entitlement programs and charities that are being strained also. And Obama and the Demowits want to add 20 million Illegal Aliens to the workforce through the Dream Act, Immigration Reform and Chain Migration that will add millions to the unemployment rate, add to entitlement programs and add to the deficit. And Flip Flopping Pubs want to join in the party. What are our leaders smoking or drinking that is making them act insanely?

Nothing should be on the immigration table but enforcement, border security and deportations because we are not coming out of this economic downfall any time soon.

How many of the 5 million jobs created the past four years went to Illegal Aliens? Between 2008 and 2010 Illegal Aliens gains over a million jobs and that is not acceptable. Mexicans living in this country send billions of dollars out of the United States and back to Mexico every year and that is not acceptable. Illegal immigration is still costing us billions each year in entitlements, education and incarcerations. Not to mention gangs and drugs related crimes.

Operation Wetback was and is a necessary evil.
The cold, hard reality of the matter is that we have tightly secured the border between South Korea and North Korea for over 50 years and we could secure our own borders if we really wanted to.
Why Illegal Immigration is Bad For America.
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I was raised in Pinal County Arizona and in the 50s had to compete for Wetbacks for cotton picking jobs and on some message boards have been asked to refrain from using profane and obscene language? I earned the right to use the word but I changed it to read; "Operation Deportation."
You supported this shit.

Romney would have gone "farther" than Obama in his own words. So I supported the lesser of the two evils. At least Obama was honest. From self deportation to legalization in four hours is senile dementia.
You must know I voted for Obama because he is black?
You supported this shit.

Romney would have gone "farther" than Obama in his own words. So I supported the lesser of the two evils. At least Obama was honest. From self deportation to legalization in four hours is senile dementia.
You must know I voted for Obama because he is black?

No, I know you voted for him because you cut-paste stupid shit like a paid troll
You supported this shit.

Romney would have gone "farther" than Obama in his own words. So I supported the lesser of the two evils. At least Obama was honest. From self deportation to legalization in four hours is senile dementia.
You must know I voted for Obama because he is black?

No, I know you voted for him because you cut-paste stupid shit like a paid troll

Ass wipe, I do have a brain. Not like you who cannot put a full sentence together without help. Find the cutpaste shit and I will eat it. If I do cut paste I always provide a link.
Prove it dip shit or shut the fuck up.
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If it "Operation Wetback" was good enough for President General Eisenhower to use it's good enough for me to use.

And this is not "cut paste trolling, dip shit.
Just curious - if they don't swim across el Rio Grandeand get wet backs - what're ya gonna call em?
You supported this shit.

Romney would have gone "farther" than Obama in his own words. So I supported the lesser of the two evils. At least Obama was honest. From self deportation to legalization in four hours is senile dementia.
You must know I voted for Obama because he is black?

Obama has deported more illegals than any other president and has put more border Patrol agents at the southern border than any other president.

Mittens said he wanted illegals to "self-deport".

How does that equate to Mittens "going [sic] farther".

As for the Eisenhower era, Google "Braceros".
Mexico has a difficult time fielding a competitive Olympic Team because everyone who can run, jump or swim is already here.
If it "Operation Wetback" was good enough for President General Eisenhower to use it's good enough for me to use.

You should bother knowing what you're talking about before opening your denture-holder, you senile old broad.
I was raised in Pinal County Arizona and in the 50s had to compete for Wetbacks for cotton picking jobs

Your whole life you've been too useless to so much as get a job picking cotton? How the hell do you live with yourself?
If it "Operation Wetback" was good enough for President General Eisenhower to use it's good enough for me to use.

You should bother knowing what you're talking about before opening your denture-holder, you senile old broad.

Enlighten me. Wise ass. :eusa_drool:

Just as I thought. You have no idea what actually happened during that 'operation.' Go pop open the container marked 'W' and take your Crazy Old Broad pills for the day.
I was raised in Pinal County Arizona and in the 50s had to compete for Wetbacks for cotton picking jobs

Your whole life you've been too useless to so much as get a job picking cotton? How the hell do you live with yourself?

I did pick cotton but I got two degrees. One Sociology and other one in Special Education. I worked for more than 60 of my 73 years. I live fine and volunteer for Foster Grand Parents, etc. All in my power chair. WTF do you live for?
Why don't you swim back home?

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