Only 35% of liberal whites in California think college is necessary.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is very surprising, to hear liberals say it only conservatives say it is unnecessary.

Only 35 percent of whites in California think college is necessary, poll finds

Deep racial divides among Californians on whether college is necessary

Is college necessary? It turns out about half of Californians don’t think so, according to a new Public Policy Institute of California survey.

And the difference of opinions among ethnic groups is even more surprising: While two-thirds of Latinos answer yes, a slight majority of Asian- and African-Americans think so — but only 35 percent of whites agree

The same disparity holds across different income groups, too: Almost 60 percent of those from households earning less than $40,000 say college is necessary, while only 42 percent from households making at least $80,000 agree.

So what’s behind the numbers? For one, the mounting costs of a college degree and mountains of student debt are big factors behind the growing cynicism, experts say. Another reason: It’s human nature for one group (whites) to underestimate the value of something that comes easier (college access) than it does for others.
But while Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg managed to do just fine without a degree, that’s hardly a recipe for the rest of us. Not everyone has a safety net that makes dropping out of college in the hopes of becoming a tech titan a feasible option, said Audrey Dow, senior vice president of the Campaign for College Opportunity.

Students of color generally don’t have access to the same wealth and capital as their white peers, she said, and their families view college as a path forward.

White families, on the other hand, are more likely to have sent several generations to college and might not recognize that some of their success is due to higher education.

Lower income families may be “feeling like something about their own training falls short,” said Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of the Public Policy Institute of California. “Most people earning over $80,000 think there are many ways to succeed. Obviously many do have college degrees, but maybe they feel their own personal qualities or social networks account for that.”

The survey of more than 1,700 California adults between Oct. 8-17 also found significant gaps between native-born Californians and noncitizen residents on the question of whether college is necessary, with 75 percent of noncitizen California residents saying college is crucial to success and just 38 percent of native-born California residents agreeing.
This is very surprising, to hear liberals say it only conservatives say it is unnecessary.

Only 35 percent of whites in California think college is necessary, poll finds

Deep racial divides among Californians on whether college is necessary

Is college necessary? It turns out about half of Californians don’t think so, according to a new Public Policy Institute of California survey.

And the difference of opinions among ethnic groups is even more surprising: While two-thirds of Latinos answer yes, a slight majority of Asian- and African-Americans think so — but only 35 percent of whites agree

The same disparity holds across different income groups, too: Almost 60 percent of those from households earning less than $40,000 say college is necessary, while only 42 percent from households making at least $80,000 agree.

So what’s behind the numbers? For one, the mounting costs of a college degree and mountains of student debt are big factors behind the growing cynicism, experts say. Another reason: It’s human nature for one group (whites) to underestimate the value of something that comes easier (college access) than it does for others.

But while Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg managed to do just fine without a degree, that’s hardly a recipe for the rest of us. Not everyone has a safety net that makes dropping out of college in the hopes of becoming a tech titan a feasible option, said Audrey Dow, senior vice president of the Campaign for College Opportunity.

Students of color generally don’t have access to the same wealth and capital as their white peers, she said, and their families view college as a path forward.

White families, on the other hand, are more likely to have sent several generations to college and might not recognize that some of their success is due to higher education.

Lower income families may be “feeling like something about their own training falls short,” said Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of the Public Policy Institute of California. “Most people earning over $80,000 think there are many ways to succeed. Obviously many do have college degrees, but maybe they feel their own personal qualities or social networks account for that.”

The survey of more than 1,700 California adults between Oct. 8-17 also found significant gaps between native-born Californians and noncitizen residents on the question of whether college is necessary, with 75 percent of noncitizen California residents saying college is crucial to success and just 38 percent of native-born California residents agreeing.

Who the heck needs a college degree to get on welfare?
This is very surprising, to hear liberals say it only conservatives say it is unnecessary.

You do realize that not all Californians are liberals, right?

Okay, so let's look at that. I think the problem is, we've made college necessary because HS doesn't really prepare people to work.

In my previous line of work, which was purchasing until I started my own business, you didn't need a college degree to get a job in that field 25 years ago. Just strong math skills and good negotiating skills. That was it. So I worked with a lot of buyers who didn't have a college degree.

Today, you can't get into entry level purchasing jobs without one. I knew a lady who had 25 years of purchasing experience, but because she lacked a college degree, it took her two years to find a job in the last recession.

And it's getting worse. Now, they don't just want any bachelor's degree, they want one specifically related to Business Administration.
Do you believe me now when I say most WHITE liberals (especially the ones that post here) are useless trust fund losers?
This is very surprising, to hear liberals say it only conservatives say it is unnecessary.

You do realize that not all Californians are liberals, right?

Okay, so let's look at that. I think the problem is, we've made college necessary because HS doesn't really prepare people to work.

