Oooops. Warmists lose again....Antarctica cooling since 1999!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well if you are a climate skeptic, the winning just keeps rolling along............

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling
Anthony Watts / 1 day ago April 27, 2017

Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere

M. Oliva et al.


The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s, based on the temperature trend of 0.54 °C/decade during 1951–2011 recorded at Faraday/Vernadsky station. Accordingly, most works describing the evolution of the natural systems in the AP region cite this extreme trend as the underlying cause of their observed changes. However, a recent analysis (Turner et al., 2016) has shown that the regionally stacked temperature record for the last three decades has shifted from a warming trend of 0.32 °C/decade during 1979–1997 to a cooling trend of − 0.47 °C/decade during 1999–2014.

Oh....and check out the graphs s0ns..........

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling

Well if you are a climate skeptic, the winning just keeps rolling along............

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling
Anthony Watts / 1 day ago April 27, 2017

Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere

M. Oliva et al.


The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s, based on the temperature trend of 0.54 °C/decade during 1951–2011 recorded at Faraday/Vernadsky station. Accordingly, most works describing the evolution of the natural systems in the AP region cite this extreme trend as the underlying cause of their observed changes. However, a recent analysis (Turner et al., 2016) has shown that the regionally stacked temperature record for the last three decades has shifted from a warming trend of 0.32 °C/decade during 1979–1997 to a cooling trend of − 0.47 °C/decade during 1999–2014.

Oh....and check out the graphs s0ns..........

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling

/---- Enviro-wackos will ignore this like all other reports debunking their scam.
Well if you are a climate skeptic, the winning just keeps rolling along............

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling
Anthony Watts / 1 day ago April 27, 2017

Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere

M. Oliva et al.


The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s, based on the temperature trend of 0.54 °C/decade during 1951–2011 recorded at Faraday/Vernadsky station. Accordingly, most works describing the evolution of the natural systems in the AP region cite this extreme trend as the underlying cause of their observed changes. However, a recent analysis (Turner et al., 2016) has shown that the regionally stacked temperature record for the last three decades has shifted from a warming trend of 0.32 °C/decade during 1979–1997 to a cooling trend of − 0.47 °C/decade during 1999–2014.

Oh....and check out the graphs s0ns..........

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling

...but warmers ignore facts and just believe!!!
Image 4 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Goodness, now that certainly looks like a cooling. LOL
Check it out. Skook finally figured out what everyone else knew a year ago.

Antarctic Peninsula Has Cooled, but Warming Will Win

Why? Because his cult masters at WUWT finally saw fit to piss some propaganda down on the cultists. Must have been a slow news day, and the cultists needed to be fed some nonsense to keep them hysterical.

Meanwhile, the non-tards point out that the ozone hole recovery is the big factor there, as ozone is a heat-trapping greenhouse gas, and it also affects wind patterns. The non-tards also point out the rest of Antarctica has continued steady warming, and that the peninsula will resume warming soon. Alas, all Skook from it was "Derp! No warming! Hurhurhur!", just as his masters intended.

And skook? Again, you need to cut down on your obsessive posting. You yourself declared that no-life posters are the gheyest losers on the planet, yet you're the most obsessive poster on this board.
Check it out. Skook finally figured out what everyone else knew a year ago.

Antarctic Peninsula Has Cooled, but Warming Will Win

Why? Because his cult masters at WUWT finally saw fit to piss some propaganda down on the cultists. Must have been a slow news day, and the cultists needed to be fed some nonsense to keep them hysterical.

Meanwhile, the non-tards point out that the ozone hole recovery is the big factor there, as ozone is a heat-trapping greenhouse gas, and it also affects wind patterns. The non-tards also point out the rest of Antarctica has continued steady warming, and that the peninsula will resume warming soon. Alas, all Skook from it was "Derp! No warming! Hurhurhur!", just as his masters intended.

And skook? Again, you need to cut down on your obsessive posting. You yourself declared that no-life posters are the gheyest losers on the planet, yet you're the most obsessive poster on this board.

Whatever you say s0n.........

16,000 in 4 1/2 years vs 26,000 in 8 years!!

But I'm the one with OCD!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

In other words.......I come in here for a few cups of coffee/week and pwn the entire forum!:coffee:
Well if you are a climate skeptic, the winning just keeps rolling along............

