Only 4,200 people for Trump rally in Pheonix

There were 19,000 inside and another 500 of us outside...AWESOME considering the mayor told the city there would be violence. You losers just can't admit Trump is the gold standard in drawing crowds while Hillary couldn't get her own staff to show up to most of her droneathons.

Fucking liar.

ESAD snowflake.

Say what?

Why did you lie?

How about fuck off asshole...I was THERE.
There were 19,000 inside and another 500 of us outside...AWESOME considering the mayor told the city there would be violence. You losers just can't admit Trump is the gold standard in drawing crowds while Hillary couldn't get her own staff to show up to most of her droneathons.

Fucking liar.

ESAD snowflake.

Say what?

Why did you lie?

How about fuck off asshole...I was THERE.

I saw photos. I estimate a couple of trillion people were there. Biggest rally in the history of the universe.

Anonymous sources? That seems like all you batshit crazy loons ever come up with

How about this one: Trump reportedly sidelines Phoenix rally organizer over crowd size

It's from Trump's favorite news source.


Go bug someone who cares

Anonymous sources? That seems like all you batshit crazy loons ever come up with

How about this one: Trump reportedly sidelines Phoenix rally organizer over crowd size

It's from Trump's favorite news source.


Go bug someone who cares

Trump cares.

And you should too.

Anonymous sources? That seems like all you batshit crazy loons ever come up with

How about this one: Trump reportedly sidelines Phoenix rally organizer over crowd size

It's from Trump's favorite news source.


Go bug someone who cares

Trump cares.

And you should too.
:itsok: You're child like, go have a cookie
This guy supported Obama.

In October 2012, Jackson was investigated for financial improprieties including misuse of campaign funds. Jackson resigned from Congress on November 21, 2012, citing mental and physical health problems, including bipolar disorder and gastrointestinal problems. On February 8, 2013, Jackson admitted to violating federal campaign law by using campaign funds to make personal purchases.[3] Jackson pleaded guilty on February 20, 2013, to one count of wire and mail fraud.[4] On August 14, 2013, he was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison.[5]
You are certainly a Kool-aid drinker. I already addressed of your usage of the hyper-rightwing Federalist.
I'm stilling waiting to prove Poilticfact wrong, instead you divert. Great strategy.:2up:
Oh and Global Warming, it's happening but whether human activity contributes to it, that's a question I have not decided on. Too many verbals. However, as pollution is part of the equation and pollution causes premature illness and death, I don't have any problem with keeping the air, water and soil pollutant free. Plus the Bible, tells us many times to take care of the Earth and in Revelations it tells us, God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth, as a Christian, I'm on board with taking care of Earth versus destroying the Earth.
Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives

Prove that Politifact is wrong about Trump's documented lies. You said you were going to accept my challenge, have you? Nope.
I take it for you if it's something bad about trump you believe it. If there's something good you won't. I'd say you listen to the fake news media and take the indoctrination up the ass
You are certainly a Kool-aid drinker. I already addressed of your usage of the hyper-rightwing Federalist.
I'm stilling waiting to prove Poilticfact wrong, instead you divert. Great strategy.:2up:
Oh and Global Warming, it's happening but whether human activity contributes to it, that's a question I have not decided on. Too many verbals. However, as pollution is part of the equation and pollution causes premature illness and death, I don't have any problem with keeping the air, water and soil pollutant free. Plus the Bible, tells us many times to take care of the Earth and in Revelations it tells us, God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth, as a Christian, I'm on board with taking care of Earth versus destroying the Earth.
Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives

Prove that Politifact is wrong about Trump's documented lies. You said you were going to accept my challenge, have you? Nope.
I take it for you if it's something bad about trump you believe it. If there's something good you won't. I'd say you listen to the fake news media and take the indoctrination up the ass

Yes, I think Trump is not trustworthy, thin-skinned; doesn't have the attention span to have a deep understanding of the issues, is clueless about the struggles middle class, has an ego that rivals the universe, he's a bigot and is a little boy in a man's body.
Needless to say I didn't for Trump.
But then I didn't vote for Clinton either. She too is clueless, a Wall Street puppet, isn't trustworthy, out of touch with mainstream America, she's sleazy and she's married to a dickhead.
So, I didn't stoop to vote for the lesser of two big evils. I voted for Evan McMullin.
Unlike you, I don't blindly goose-step to any narrow-minded ideology.
You used the Federalist, which as it's share of fake news stories.
Trump's usage of calling MSM fake news, was also used in the past.
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
Just keep on drinking the Kool-aid.
I think you might be the most retarded close minded person I've ever talked to. I could see if you say trump has done something bad ( I disagree ) but you have not 1 good thing to say about him. He is helping the middle class more than the upper class. His campaign was all about JOBS!! Buy American for American. Guess what he's done that. We are returning the sovernty ( spelled wrong I know lol ) that is much needed in America. We are tired of the political correctness and that is out the door. Trump will be our president for 8 years even if the snowflakes hate it.

