Debate Now Only humans show their teeth in friendship

waiting by your side--
for your response

redemption is your only salvation
then again,
hell has lots of room
for the likes of you
.,.,.,.,., I .,.,.,,.
,.,..,.,.,have been.,.,.,.,.
.,.,.,.,.,Proven wrong.,,,,
.,.,.,.,.,about the smile..,…,.,.
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.But I can prove.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
That only humans

Yes, I can say only humans truly laugh !!!!
Definition of laugh

intransitive verb
1a: to show
emotion (such as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound
The audience was laughing hysterically.
b: to find amusement or pleasure in something
laughed at his own clumsiness
c: to become amused or derisive
a very skeptical public laughed at our early efforts
Definition of LAUGH

to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think something is funny or you are happy:
They laughed at her jokes.
I couldn't stop laughing.
I said he'd have to give a talk and he laughed nervously.
She's so funny - she really makes me laugh.
It's very rare that a book is so good you actually laugh out loud.
It was so funny, I burst out laughing (= laughed suddenly and loudly).
I laughed till I cried.

When your right you're right :)-

I’m laughing right now at the
“50+ & Want a Girlfriend? MatchSeniors
add displayed right here on your web site
Lol :)-
Still, at 73 I see her as a very attractive woman.
Animals definitely smile, iyam. Not always with their teeth showing, but they smile!









^ This post is worth bumping! (if I do say so myself) 😝

(wait for it...)

Sorry...................but animals laugh as well............

Sorry...................but animals laugh as well............
I clicked on your link and all I got back was a huge string of ads that I had to individually delete.

You wouldn’t be a Ruskie, Mega-Republicon or last but not least a dumpy drumper, per chance?
Just asking;

No animosity intended or implied
Last edited:
I clicked on your link and all I got back was a huge string of ads that I had to individually delete.

You wouldn’t be a Ruskie, Mega-Republicon or last but not least a dumpy drumper, per chance?
Just asking;

No animosity intended or implied

Might wanna adjust your ad blocker. Yes, Live Science does have ads that pop up, but you can read the articles without too much trouble.

Here is another one from Smithsonian magazine (I try to use science links for stuff like this) that might do you a bit better with less ads. It also states that animals do in fact laugh.

As far as my political affiliation? I've been Independent since about halfway through my Navy career. There are ideas on both sides that I like, as well as ideas that I don't. And, crazy isn't restricted to just one political party. There are as many loonies on the Right as there are on the Left, as well as both sides have their share of fanatics who think everyone should think like they do. Me? I like to listen to the information presented, and make up my own mind based on the experience I have from 50 plus years. Russkie? Again, nope. Enlisted in the U.S. Navy at 17, and was in boot camp 3 days after my 18th birthday and served a full 20 plus years. I enlisted for several reasons, one was being an American and wanting to defend this country that I think is pretty great, two was being that I wanted to travel the world (and the Navy saw to it that I did), and three, I wanted a steady job with a steady paycheck that I could get into right out of high school that had good benefits.
I once read a SCI Fi boom that referred to smiling as “exposing our skeletons.” But I don’t think teeth are technically part of the skeleton. They do last a long time with the old bones, however.
I once read a SCI Fi boom that referred to smiling as “exposing our skeletons.” But I don’t think teeth are technically part of the skeleton. They do last a long time with the old bones, however.

Depends on who you talk to. Some consider teeth to be part of the skeletal system, some consider it to be part of the digestive system, some say it's part of both.
Depends on who you talk to. Some consider teeth to be part of the skeletal system, some consider it to be part of the digestive system, some say it's part of both.
Yep. I’m no expert. But I thought the observation itself was interesting (as is the premise of the OP).

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