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling
Anthony Watts / 1 day ago April 27, 2017

Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere

M. Oliva et al.


The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s, based on the temperature trend of 0.54 °C/decade during 1951–2011 recorded at Faraday/Vernadsky station. Accordingly, most works describing the evolution of the natural systems in the AP region cite this extreme trend as the underlying cause of their observed changes. However, a recent analysis (Turner et al., 2016) has shown that the regionally stacked temperature record for the last three decades has shifted from a warming trend of 0.32 °C/decade during 1979–1997 to a cooling trend of − 0.47 °C/decade during 1999–2014.

Oh....and check out the graphs s0ns..........

Oops, Warmists just lost the Antarctic peninsula – it is now cooling


You're breaking their itty-bitty hearts.

Have you NO compassion for the feeble-of-mind?
So back to topic.........looks like global warming has forgotten about Antarctica..........and ever notice? The AGW k00ks never post threads about the Antarctic. For almost 10 years now...............:deal:
Skook, given how badly you were humiliated here, you'd think you'd want this thread to fall off the front page. And given that you said any obsessive posters here are limp-wristed ghey losers, you'd think you'd want your display of obsessively ghey posting to be less visible.

Let me look at the front page right now, and see who created threads.

Skook - 7
Matthew - 4
PolarBear - 2
Flanders - 2

Nobody else has more than one. Congrats skook, you're the ghey champ!

Also, thanks for demonstrating you can't figure out the difference between "Antarctica" and "The Antarctic peninsula".

And thanks for pointing out how good the models are.

When we need more of our points proven, we'll be in touch.
Skook, given how badly you were humiliated here, you'd think you'd want this thread to fall off the front page. And given that you said any obsessive posters here are limp-wristed ghey losers, you'd think you'd want your display of obsessively ghey posting to be less visible.

Let me look at the front page right now, and see who created threads.

Skook - 7
Matthew - 4
PolarBear - 2
Flanders - 2

Nobody else has more than one. Congrats skook, you're the ghey champ!

Also, thanks for demonstrating you can't figure out the difference between "Antarctica" and "The Antarctic peninsula".

And thanks for pointing out how good the models are.

When we need more of our points proven, we'll be in touch.

Whatever you say s0n!! :coffee:

But like I said........your post count per day is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than mine!! But Im the obsessive one!!:2up: At your rate, you'll be thousands of posts past me in 8 years!!:oops-28:

Take a bow s0n!!:deal:

And not for nothing're calling people in here "ghey limp wristers" but last I checked, you had that ghey ass faggy cat as an avatar. So c'mon now...........obviously, you never got picked for the team.

And by the way.........talking about threads. There is a skeptic thread out there on page 1 that has about 4 billion posts on it and about 250,000 pages.........been shining for years in here!! You cant miss it!! Been rolling up "views" for 4 years!! :ack-1: The sheer numbers knock peoples socks off when they come in here.:banana: Meanwhile, not sure any AGW alarmist thread has ever gone more than 3 weeks!!:9:
So back to topic.........looks like global warming has forgotten about Antarctica..........and ever notice? The AGW k00ks never post threads about the Antarctic. For almost 10 years now...............:deal:
Historically, the Uninhibited Development of Nature Has Been the Main Cause of Class Mobility

Antarctica has more untapped resources than any other continent. It's disgraceful lack of development is the real story, but the media feed us fluff to puff up their irrelevant debate. As in Alaska, developing the huge Antarctic landmass would cut the profit margins of the businesses that rely on artificial scarcity in order to gouge us on prices and keep us in our place.
Besides, the variance is ULTRA small on sea ice extent down there. And in 2014 --- the extent was the greatest in the entire satellite record. You gotta quit pissing your pants over the year to year stuff.


See that red line ???? That's the 30+ year AVERAGE. Do you see how LITTLE change it takes to make a year "the largest on record"... or the smallest in a decade?

Take a shot of whiskey and calm the hell down.. :badgrin:
lets face it.........nobody cares about the arctic ice in 2017..........most people have now dismissed the unicorn chasers. Why? Because there is still so much ice up there it is stoopid. Only those who saw too many re-runs of "The Day After Tomorrow" are caring.........the hystericals among us.

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