Only President Trump can stop genocide of white farmers in South Africa


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Expert: Only President Trump Can Stop Genocide Of White Farmers In South Africa

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne joins Alex to discuss the ongoing genocide of white farmers in South Africa. President Trump has finally tweeted about this situation and only he can convince the South African government to do the right thing.


Pastor Rodeny was just in South Africa not long ago . He is actually from S. Africa it's interesting how so many don't believe what is going on over there.
Isn’t this a conspiracy theory. No evidence to back it up?!
A). It's not happening

B) The theory is promoted by a South African Neo-Nazi group

C). It's another distraction, a bright shiny thing Trump learned about from Fox News, not reliable intelligence sources.

D) It's something Trump's racist base laps up with a spoon.

In Trumpian, it's a 'nothing burger"
Raise your hand if you can name one thing that wouldn't be happening right now if not for colonization and apartheid!
It is not in U.S. national interests to do anything more than accommodate applications for immigration.
Maybe we should listen to this Man of God.


Diploma Mill "Doctorate"[edit]
Howard-Browne claimed to have earned a "doctorate of ministry degree" in 1992 from "The School of Bible Theology", a non-accredited Pentecostal correspondence school in San Jacinto, California, which has been described as a “diploma mill”.[4][9]

Multi-level marketing and Monavie[edit]
Howard-Browne and his wife Adonica were top-ranking (“Black Diamond executive level”) distributors for Monavie, a multi-level marketing company that sold acai berry juice-based beverages until folding in 2014 subsequent to a $182 million loan default and allegations of pyramid scheming, fraudulent advertising, and patent infringement.[10] [11]

Plot against Donald Trump[edit]
In July 2017, Browne was one of 17 evangelical pastors who visited the White House to pray for and lay hands on Donald Trump.[12] In a video several days later, Howard-Browne claimed “There is a planned attack on our president and that’s all I can tell you about right now; I know what I’m talking about, I’ve spoken to high-ranking people in the government".[13] Howard-Browne later claimed that the Secret Service met with him to discover which congressman told him about the plot but he refused to say, citing pastoral privilege.[14]

Human sacrifice in Hollywood and Washington, DC[edit]
In an October 2017 sermon at The River church, Howard-Browne claimed that "They sacrifice children at the highest levels in Hollywood. They drink blood of young kids. This is a fact", continuing, "The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years" in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. [15] [16]

Arming of The River at Tampa Bay church[edit]
Howard-Browne drew attention for a social media post in November 2017, two days after the Sutherland Springs church shooting, claiming that his church was not a gun-free zone and that he and the church’s pastors “are all heavily armed” and would use “deadly force”.[17][18]

Conspiracy theories on InfoWars[edit]
In March 2018, Howard-Browne made an appearance on Alex Jones’ InfoWars program during which he claimed: that a string of bombings in Austin, Texas were used by “anarchist terrorists” who were attempting to bring “everything under control”; that churches and religious groups were being censored in the U.S.; and that “globalist gremlins” were attempting to thwart Donald Trump.[19]

Rodney Howard-Browne - Wikipedia
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No. Not America’s problem. We have our own issues with black and brown populations trying to take over the country. We need to use SA as the case study of what not to do if this country wants to remain viable.

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