One More Fabrication: “The Southern Strategy”


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
Republicans say it was democrats who owned slaves but today it’s republicans who worship Robert e lee and fly confederate flags...and go to kkk rally’s.

And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist
Republicans say it was democrats who owned slaves but today it’s republicans who worship Robert e lee and fly confederate flags...and go to kkk rally’s.

And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist

Hard to imagine how you can put together syncretic notes.....things having nothing to do with each other....and imagine (I almost said 'think') it worth posting.
In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
Oh no....all of the racist Democrats switched to Republican. Literally by magic. POOF!!!!
The Southern Strategy is clearly a false-hood, considering today's Southerners seem to be less racist.

Southerners are clearly easily brainwashed, thanks in part to their British ethnic origins.

They were easily manipulated by the Racist Capitalists, and now the anti-Racist Capitalists too.
Republicans say it was democrats who owned slaves but today it’s republicans who worship Robert e lee and fly confederate flags...and go to kkk rally’s.

And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist

Your linking of confederate flags and the kkk, is you being a bigot.

It is not credible that you missed the last 150 years, where the Confederate Flag, lost it's role as a symbol of secession and became a symbol of regional pride.

So, you are thus, lying, in order to rationalize your bigotry.
In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

The evidence being... the preponderance of consistent Red States in the Old South versus the number of consistent Blue States pre-1964.

Next batter, please.
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Republicans say it was democrats who owned slaves but today it’s republicans who worship Robert e lee and fly confederate flags...and go to kkk rally’s.

And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist

Your linking of confederate flags and the kkk, is you being a bigot.

It is not credible that you missed the last 150 years, where the Confederate Flag, lost it's role as a symbol of secession and became a symbol of regional pride.

So, you are thus, lying, in order to rationalize your bigotry.

I'm gonna ask you to modify that post in this way...

While born and bred Southerners see the statues and the flag as their history and heritage....not an endorsement of slavery or racism, the Democrat Party- believing that every Southerner is as racist as the party is.....have played the flag as a call to racism.

Bill Clinton, life-long Democrat and life-long racist, used the flag in that way:
  1. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

Next batter, please.

Actually, there is no problem with the OP, which is 100% true, accurate, and correct.

The same cannot be said for your post, dunce.

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

They were Dixiecrats....not Dixiecans.

Racists remained Democrats, and went right back to voting Democrat.

1. There were plenty of southern integrationists. They were Republicans.

2. 1966- pro-integrationist Republican Winthrop Rockefeller won Arkansas, replacing Clinton-pal Orval Faubus.

3. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …” Research - Articles - Journals | Research better, faster at HighBeam Research

a. Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.

b. Calloway appealed to the Supreme Court….but the court upheld the legislature’s decision.

c. On that very Supreme Court was former KKK member Justice Hugo Black.

d. Democrat Hugo Black was Democrat FDR’s first appointee, in 1937. This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

e. And, Hugo Black's anti-Catholic bias, which showed up in his actions on the Supreme Court:

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

f. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

g. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

4. 1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia

5. 1957- Democrat Sam Ervin, another liberal luminary, instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon, told his fellow segregationists, and who led the Watergate investigation, said of the 1957 civil rights bill: “We’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something. We’re not gonna be able to get out of here until we’ve got some kind of ****** bill.’ Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson,” xv.

Consider yourself schooled.
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In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

The evidence being... the preponderance of consistent Red States in the Old South versus the number of consistent Blue States pre-1964.

Next batter, please.

In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

The evidence being... the preponderance of consistent Red States in the Old South versus the number of consistent Blue States pre-1964.

Next batter, please.

Your map does nothing to refute my assertion that there are now more states voting CONSISTENTLY red than blue.


Not an occasional exception to the rule, like 1976, when people could not forgive Ford for pardoning Nixon, but CONSISTENTLY.

Go find the track record of each state of the Old South from 1964 to the present day.

Average them out.

The answer will not please you, nor support your silly assertions.
And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist
On other threads they'll tell you that racism isn't an issue any more.

All one can do is observe at this point.

"...they'll tell you that racism isn't an issue any more."

Can you give a few examples of where it is?


Of course you can't, fence-sitter.
In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

The evidence being... the preponderance of consistent Red States in the Old South versus the number of consistent Blue States pre-1964.

Next batter, please.

Your map does nothing to refute my assertion that there are now more states voting CONSISTENTLY red than blue.


Not an occasional exception to the rule, like 1976, when people could not forgive Ford for pardoning Nixon, but CONSISTENTLY.

Go find the track record of each state of the Old South from 1964 to the present day.

Average them out.

The answer will not please you, nor support your silly assertions.

First off.....this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.
The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators.

Second, later in the thread I will provide the numbers to show you how the Democrats/Dixiecrats voted.

Racists remained Democrat, the nation move away from racism....including Southern voters.
5. Where do all the bogus scenarios come from?

Well, hardly anyone would argue that universities are to Liberalism what monasteries were to Christianity….so where is the surprise that the academic produce has a Democrat/Liberal bent?

There is Liberal historian (is that redundant?) Kevin Kruse peddling the pap that all Republican voters are racist segregationists….you know, trying to support the ‘Southern Strategy’ lie.

He calls ‘white-flight’ from crime-ridden, Liberal controlled, inner cities a kind of ‘suburban secession.’

Kevin Kruse, “White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern ConNservatism,” P.251

Of course, any sane individual would do the same…and it was equally true of middle class blacks, who fled as well.
After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Name all Democrat Senate and House members who "shifted". A list should be easy enough for you to find.
By some of the broad sweeping logic being presented here 'sustinet unum alterum'; I'll follow suit with an assertion. All NFL quarterbacks are anti American! Colin Kapernick, lol :)
In order to hide their racist background, the Democrats/Liberals have developed a story line that the party created to end slavery somehow decided to ‘flip’ and become an endorser of racism….and then engaged in a ‘Southern Strategy’ to win the racist vote in the South.


Time to blow up that lie.

1.The facts are simple: The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
To obfuscate this and fortify it, the Democrats have largely used lies and violence.

One truly sophomoric attempt has been the ‘flip flop’ pretense, that a century after the Civil War, still sulking because the Republicans pried their slaves away from them, they tried to claim that the party formed to fight the Democrats and slavery, suddenly became the racists.

The lie is easily defeated by asking any reliable Democrat voter what the chances are that they would suddenly become Trump supporters.

2. Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

3. “The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….

Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’” "Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

4.”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
There is only one problem with your partisan adventure in spin-doctoring...

After the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act, Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) shifted to the Republican Party.

Taking the Dixiecrat mindset with them, to the opposite side of the aisle.

The evidence being... the preponderance of consistent Red States in the Old South versus the number of consistent Blue States pre-1964.

Next batter, please.

Your map does nothing to refute my assertion that there are now more states voting CONSISTENTLY red than blue.


Not an occasional exception to the rule, like 1976, when people could not forgive Ford for pardoning Nixon, but CONSISTENTLY.

Go find the track record of each state of the Old South from 1964 to the present day.

Average them out.

The answer will not please you, nor support your silly assertions.

Yes, the south became republican, eventually.

But that does not support that that was driven by race. Other factors were in play.
And you say there was no flip? Learn history lady and not revisionist
On other threads they'll tell you that racism isn't an issue any more. All one can do is observe at this point.
"...they'll tell you that racism isn't an issue any more."
Can you give a few examples of where it is?
Of course you can't, fence-sitter.

Dude. THis is a thread about the supposed Southern Strategy,

you came to post in it, but you refuse to address the topic, other than to make snarky comments?

Can you see why we are sooo pissed?

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