One unmentioned fact about Rosenstein indicting Russia for hacking...


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2018
Exactly where I am
The info that was gathered that led to this indictment of Russia for hacking, was fully produced by the USA hacking Russia.

So why is it illegal for Russia to hack the USA, but its perfectly fine for the USA to hack Russia.

Rosenstein is a hypocritical swamp fool
Amazing that no mater who is doing it or why, any one could defend the illegal hacking of elections.
Amazing that no mater who is doing it or why, any one could defend the illegal hacking of elections.
it's sad that people defend MS 13, but they do it.
I cant wait to see this, I hope they hire a lawyer to show up in court....and watch them jerk everyone around, again
MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Yet another batch of Washington’s allegations about Russia’s meddling with the 2016 presidential elections in the United States is geared to spoil the atmosphere ahead of the upcoming Russian-US summit in Helsinki on July 16, the Russian foreign ministry said on Friday.

"Obviously, this discharge is geared to spoil the atmosphere ahead of the Russian-US summit. Now influential political forces in the United States, which are against normalization of relations between our countries and for two years have been indulging in vilifying Russia, are trying to get the most out of yet another fake matter that will be forgotten very soon," the ministry said.

US’ new accusations against Russia geared to spoil atmosphere ahead of Helsinki summit
I never seen so many conservatives outraged over Russians being indicted

I just posted a story of a police chief FALSELY indicting american citizens and conservatives reply was "big deal"

But they are outraged behind Russians being indicted?

Trump lovers are pathetic
I never seen so many conservatives outraged over Russians being indicted

I just posted a story of a police chief FALSELY indicting american citizens and conservatives reply was "big deal"

But they are outraged behind Russians being indicted?

Trump lovers are pathetic
I think you miss the point. It is not the indictments that people are finding obnoxious, it's the timing of the release of news that they have been issued. The news about the indictments occured almost simultaneously with the demands by the Trump-haters that the President cancel his meeting with Putin or at least be constrained to having observers in attendance at said meeting.

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