You never did find one documented lie that wasn't a lie from the Politifact link I gave you. But then, don't feel to bad, every one of the poster's who were going to prove Politifact wrong, also came up empty.
It's a fact, Trump is a pathological liar and unfortunately, like all of his supporters, they deny reality.
I'm positive, you are one of hi supporters who would continue to support him and go into denial if he actually followed this Trump quote:
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like, incredible.”
You would, wouldn't you?
And you call me retarded? :2up:
He's a compulsive liar and his supporters are compulsive idiots.
Liar? Any proof?

To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

The right sure loved Politifact when it nailed Obama with the lie of the year in 2013 for his "you can keep your doctor" claim.
Politifact verified every single Trump lie, all seven pages of them.
Try to prove them wrong!
I was able to keep my doctor.
Politifact has been proven to be against the conservatives. I got the link if you need it. Many people can't come out and say there a conservative because you liberal snowflakes feelings get hurt. There is many examples. You guys want free speech but when it's convenient for you to go tear something up but when us conservatives use our right we are a racist, bigot, some kind of phobe, etc. Well you liberals seem to be Russiaphobes, I think you libtards might just be racist to the Russians.

Prove that Politifact is wrong about Trump's documented lies. You said you were going to accept my challenge, have you? Nope.
I take it for you if it's something bad about trump you believe it. If there's something good you won't. I'd say you listen to the fake news media and take the indoctrination up the ass

Prove that Politifact is wrong about Trump's documented lies. You said you were going to accept my challenge, have you? Nope.
I take it for you if it's something bad about trump you believe it. If there's something good you won't. I'd say you listen to the fake news media and take the indoctrination up the ass

Yes, I think Trump is not trustworthy, thin-skinned; doesn't have the attention span to have a deep understanding of the issues, is clueless about the struggles middle class, has an ego that rivals the universe, he's a bigot and is a little boy in a man's body.
Needless to say I didn't for Trump.
But then I didn't vote for Clinton either. She too is clueless, a Wall Street puppet, isn't trustworthy, out of touch with mainstream America, she's sleazy and she's married to a dickhead.
So, I didn't stoop to vote for the lesser of two big evils. I voted for Evan McMullin.
Unlike you, I don't blindly goose-step to any narrow-minded ideology.
You used the Federalist, which as it's share of fake news stories.
Trump's usage of calling MSM fake news, was also used in the past.
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
Just keep on drinking the Kool-aid.
I think you might be the most retarded close minded person I've ever talked to. I could see if you say trump has done something bad ( I disagree ) but you have not 1 good thing to say about him. He is helping the middle class more than the upper class. His campaign was all about JOBS!! Buy American for American. Guess what he's done that. We are returning the sovernty ( spelled wrong I know lol ) that is much needed in America. We are tired of the political correctness and that is out the door. Trump will be our president for 8 years even if the snowflakes hate it.

You never did find one documented lie that wasn't a lie from the Politifact link I gave you. But then, don't feel to bad, every one of the poster's who were going to prove Politifact wrong, also came up empty.
It's a fact, Trump is a pathological liar and unfortunately, like all of his supporters, they deny reality.
I'm positive, you are one of hi supporters who would continue to support him and go into denial if he actually followed this Trump quote:
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like, incredible.”
You would, wouldn't you?
And you call me retarded? :2up:
I sent you a link. If you wanna discredit it that's fine but they had there data proving it. You obviously believe all the fake news media and take an indoctrination up the ass like a fag snowflake would. Trump has more support than you think because if we come out and say it we will be a racist, you know the list. If you wanna continue being a liberal go for it that's your right as a citizen of the U.S. But judging other for there views is bs. Maybe you personally don't but your party does.
To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

Trump is a man who has been tasked to fix the Obama mess? Really? Can you name any accomplishments that Trump has done that can't be rescinded by the nest POTUS besides having the GOP steal the SC nomination and give it to Trump so he could appoint Gorsuch?

All Trump has done so far is sign EO's (trying to convince his base they are actual legislation), hold rallies, and play golf while telling us how hard he's working.

