One Reason Americans Elected Trump....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In another smack in Obama's kisser, Trump makes a significant statement to the 7th century savages who rule Iran.....

"US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel
TEL AVIV, Israel — U.S. and Israeli officers broke ground in Israel on Monday for a permanent U.S. Army base that will house dozens of U.S. soldiers, operating under the American flag, and charged with the mission of defending against rocket and missile attack.

The American base, officers in Israel say, will be an independent facility co-located at the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near the desert capital of Beersheba. Once completed, the base will house U.S. operational systems to identify and intercept a spectrum of aerial threats, along with barracks, recreational and other facilities required to support several dozen American air defenders.

...the first ever stationing of a U.S. Army unit on Israeli soil,” he said. “The U.S. and Israel have long planned together, exercised together, trained together. And now, with the opening of this site, these crucial interactions will occur every day. We’ll have Israeli airmen, US soldiers living and working side by side.”
US breaks ground for new permanent base in Israel

Just what we need, more of our troops stationed in other countries defending them instead of defending the US.
I think the biggest, general reason America voted for Trump is because his message was so much more interestingly ambitious for America. While the Democrat platform was just more Islam cocksucking while scolding America that everything in the universe is somehow racist and we all need to wallow in guilt and shame. And I have yet to see a self-hatred zeitgeist do any country any good of any kind.
I think the biggest, general reason America voted for Trump is because his message was so much more interestingly ambitious for America. While the Democrat platform was just more Islam cocksucking while scolding America that everything in the universe is somehow racist and we all need to wallow in guilt and shame. And I have yet to see a self-hatred zeitgeist do any country any good of any kind.

I just said 'one reason.'
rump appealed to the many low IQ voters who know very little about the world or America.
rump appealed to the many low IQ voters who know very little about the world or America.

LaxMan....did you happen to vote for the war criminal who awarded nuclear weapons to the nation named by the State Department as the world's worse states sponsor of terrorism???

Looks very much like "low IQ voters who know very little about the world or America" is a proprietary description of Democrat voters, doesn't it, you dunce.
Trump was elected because Americans finally realized that Democrats always lie and their promises are never kept. It really IS that simple. But how enough Americans managed to overcome their public school indoctrinations - now THERE'S the mystery!
One reason why trump was elected is because we have far too many sick fk's that are republicans before they're americans

Trump's popularity takes a plunge—approval rating closes in on all-time low

You actually still believe the polls,you dolt????

a. October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

"Clinton is expected to get 332 electoral votes, while Trump is predicted to get just 206, according to the Moody's Analytics model, which is based on three economic and three political factors." Moody's Analytics model predicts big Clinton win

b. really rub your face in it.....this from the Washington Post last week:

"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election
— a new poll shows that 2016 voters look as though they'd still pick Trump, albeit about as narrowly as they did before.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll asked respondents how they'd vote in a redo of the 2016 election, and, if anything, Clinton seems to have lost more ground than Trump."

Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

Wipe that egg off your face....'s an improvement.
One reason why trump was elected is because we have far too many sick fk's that are republicans before they're americans

Did you say 'Americans,' eddie????

.....did you happen to vote for the war criminal who awarded nuclear weapons to the nation named by the State Department as the world's worse states sponsor of terrorism??? put it even more correctly....did you vote for
.....Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

Speak up, eddie.
Obama supporters had no trouble discerning where his heart laid.....

Back in 2008:

"Jesse Jackson: 'Zionists Control US, to Lose Clout Under Obama'

Jackson told New York Post Obama win would bring an end to "decades of putting Israel's interests first."

As U.S. President, Democratic candidate Barack Obama would fundamentally change American policy in the Middle East and keep "Zionists" from controlling it, civil rights activist and Baptist minister Jesse Jackson was quoted as saying Tuesday."
Jesse Jackson: 'Zionists Control US, to Lose Clout Under Obama'

Some may claim that Obama merely hated Israel....but most saw what was really going on:

" "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."
Martin Luther King,Jr.
Sorry Dr. King Did Not Consider You An Enlightened Anti-Zionist. Deal With It. Douglas Anthony Cooper

Fact of the matter, it is that Judeo-Christian basis of Western Civilization that Obama hates.

Astounding how many Jewish folks he managed to take with him.....
Trump is the absolute best. Every day he makes me more proud of the man in the oval office.

Four More Years!
One reason why trump was elected is because we have far too many sick fk's that are republicans before they're americans

Did you say 'Americans,' eddie????

.....did you happen to vote for the war criminal who awarded nuclear weapons to the nation named by the State Department as the world's worse states sponsor of terrorism??? put it even more correctly....did you vote for
.....Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

Speak up, eddie.
YES I proudly can say I did and would do so again in a Brooklyn minute

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