In my previous line of work, which was purchasing until I started my own business, you didn't need a college degree to get a job in that field 25 years ago. Just strong math skills and good negotiating skills. That was it. So I worked with a lot of buyers who didn't have a college degree.

Today, you can't get into entry level purchasing jobs without one. I knew a lady who had 25 years of purchasing experience, but because she lacked a college degree, it took her two years to find a job in the last recession.

And it's getting worse. Now, they don't just want any bachelor's degree, they want one specifically related to Business Administration.

The state is very Red in the far north and out in the farm/ranch areas..

the BA is almost equivalent to what a highschool degree was when I graduated high school many years ago.

My eldest is smart on the computer, but his chances of landing a good paying job were slim unless if he had a computer science BA

There really is not any reason not to get a BA because of the Junior colleges being affordable .

This is very surprising, to hear liberals say it only conservatives say it is unnecessary.

You do realize that not all Californians are liberals, right?

Okay, so let's look at that. I think the problem is, we've made college necessary because HS doesn't really prepare people to work.

In my previous line of work, which was purchasing until I started my own business, you didn't need a college degree to get a job in that field 25 years ago. Just strong math skills and good negotiating skills. That was it. So I worked with a lot of buyers who didn't have a college degree.

Today, you can't get into entry level purchasing jobs without one. I knew a lady who had 25 years of purchasing experience, but because she lacked a college degree, it took her two years to find a job in the last recession.

And it's getting worse. Now, they don't just want any bachelor's degree, they want one specifically related to Business Administration.

The state is very Red in the far north and out in the farm/ranch areas..

the BA is almost equivalent to what a highschool degree was when I graduated high school many years ago.

My eldest is smart on the computer, but his chances of landing a good paying job were slim unless if he had a computer science BA

There really is not any reason not to get a BA because of the Junior colleges being affordable .


I agree, college has become a big money making scheme, whether it's the big universities or on-line scams like the University of Phoenix.


Pictured: University of Phoenix graduation ceremony.
Necessary... for what?

35% of Californians think they will literally die without their gender degree diploma.

I bet their gender studies teachers told them that, and they were stupid enough to believe it all. Not surprising considering they were dumb enough to enroll into gender studies. They graduate even dumber than that indeed.

Well, anti-Trumpers have to come from somewhere.
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Do you believe me now when I say most WHITE liberals (especially the ones that post here) are useless trust fund losers?

No, nobody believes you.

I wish i had a trust fund.
Well, you and people like you consist of pathetic hypocritical unappreciative losers who seemingly have lived a great life with the opportunities the free market provided and then as you collect your pension living in a upper middle class lifestyle you piss all over the free market that provided it.

You all yell about lowering taxes and yet all of you gleefully take your tax relief. None you pathetic big government socialists ever voluntarily pay more taxes and yet you can.

A lot like how you ungrateful hypocritical gasbags chant about THE global warming and actually do nothing about it. You certainly enjoy all of the things made from petroleum. To a pathetic ungrateful hypocritical gasbag like you, who never purchased one carbon credit, thinks hating republicans well enough and being a good enough socialist is doing something.

Yet, none of you losers ever take the time to wonder why NO REPORTS OF AMERICANS escaping this "American tyranny" to float down to your utopia Cuba. Oh, but the other way around. You wont even attempt to answer why if things are so great under YOUR gods the castros, why so many risk drowining or being eaten to get here.

You are a pathetic ungrateful scumbag peeing on the country that provided all of the things you enjoy.

Which means JoeB, that you and every fucking loser like you are worse than useless pathetic trust fund elitists on the left.
College is probably necessary for 35 percent of the population

The rest can get by without it
If you really believe that a college education is now necessary then you should support treating college the same way we treat K-12,
make it available as public education to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
If we hadn't let the corporations and the other money interests send millions of our jobs overseas for the sake of dirt cheap wages,

we wouldn't need so many people with college educations.
College is probably necessary for 35 percent of the population

The rest can get by without it
Yeah, in a free market assface. Good Lord, you pathetic people.

Oh, and btw, even in a free market without a degree you better be prepared to work your fucking ass off. Human nature says that is not typical.

Oh, and another thing. Useless fucking degrees like Arts or theater or bullshit like that are fucking worthless and trust fund fucks are the ones that get those.

Other degrees like business or finance etc are very necessary. You fuck.
Some people can't cut college
It is not easy

For them, it is not necessary
The value of an education couldn't be more clearer here:


What does that have anything to do with it.....Are you that shallow?

Since you can't read, I can't help you.

Oh I can read and I make more a week then someone with a bachelor's degree and I didn't have to waste 4 years and a hundred grand in student debt to attain it.

Then you should have seen that I was essentially agreeing with you, dumbass.

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