Got news for you all......................Obama did more in his first 6 months than Trump will ever accomplish in his presidency.
Really? Interesting. I guess the stock market being a record high, low illegal immigration, no transfreaks in the military, pulled out of Paris accord, new weapons deals with other countries, and most of all all the jobs that have been created. Obama ruined America. If you call everything a record low besides national debt ( record high ) great the your screwed in the head. Trump goes to his resort to play golf ( the same place ) other than obama who traveled the world to play. When the president goes somewhere they have to shut the place down for weeks for security purposes etc if he goes to the same place he's saving the hassle of paying security to travel the world to make sure it is safe to let the president to golf. Obama signed the worst deals this country has ever seen. That's statistically proven. Tells us he works hard? I guarantee you that the president works a lot harder than you lazy liberal ass. Do you know how much of an effort it must be to fix obamas mess? When obama left office was the country in good shape to you? If it was than you are definitely retarded!
Stock market's been going up up up for several years now. What has trump done to affect illegal immigration? And you might want to trans soldiers or sailors (btw....when did YOU serve) have been discharged at all. Weapons deals....just what the world needs. How about that fatty in NK? I thought your orange cheeto said he'd do something if they made another threat....well, guess what happened yesterday? What's trump gonna do about it?
Illegal immigration has gone down a large percentage since the great Trump took office. With more jobs being flooded in the U.S it makes more options go on the stock market, making people invest, making it go to a record high. You don't hear about it because the fake news media won't report it. I'm not old enough to serve so that's why I haven't served. But I know for damn sure that I would rather have a man have my back not a girl who the SHE'S a man. Facts don't care about your feelings. When a transfreak thinks there the opposite gender there obviously fucked in the head. All the genes and DNA in that MANS body is male, not female. You liberals sit and say how he is gonna cause more wars and as soon as he doesn't you complain. Our country doesn't have the funds to go to war. If our country isn't in immediate threat then we have no reason to go to war. America first! You can't stump the trump! Get over it!
Even if whay you said is true and Trump raises the minimum wage to $100 and unemployment rate to 0%....he is a liar, a douche, narcissist, asshole, racist, dumb, POS....Pablo Escobar was loved by his people too so was Hitler and others.
He's a compulsive liar and his supporters are compulsive idiots.
Liar? Any proof?

To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

Trump is a man who has been tasked to fix the Obama mess? Really? Can you name any accomplishments that Trump has done that can't be rescinded by the nest POTUS besides having the GOP steal the SC nomination and give it to Trump so he could appoint Gorsuch?

All Trump has done so far is sign EO's (trying to convince his base they are actual legislation), hold rallies, and play golf while telling us how hard he's working.

Got news for you all......................Obama did more in his first 6 months than Trump will ever accomplish in his presidency.
Really? Interesting. I guess the stock market being a record high, low illegal immigration, no transfreaks in the military, pulled out of Paris accord, new weapons deals with other countries, and most of all all the jobs that have been created. Obama ruined America. If you call everything a record low besides national debt ( record high ) great the your screwed in the head. Trump goes to his resort to play golf ( the same place ) other than obama who traveled the world to play. When the president goes somewhere they have to shut the place down for weeks for security purposes etc if he goes to the same place he's saving the hassle of paying security to travel the world to make sure it is safe to let the president to golf. Obama signed the worst deals this country has ever seen. That's statistically proven. Tells us he works hard? I guarantee you that the president works a lot harder than you lazy liberal ass. Do you know how much of an effort it must be to fix obamas mess? When obama left office was the country in good shape to you? If it was than you are definitely retarded!

Really? I mean REALLY? Unemployment came down tremendously in 2015 and 16. Stocks are climbing up third quarter of of 2016. Illegal crossings has also came down in 2016 and years before that . Trump do not deserve all that credits.
What new weapons deal? Are you talking about Saudi Arabia? Dude those are not sales those are called Letter of Intent (LOI ). Get a grip.

Trump inherited an excellent economy and YES the country was in good shape after Obama. Now we looked racist, laughing stock, liars, unreliable, ignorant, arrogant and stupid around the world.

Let say you are not lying---- so why is the unemployment hovering around 5% in 2016, 2 million jobs created 2016, and 2015?
Don't forget the very impressive popularity of Obama here and overseas. True leader and well admired by other leaders compared to Trump almost worthless popularity.

Trump working hard. Really? As of July 3, 2017 Trump spent 20% of his first 160 days at his golf club.

Trump has spent over 20% of his presidency at his golf courses

Trump’s Unimpressive First 200 days
Liar? Any proof?

To answer the first part of your question, there's seven pages of verified lies of Psycho Trump; :up:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
To answer the second part, well there's you, for starters! :happy-1:
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

Trump is a man who has been tasked to fix the Obama mess? Really? Can you name any accomplishments that Trump has done that can't be rescinded by the nest POTUS besides having the GOP steal the SC nomination and give it to Trump so he could appoint Gorsuch?

All Trump has done so far is sign EO's (trying to convince his base they are actual legislation), hold rallies, and play golf while telling us how hard he's working.

Got news for you all......................Obama did more in his first 6 months than Trump will ever accomplish in his presidency.
Really? Interesting. I guess the stock market being a record high, low illegal immigration, no transfreaks in the military, pulled out of Paris accord, new weapons deals with other countries, and most of all all the jobs that have been created. Obama ruined America. If you call everything a record low besides national debt ( record high ) great the your screwed in the head. Trump goes to his resort to play golf ( the same place ) other than obama who traveled the world to play. When the president goes somewhere they have to shut the place down for weeks for security purposes etc if he goes to the same place he's saving the hassle of paying security to travel the world to make sure it is safe to let the president to golf. Obama signed the worst deals this country has ever seen. That's statistically proven. Tells us he works hard? I guarantee you that the president works a lot harder than you lazy liberal ass. Do you know how much of an effort it must be to fix obamas mess? When obama left office was the country in good shape to you? If it was than you are definitely retarded!

Really? I mean REALLY? Unemployment came down tremendously in 2015 and 16. Stocks are climbing up third quarter of of 2016. Illegal crossings has also came down in 2016 and years before that . Trump do not deserve all that credits.
What new weapons deal? Are you talking about Saudi Arabia? Dude those are not sales those are called Letter of Intent (LOI ). Get a grip.

Trump inherited an excellent economy and YES the country was in good shape after Obama. Now we looked racist, laughing stock, liars, unreliable, ignorant, arrogant and stupid around the world.

Let say you are not lying---- so why is the unemployment hovering around 5% in 2016, 2 million jobs created 2016, and 2015?
Don't forget the very impressive popularity of Obama here and overseas. True leader and well admired by other leaders compared to Trump almost worthless popularity.

Trump working hard. Really? As of July 3, 2017 Trump spent 20% of his first 160 days at his golf club.

Trump has spent over 20% of his presidency at his golf courses

Trump’s Unimpressive First 200 days

No kidding, ever hear of GDP.
You know President Trump is not a politician. He is a man that has been tasked to fix the obama mess. And as far as your link does that author or media have any political motive? Any bias?

Trump is a man who has been tasked to fix the Obama mess? Really? Can you name any accomplishments that Trump has done that can't be rescinded by the nest POTUS besides having the GOP steal the SC nomination and give it to Trump so he could appoint Gorsuch?

All Trump has done so far is sign EO's (trying to convince his base they are actual legislation), hold rallies, and play golf while telling us how hard he's working.

Got news for you all......................Obama did more in his first 6 months than Trump will ever accomplish in his presidency.
Really? Interesting. I guess the stock market being a record high, low illegal immigration, no transfreaks in the military, pulled out of Paris accord, new weapons deals with other countries, and most of all all the jobs that have been created. Obama ruined America. If you call everything a record low besides national debt ( record high ) great the your screwed in the head. Trump goes to his resort to play golf ( the same place ) other than obama who traveled the world to play. When the president goes somewhere they have to shut the place down for weeks for security purposes etc if he goes to the same place he's saving the hassle of paying security to travel the world to make sure it is safe to let the president to golf. Obama signed the worst deals this country has ever seen. That's statistically proven. Tells us he works hard? I guarantee you that the president works a lot harder than you lazy liberal ass. Do you know how much of an effort it must be to fix obamas mess? When obama left office was the country in good shape to you? If it was than you are definitely retarded!
Stock market's been going up up up for several years now. What has trump done to affect illegal immigration? And you might want to trans soldiers or sailors (btw....when did YOU serve) have been discharged at all. Weapons deals....just what the world needs. How about that fatty in NK? I thought your orange cheeto said he'd do something if they made another threat....well, guess what happened yesterday? What's trump gonna do about it?
Illegal immigration has gone down a large percentage since the great Trump took office. With more jobs being flooded in the U.S it makes more options go on the stock market, making people invest, making it go to a record high. You don't hear about it because the fake news media won't report it. I'm not old enough to serve so that's why I haven't served. But I know for damn sure that I would rather have a man have my back not a girl who the SHE'S a man. Facts don't care about your feelings. When a transfreak thinks there the opposite gender there obviously fucked in the head. All the genes and DNA in that MANS body is male, not female. You liberals sit and say how he is gonna cause more wars and as soon as he doesn't you complain. Our country doesn't have the funds to go to war. If our country isn't in immediate threat then we have no reason to go to war. America first! You can't stump the trump! Get over it!
Even if whay you said is true and Trump raises the minimum wage to $100 and unemployment rate to 0%....he is a liar, a douche, narcissist, asshole, racist, dumb, POS....Pablo Escobar was loved by his people too so was Hitler and others.
Prove to me with a non biased source that he's racist. Proof! Proof that he came out and said he's racist. Dumb? The man has built one of the most successful businesses out there so obviously he must be some kind of smart. The rest are your opinion and being a conservative I don't get mad about your opinion.

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